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Touya POV:

The mission had gone as planned, until Hawks showed up, but it was fine now. I had taken the Nomu samples back from the scientist who was researching it. I had to kill her, of course to destroy the evidence, it was a shame, she could have been useful.

I showed Shigaraki I got the samples then headed straight to the lab to improve the Nomu's further.

I felt a tug on his neck, checked that no one else was in the room and pulled out the necklace from beneath my shirt. On it was a feather, Keigo's feather.


12 years ago Keigo was trying to help me plan my escape,
"If I don't leave tomorrow then I'll never leave," I told Keigo. So after lights out we began planning.
"Tomorrow on the mountain I'll set an out of control fire and escape while they're distracted," Keigo nodded, "and the body?" I asked, "won't they be suspicious if they don't find one,"
"If the flames are hot enough then there wouldn't be a body," Keigo chattered popping his head down from the top bunk to grin at me, I smiled back, this would be the last time that would happen I realized, weather the plan worked or not I would be gone. My smile quickly faded.
"You should dye you're hair so nobody recognizes you," Keigo enthused lying back down in his bunk.

But my thoughts we're elsewhere, it got late fast as they continued talking.


"Wow, it got late quickly!" Keigo realized, I wanted to say tell him he would miss him, that he was the most important person in my life. But I didn't, I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye just yet. So instead I bid him goodnight and drifted off into a restless sleep.


The next morning felt like it took ages to arrive, but it did eventually, even though neither of us had gotten much sleep at all.

Keigo turned to me and whispered, "well this is goodbye I guess," not meeting my eyes,
     "Yeah," I choked out, "I guess so,"
"I'll um, I'll miss you," Keigo swallowed, tearing up, I was his only friend and I would be leaving, he would probably never see me after this. Keigo wrapped me in a hug wet eyelashes on my neck, he was crying. I stood stiff for a moment before melting into his arms, holding him tight, I never wanted to let go.

"Touya!" Endeavor's angry voice barked from down the hall, we had to be quick. Keigo drew back and plucked a single feather from his wing and gave it to me,
"To remember me by," he explained, I was overwhelmed with adoration for this boy who was risking everything to help me,
"I'll never forget you," I promised holding back tears, "I'll come back for you I swear," I drew him back into my embrace tears freely running down my face.


"Dabi!" Toga called bursting into the room, I quickly stuffed the necklace back underneath my shirt,
"What do you want?" I demanded, turning and glaring at her,
"Geez," she pouted and announced, "Shiggy wants everyone in the meeting room," it wasn't really a meeting room, just the lounge but it was best suited to the task.
"I'll be there in a minute," I agreed watching Toga roll her eyes and skip back out of the room.

I was coming, Keigo just needed to hold on until I got there,

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