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The girl behind him in the picture is Mio. Idk who it's actually supposed to be so...🤷🏽‍♀️

I was running. I was running as fast as I could, my wings were too damaged to fly. So I ran. I ran until I could no longer run, until every breath was a struggle. I ran until the air felt like lava burning my lungs. I ran until my legs ached and felt like they were incased in tar. My chest throbbed from the rapid beating of my heart which seemed like it was trying to break out of my chest. I ducked into an alley hiding behind a dumpster. The rain pounded mercilessly on my skinny and frail body. My breathing was loud and ragged. I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to be quiet.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are little birdie." A voice called. There was laughter and the sound of footsteps splashing through puddles. "We already found your little lady friend." My head shot up. They had found Mio. I stood up on heavy legs.
"No." I breathed, "No. No, no, no." I muttered. I walked shakily towards the voices. The man who had been talking turned the corner. Except he wasn't who I had remembered it was. The man grinned.
"There you are."


I awoke with a start.
"No, no, no. That's not how it's supposed to go." I muttered. The man in the alley the one who had always haunted my dreams had changed, he'd shifted, the previously dark over shadowed face had been unveiled. It was my father. The nightmare that had always haunted me changed. Mio. I thought, Mio had been my dearest friend ever since Touya left. She was the only one who'd survived past childhood. And they killed her. They killed her, she didn't do anything and still they killed her.

That dream was from the night I had tried to run. I'd told Touya, except I'd left out the part with Mio. She was a beautiful young 'experiment', she was 13 when she'd planned an escape with me. We had gotten out of the lab easily but life on the streets was cruel. We were found by a gang, looking for money. Mio had tripped and twisted her ankle. She told me to go on, she said she'd meet me at our hideout, an old rundown gas station. But the gang had gotten to her first. They'd thought she had money, and when she didn't, they got mad. They'd beat her until she'd died. A kick to the head, had been the final blow. The one where I had watched her stop struggling. The one where the men around her laughed. She was laying there, all the life gone from her beautiful eyes. Now they were hollowed out her soul having left her body.

That was the moment it hit me of how cruel and merciless the world is to the things, or people, that didn't matter to it. "But she mattered to me." I said out loud. Tears began to stream down my face. I clenched my fists, I was no longer sad. No. That had passed long ago. Now I was filled with a raging fury.

How could the world, the cold, dark, world. Take away a life. A life from a girl, who was barely in her teens. A girl so kind, and pure. One who defied every temptation to do bad. How could the world take away her life? In a single moment? While there was no way to bring her back?

They say the most important things happen in a second, and that could not be any truer.


You can break something in two seconds. But it can take forever to fix.
-Salma Hayek

This is kind of a rant

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