The Commission

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I soon rose to my feet using the wall to support me. Kenji would be here soon and I would be on my feet when he got there. It had been drilled into my head since I was just starting training to never show weakness.

I hobbled towards the alley opening using the wall as support, though I knew I would have to let go eventually.

I heard the sirens long before I saw the squad of cop cars approaching. I let go of the wall standing up straight but still favoring the right leg. I decided Kenji would notice so I put my weight on my injured leg and almost cried out when I felt a piercing, red-hot pain shoot through my leg. But I grit my teeth telling myself, pain isn't real, it's just a chemical in your brain. Preparing myself, I took small steps into the light of the street and stood by a dimly lit streetlight in case I needed support again.

When a car pulled up with a squadron of police cars behind it I waved to the front car which held the chief of police Kenji. He stepped  out of the car, "hello Hawks," he greeted,
     "Hi Kenji," I smiled, I had always admired the police chief, he was always ready to help me, though I often crossed the line of the law.

"Hello Hawks, woof," he greeted, "ruff day?"
"Downright fowl," I joked,
"Dog gone it," Kenji smiled, he and I would always make jokes about the animals they looked like. Kenji then grew serious, "you have a meeting with Endeavor tonight, woof, are you up for it?"
"Yes sir," I responded with an easy smile,
"Good because it starts soon, woof, need a lift?" Kenji asked,
"That would be nice,"


I walked into the meeting room, I had gotten there before anyone else thanks to the police chief's fast driving. I sat down at my normal seat relieved to have the pressure off my bad leg. I would find a healer later, there were plenty at the Endeavor hero agency


The meeting passed in a blur of dull flattery and formalities. The only important information I got was that Shoto Todotoki, Katsuki Bakugo, and Izuku Midoria were doing their hero training with Endeavor. The only one I paid any mind to was the person across from me, it was a member of the commission. He wore a veil and a top hat with a long brim, covering his oddly shaped face.


When the meeting ended and people started filing out of the room the commission member was the only one left, I had a feeling I had to stay.

The man walked over to the window overlooking the city, lit up by the street lamps and filled with the sounds of life. I stood too, though my leg hurt like hell. I was determined not to show weakness now was the most crucial time for strength of body and of mind.

"Did you get in?" The man asked,
"Yes," I answered,
"Good, good, very good," he talked with strange clicking and whistling noises, as if he had a bad flute in place of a mouth. When he turned to face me, he had the head of an insect. His eyes which were previously covered by a hat, hiding his face, were dark and beady, his mouth, was not in fact a mouth, it was a pair of stag beetle pincers and he wore a cloak covering his hunched back.

"You know what we have to do now?" He purred.
"Yes sir," I answered. I had to feed The League false information and bring in their plans. I knew I couldn't do it, I wanted a life, a family... I wanted Touya. But there was no escape. Especially not now.
"And remember no telling," the beetle-like man hissed,
"My lips are sealed," I confirmed,

A puff of smoke filled the air, incasing man fully. When it faded the man was gone, and a stag beetle flew out, into the vent.

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