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Keigo POV:

The world was loud as I was led out of the white room. Not just compared to the silence I had been forced into, but chaotic and  confused. The Paranormal Liberation Front had invaded the lab, taking prisoners in scientists and freeing the prisoners like I had been.

And everything was blue and burning. This place was being destroyed.

And through the smoke I saw the one who had started all of this. My father. No one tried to hold me back when I leapt at him, ignoring the heat vaulting over burning files.

I pushed him, not hearing the dull thud as his head hit the wall. Blood was rushing in my ears and blocking any rational thought.

I chased after him with my feathers, pinning his lab coat to the wall, he cried and bled but so what if I had gotten skin too?

     "How could you do this to me?!" screaming in his face when I wrenched him off the wall, tearing him away from the wall leaving scraps of bloodied clothes behind. "How could you do this to us?!" We were a family once, never a very great one but at least we were whole. "What about Mother?! What happened to her?!"

Hot tears streamed down my face,
anger... despair? Something else?

     A grin spread across his face, "Don't you see Keigo? You're powerful now. Isn't that what you want, it's all that matters."

     "No! I never wanted to be powerful! I wanted to be loved! Now I'm just a monster!" I seethed, his face spatted with my blood. "My whole life is gone! You did this to me for what?! An experiment? I was your son!"

I reared back, I would never be able to show him how much pain he caused me, but I could try.

He didn't flinch, if anything his cruel smile grew wider. I was becoming who he had made me, a violent cold monster. Just like him.

I hesitated for just a second, just to be pulled back by strong arms around my waist.

Endeavor appeared in vision and I heated the click! of handcuffs. Breathing was harder now.
     "Takami." Breathing was hard for him too, "You are under arrest for the abduction and abuse of minors including your own son. You are under arrest for malpractice, and you are under arrest for murder and manslaughter."

I sunk into the person who was holding me—which later turned out to be Touya— as Endeavor read my father his rights.


It was over.

What now?

The sky filled with smoke as I sat outside of the burning building I had grown up in. The Paranormal Liberation Front evacuated the building of innocents. The guilt could find the way out on their own. Comforting prisoners like I had been, crying and screaming at no one at all.

     "Touya?" He had been hovering since Takami had been arrested, I could tell he was trying to give me space which was good, but he was worried about me.

No one had worried about me since my mother stopped caring.

     "Mhm?" suddenly right next to me I gave him my hand to pull me up.
     "What happens now?" I repeated my thought aloud to him now.
     He smiled down at me before lifting me to my feet. "Well, we have some ideas at The Paranormal Liberation Front."

Shigaraki, who wasn't far, and the rest of the people who had welcomed me as one of them joined us at the hilltop.
     "Now," Shigaraki rasped, "we do this again, everywhere it needs to be done."

And for once, is wasn't so quiet. My fingers laced into Touya's. I wasn't scared, I had people to keep me safe now, I had friends to make the world loud. Like it should be.

"The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people."


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