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Josh's Pov-

It was about 7 am when I heard my babygirl crying from her crib over the baby monitor. I roll out of the bed and make my way to her room. I am a single father and I love my daughter more than anything in the world. Her mother wasn't very happy that she got pregnant bt was willing to go full term. I stayed with her during the whole pregnancy and after she gave birth to Ella, my daughter, she broke up with me and gave me Ella. When she broke up with me I was heartbroken but yet relieved at the same time. Our relationship was very toxic. I was just upset that my daughter's mother wasn't going to be in her life. When all of that happened I promised myself that I was going to give Ella the best life that she ever have. And that brings us to today. I open her door and turn on her lamp. I walk over to her crib and see her standing up and making grabby hands at me.

J- Hi babygirl

I say as I pick her up out of her crib.

E- dada

J- that's right baby I'm daddy

E-  dwaddy

J- that's it

I say proud of her. We have been working on her speech and it sounds like its working. We as in the boys but mostly me. They've been trying to get her to say shotgun but first of all my daughter will absolutely not be shotgunning especially as a 1 year old and second of all she can barely say dada right now so I think shotgun is a little bit too big for her right now.

J- did you sleep good last night?

E- es

She says while putting her head into the crook of my neck

J- ok so we are gonna go to dada's room so her can get ready and then we are going to come get you ready so be thinking about what you want to wear

E- otay

We walk back into my room and I set her on the bed and turn on aerial because this girl love her some aerial. I walk into the bathroom making sure I leave the door open so I can see her. I brush my teeth and then jump in the shower and rinse off super fast. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waste and walk back out into my room to see her so interested in the TV that she doesn't even see me. I look at her for a moment and just admire how much she looks like her mom.

E- dwaddy

She shrieks with excitement

J- shhh baby inside voices 

E- swowy 

she says while going back to watching the TV

J- it's ok

I walk into my closet and put my clothes  on for the day. I walk back out into my room and I pause the movie and then me and ella go back to her room and get her dressed. I put her in this: 

 I put her in this: 

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