The White Room pt1

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Keigo POV:

I arived back to the lab after talking with Chief of police Tsuragamae,

(He's the dog)

I snuck in trying to get to my room without being noticed,
     "Keigo," a voice boomed, "come here, now," I flinched and turned to see my father, Dr. Takami, the tall man, strong and intimidating, he had wings like mine but they lie dormant unable to move. I trudged towards him, I was hoping to delay this conversation, but unfortunately, I was not to be so lucky. Eyes on the the floor I didn't see
Dr. Takami reach out his hand and slap me in the face, sending me stumbling back several steps.

I tasted blood, my cheek stung but my pride hurt worse. "He got away again," he growled, I nodded, touching my hand to my red cheek. Dr. Takami motioned over to another doctor, "take him to the white room to reflect, and don't let him out until I say to," my eyes widened. The white room was painted completely blindingly white so harsh it hurt you're eyes, it was completely bare of furniture, and was fully soundproof, if you screamed it would make no sound.

Dr. Takami had it down to a science, keeping me in just long enough so I wouldn't go insane, "Bend but never break," that was his motto, it looked good on magazines and on TV but it was just as horrible as he was.

     "Yes sir," the scientist replied, tugging on my coat.
     "No! Please!" I begged, "I'll do anything," I pleaded, but Takami was already walking away,
"You're still too weak Hawks," he tutted, I knew he was smiling, he took an awful pleasure in my pain. It was pointless this is the way it always had been since I was younger, I was sick and tired of hearing that line. No matter what I said, no matter what I did it was pointless in the end, I knew my father wouldn't listen, He never did. My mother had learned that far before him, she'd stopped visiting, stopped trying to convince him to bring me home.

I was stuck in this vicious cycle I could never escape from. I had gotten a brief reprieve when Touya was there, but then again, he was gone too. He'd stopped trying to help him just like my mother.

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