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Keigo POV:

I sighed as I flew over Kyushu as the
lights lit up the city. I was on night patrol as always, I would have found it beautiful if I were only a bystander, if I didn't know the cities faults.

Lost in my thoughts I almost let a blue flash of light that flashed in my peripheral go unnoticed, that was until I heard a woman's high pitched shriek followed by silence. Instinctively tucking my wings into my body I dove angling myself to where the sound had been.

Then another flash of blue light only moments later but this time farther away caused me to veer course. I touched down soundlessly at the entrance to an alleyway. Dark and silent showing no sign of the inferno I knew was there only moments before. A flicker of flame at the end of the alley lit up the patchwork face of the person holding it, of someone I dreaded but knew I would inevitably meet.

     "Touya" I whispered and was met with a grin of acknowledgement.
     "That's me" Touya admitted all too gleeful for a person who was supposed to be hiding his identity. When I pointed this out Touya's grin only grew wider as he said, "You already know me Keigo,"
     "I do," I sighed exasperated, "but we're not supposed to be throwing out our real names like it's nothing, for all we know there are cameras in this alleyway, speaking of, what did you do to that woman I heard scream earlier?"

     "You worry too much" he teased rocking back on his heels, avoiding the question I noticed.
     "I have to arrest you this time, they're starting to get suspicious,"
     "They meaning you're dear old dad" Touya guessed cocking an eyebrow.
I nodded, embarrassed and looked away, after all I was still a weak little coward, I had never wanted to be a hero, I was still to scared to say anything for fear of punishment, but again and again I made a mistake did something wrong I had to be nothing short of perfect or I would be punished over and over again. But Touya had escaped, faked his death, renounced heros, the lab, his father.

I didn't notice Touya was getting closer until a splash sounded when he stepped in a puddle. I sent out a brigade a feathers all successfully dodged, "Chill Keigo," Touya murmured coming to a halt
     "Not a step closer," I growled. Touya didn't move, "what do you want? Why are you here?" I demanded
     "Geez," Touya grinned lazily, " can't I just pay you a visit without having any ulterior motives?"
     "Not in our position, I'm still a hero and you're still a villain," I retorted harshly.

There was silence for several seconds, I knew I had no reason to be cruel to Touya. I was just bitter that he got out and left me behind, "I-," I faltered, "I thought we had something," Touya seemed taken aback and started to say something but I had to finish, "at least we had to be friends," I pleaded, "but then," I trailed off,
     "But then I left you behind, I promised you I would come back," Touya finished shamefully.


15 years ago Dr.Takami my father, a generic and muscular specialist started a hero training school, above ground it was just regular hero training but beneath, that's where the real operation was going on. Mixing the genes of powerful quirk donors of the upper class trying to make a name for themselves through their children, most of them died at infanthood and in the unlikely chance the made it past the age of 6 they died during training. I lived at the lab since I was 7 despite my mother's protests that's I was still just a child my father dragged me into the life of a hero in training.

Before I knew it 3 years of my life were spent in a haze as if I were sleep walking. That changed when my father led Endeavor down the halls with his son Touya Todoroki.

Hi! Author here! I hope you like this first chapter I have 2 more I will publish as soon as I get the chance but I have to transfer them from paper to phone first which could take a while🥲

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