Cali- Bubba!!!
Cali shrieks as her parents open up the door to reveal her big brother
Josh- Hey Cali!!
Josh says as he picks her up
Josh's mom- Thank you so much for watching her for awhile
Josh- It's honestly nothing. I love this little stinker
He says while tickling her tummy
Josh- Do you know when you guys will be back?
Josh's dad- I have no clue bud
Josh's parents have always been traveling away for long periods of time for work even he was little. He would always have to go to his grandparents house or and aunt and uncle's house while they were gone. And they were gone for months at a time most of the time. Cali was a surprise to say the least. He went from being an only child to having a baby sister in no time. Although they are 17 years apart they have and unbreakable bond. Josh didn't want his baby sister to go what he had to go through when he was little so he decided to take her in.
Josh's mom- Well we have to get going, our plane leaves in 2 hours
Josh's dad- We love you both very much and we will see you when we get back
Josh hug his mom and tells her goodbye and does the same to her dad
Josh- Bubs tell mommy and daddy bye bye
Cali- Bye Bye mommy, bye bye dada
Josh's dad- Take care of her for me?
Josh- always will
And with that they were gone. Josh was surprised Cali wasn't crying yet but I think she was just content playing with his rings. Josh did live alone at the moment but still went to sway everyday. The sway boys already knew and loved Cali as Josh has watched her before.
Cali- Oshy I hungry
She said with a pouty lip
Josh- well what do you want to eat? We have chicken nuggets, mac n ch-
Josh- Cali Grace we don't yell
Cail- I-i-i sowy
Cali says almost in tears
Josh- Cali baby don't cry
He says while embracing her in a hug
Cali- Can me still have macky cheese
Josh- Of course princess
( okay i'm tired of writing full name it is now J and C )
Josh turns sofia the first on the tv and puts cali down so she can watch and then heads to the kitchen to make some mac n cheese. Before cali came he stocked up on all of her favorites. About 20 minutes later Josh called Calis name multiple times but she didn't come and walked into the living room to find her asleep on the couch with buddy. I wake up cali and carry her to the kitchen and put her in her high chair.
J- Morning sleepy head
C- Me was very sweepy
J- yeah?
C- yeah but me also very hungy
J- I bet so
The conversation I have with this kid, josh thought.
J- is it good
C- mhmm
She had it all over her face and she was so freakin cute. Cali stopped eating for a minute and just looked at me.

Josh Richards Imagines
Teen FictionHeyyy! The book itself is probably not going to be that great but it is what it is. So basically it is just cute imagines ( and maybe some smut ) about Josh Richards. If you have any suggestions or any particular imagines you want just let me know b...