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Touya POV:

     Keigo sat up, "what's that noise?" He asked. He got up and peered out the window. Recognition crossed on his face and his face slackened. The whirr of helicopter blades cut through the air. Pounding footsteps fell in the hallway. A loud knock echoed throughout the room, I whirled around but Keigo didn't move.

     The door was flung open and a frantic Toga burst in followed by a confused Twice. "Dabi!" She gasped, not seeming to notice my bare chest. "Dabi hurry! They're here!"
     "What?" I yelled, "Who's here?" But she had already disappeared. I turned my gaze to Twice who just shrugged and followed after Toga.

"Keigo!" I cried.
     He'd sank to the floor and wrapped himself in his wings. Rocking back and forth he muttered, "no, no, no," he pulled his head further into his cocoon. Even if he did hear me he wasn't listening.
     "Keigo! Come on! We have to go!" I grabbed him by his arm and yanked him up. "Please Keigo you've got to help me here!"
     He looked up at me, tears evident in his eyes, "Touya," his voice only a whisper, "we can't fight this." Eyes unfocused, "just give up."

     "No! You're wrong!" I pleaded, "we have to fight! There is no other option!"
     He smiled sadly as he said, "that's the difference between you and me Touya. Never change."

Then he was gone. He pushed past me and vanished through the doorway.

"Keigo!" I cried, tearing down the hallway to get to him, "Keigo come back!" I reached the ground floor, huffing and panting. I saw Keigo standing by the window with the rest of the League.
Shigaraki's face was grim, "it's the Commission." He said. I'd figured as much but the realization that I was right knocked the breath out of me.

Keigo nodded, "we can figure this out," Shigaraki said massaging his temples, "just give me a little time."
Keigo shook his head and stared blankly through the blinds, the helicopters had landed. "Hawks!" A voice boomed, a voice that stopped me dead in my tracks. Endeavor. "Where are you?"
Then another voice, "Shigaraki, give up Hawks now and no one will be hurt." Yeah, no one but him. It was Dr. Takami's voice.

I saw Hawk's wings go limp. The light, the hope, fade out of his eyes. His shoulders shrugged forward. He was making himself smaller, he was scared.

He took a step towards the door, "Hawks no," I gasped. He didn't hear me, he took another step. No one noticed him, the League was in a panic the sound of helicopter blades drowned out everything.

He opened the door, I ran to him, grabbing his arm, "Hawks please," I begged, "we can figure this out, don't give up." He shook me off and kept walking. Dr. Takami's voice echoed throughout the building again. But I couldn't make out what he was saying. The blood roaring in my ears was too loud. But it seemed to kill Hawks, he dragged his feet all the was down the lawn that we had walked together the same night.

"Keigo! Listen to me please!" I begged. When he didn't turn around I light up my hands with blue fire. Toga was at my side knives out. I heared weapons click and looked around. Every helicopter had soldiers armed with rifles and quirk canceling guns.
I felt Shigaraki's gloved hand on my shoulder, "don't," he said, "he'll be caught in the crossfire."

I knew he was right but it was all I could do to not light the place up. Toga lifted her knives and several dozen red dots appeared on her chest. She cried out in frustration and the knives cleaved into the soft earth beneath her. She yelled once again and sank to her knees.

     I stood beside her stiffly, "what are they going to do to him?" She sobbed, I shook my head. I had no answer for her, all I knew was all hope was lost. We would never get him back.

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