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Adaline's POV-

Josh and I were sitting at our usual science table working on our lab. 

A- Josh stop that's not how you do it!!

I say grabbing his hands trying to stop him before he pours the liquid into the test tube

J- why can't I do it this way?

he says with a smirk on his face

A- because joshua

J- don't call me that

I giggle knowing made him upset. Me and josh have been talking for awhile but neither of us made a move. Josh was popular in school and I was shy and quiet. Complete opposites and yet we fell for each other.

I grab his hand and lead it to the right liquid.

A- you have to do this one fir-


I felt fear wash over me as we all get up and run over to the wall and crouch together. All we could hear was screaming and gunshots. I scooch closer to josh with tears streaming to down my face. I grab his arm and start tracing his tattoos as a way to calm myself down. Josh takes my hand and interlocks our fingers. He rubs soothing circles on my hand. In the sense of chaos I remembered that I needed to text my mom and my dad. I pulled my phone out and immediately texted them. I told them that I loved them and that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it out alive. I hit send and then put my phone back in my back pocket. 

I heard loud footsteps and laughing coming from down the hall. Everyone was trying to get as far away from the door as they could. Josh pulled me into him and onto his lap. He held my head close to him.

A- josh josh josh josh josh josh josh

I whispered quietly 

J- shhh I know baby just stay calm


Everytime we heard a shot he pulled my head closer to him.

A- josh i'm scared

J- i know babygirl

A- what if we die

J- don't say that, just stay as calm as you can be

I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. He played with my hair. My tears soaked through his shirt and I took in all of his scent. He lifted my head up from his chest.

J- addie baby don't cry

he said while wiping my tears. At that moment the door handle started jiggling and  the shooter was banging on the door. I flinch at the sound. More tears pour down my face. Josh buries my head back into his chest. I wrap my arms around him tightly. About 30 minutes pass by and the police officers come and knock on the door to get us out. They hadn't found the shooter yet so we had to make an escape. I grab josh's hand and we follow everyone else out the door. When we got outside we were told to put our hands up so we did. We were checked so we were able to leave. Josh took me to school this morning so he said that he would take me home. I got into his car and just broke down. Josh was talking to his friend so I decided to call my mom. 

A- hi mom

AM- thank god your ok. I was worried sick

A- i'm alright mom. Josh is going to take me home by the way.

AM- is he alright?

A- yeah we stayed together the whole time

AM- me and your dad are at home so when you get home we can spend the rest of the evening together.

A- alright bye mom love you

AM- I love you to sweetie

I hung up and went back to crying in josh's car

after about 5 minutes josh gets in the car

J- are you ok addie

A- I guess so

He turns to look at me and places his hands on my thighs 

J- i know that was scary I understand completely. That was probably one of the scariest things you will ever go through. We are out and we are going home. We are alive ok so that's all that matters. I love you adaline, So much ok and I hate seeing you like this.

Ok wait pause did he just tell me he loved me? 

A- i love you to

He grabs my hand and we listen to music all the way to my house.

J- I'll facetime you tonight k?

A- ok

We sat in silence for a few moments until we both found ourselves leaning in for a deep and passionate kiss. This ended up being one of the best yet worst days of my life.

A/N- hey guys I know it's been a bit. This one is just a bit of a filler because I am fixing to start writing one someone recommended for me to write so  keep your eyes out for that one. I am still very busy thankfully spring break is coming up soon and so is summer break so I will be able to write more then but in between the breaks I will still be extremely busy so just bare with me.

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