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Keigo POV:

"Well played," Touya conceded, nervously eyeing the feather at his throat, then looking me in the eyes, he smiled, "but you're going to have to do a lot better than that if you want to catch me," my eyes widened, I heard Mirko the rabbit hero yell something behind me. I glanced back quickly at her she was hopping nimbly over garbage bags scattered along the alleyway she was carrying handcuffs, but she would be too late. A portal opened under the smirking villain. I tried to tackle him before he was completely gone. Too late. The portal swallowed him completely.

His laughter resounded in the alleyway as I grasped at thin air, almost running into a garbage can before I snapped up my wings and stopped, landing safely on the ground.

I was shaking, why? I couldn't tell. Weather it was fear at what my father would do when he found out he had let the villain Dabi escape again, or anger that at Touya, even though it wasn't my fault. Touya had bested me once again.

I felt a gloved hand on my shoulder and whirled around almost impaling Mirko with the feather I was still holding,
"Woah there chicken boy," Mirko cautioned,
"Oh, I didn't know it was you," I muttered, not responding to the nickname, "sorry Mirko," she gave me a grim smile, she always knew what I was thinking.
"So, he got away again," it wasn't a question but I nodded anyway,
"I really thought I had him this time, I was so close," I groused, frustrated with myself, I should have expected Kurogiri to show up.

"Hey it's not your fault," Mirko tried to console me, though nothing she said could change what my father thought, "you couldn't have known Warpgate was going to show up," I nodded, there was no point arguing with her, though capturing villains is what I had been trained to do, to know what a villain was going to do. I was useless, I of all people should know Touya.

Mirko glanced behind them, "we should leave now, the cops can handle it from here," I nodded again following Mirko back out into the street summoning the feathers cast aside in the battle as I passed, feeling the familiar tug of a feather that would always be out of reach I knew that feather well. Smiling I plodded after Mirko.

Hi, this chapter is kinda short too and may sound weird at some places because I wrote this at like 3am🥲
Anyways I'll try to update at least once a day.
Thanks for reading, bye!
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