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Keigo POV;

I smiled sadly seeing Touya's smile
disappear last like the Cheshire cat. I was alone, again. Tears seeped out onto my cheeks, it was useless, in the end I always ended up alone. I couldn't stand it, I would never get used it, it just kept getting worse, more painful, like a thorn in my heart. "Might as well go to patrol," I muttered to myself.

I applied a thick layer of makeup to cover my ever darkening eye bags. Not bothering to eat breakfast I opened his window and slipped out into the crisp morning air.


I reported to the Endeavor hero agency got the usual assignment of patrol, soaring over the city, unseen by the naïve and trusting citizens of Kyushu city. Those of whom where unaware of the tyrannical society they lived in, praising the heroes; holding them like righteous gods in their minds.

I stopped robberies, murders, rapes, and muggings in the shadier back allies of downtown Kyushu. All thoughtlessly and effortlessly. By the time night had passed I was exhausted, I had lost several feathers, and had gained several cuts and bruises.


I heard a shout from a rougher part of the city, scanning the area for the source of the sound seeing two figures scuffling at the back of an alley, I swooped in without making a sound and disarmed the attacker with a couple of my feathers, then pinned him against the wall with two other feathers, I turned around prepared to help the victim but was met by about a dozen burly looking men and women. I hadn't walked into a mugging, it was a gang fight.

After assessing the situation I dropped down, stuck out my leg and spun, tripping several of them. I popped up quickly and felt the cold pressure of a knife at my throat.

"Get outa' here little hero," a gravelly voice behind me rumbled, it was the man I had disarmed at the beginning. He had regained his knife and circled back around me. "And leave yer cash here while yer at it little birdie,"
I sighed, I hated when people called me birdie as an insult. Birds were so much better than people, often I wished he could have been born fully bird so I could fly away and be free.

The other gang members I had knocked over rose grinning, now they had one target instead of each other, they were focusing on me.

In one swift motion I reached back and grabbed the knife wielder's collar, then I kicked off the ground launching myself into the air using the woman in front of me as a platform to kick off of sending her stumbling back into the crowd. I flipped around straddling the man with the knife around his neck effectively chocking him. Using my momentum I brought the man down, the bigger they are the harder they fall. I thought snidely. My phone began to ring, it was Endeavor, I'd get it later, I was busy now. The man I was choke-holding struggled on top of me, crushing me and cutting off my air. That was fine, I just had to outlast him, and I'd had plenty of training from situations like these.

The others were approaching me, so I sent out several projectile feathers to distract or even trap them, if I was lucky. Just as the man stopped struggling on top of me, I wriggled out from underneath him. My leg hurt where the man had fallen on top, I suspected the bone was fractured.

The people I hadn't caught with my feathers were now charging me like a solid wall of humanity. I groaned, I hate physical fighting, I preferred to just take out my enemy with feathers and sly tricks, but that wasn't an option now.

I ducked underneath the first blundering man uppercutting him straight in the chin. Someone behind me yanked me backwards by one of my wings making me cry out. I spun into a roundhouse kick though I knew it would hurt my already injured leg. Taking out the lady, the kick landing straight on her stomach sending her flying backwards.

I was still surrounded by three burly people. I thought about the spinning trick again but dismissed the idea, these people were to large for me to trip with my injuries, and they had already fallen victim to that trick earlier and would be more prepared this time.

One grabbed me holding another knife to my throat, what is it with these people and knives? I wondered.
"I'll kill you," the woman who was imprisoning me growled, "surrender, or else," it would be hard to get out of this situation, she was more careful then the previous knife holder. I had three options, 1 actually surrendered, 2 fight back with force, or 3 resort to trickery. Most heroes would fight out of the situation too prideful to use dirty tricks. But I was different, people often compared me to a weasel instead of a bird.

I sighed, "Okay, you got me, let me go now and I'll leave my money here," trying to make it believable I raised my hands.
"You're not lying to me are ya hero?" she asked suspiciously.
"No ma'am," I lied. I felt her tense and she brought the knife away from my throat. I grinned for a moment. A grin that, if she saw would make her rethink ever releasing me. I dropped down and kicking the back of her knees, making her legs colapse beneath her.

I grinned once again, turning to the other men, "Hello boys," I taunted. They launched themselves at me, while I simply ducked around the first took his outstretched arm and bent it behind his back. The man gasped in surprise and tried to break free. "If you struggle I'll break your arm," I warned. I subdued the other man with feathers. Then hit the man I was holding on a pressure point that made him pass out.

I then limped around the alley making sure the rest were all knocked out too. I retrieved his phone from where it had fallen and called Kenji the police chief who said he'd be there in ten minutes.

I sank to the floor, the pain from my leg and wing suddenly becoming to much for me to bare. I extended the leg to check if it still had its full range of motion a red hot pain shot up my body. It was fractured at least, most likely, my bones were hollow and broke easily, with the luck I'd had it probably was.

I decided to not move my leg any further and check on the wings. I could still move them but it hurt like hell when I did, probably not broken I concluded.

Picking up the phone again I called Endeavor back.
"Hiya boss," I greeted,
"Why didn't you answer the phone the first time?" Endeavor demanded getting straight to the point,
"Oh, hero stuff ya know?" I said, avoiding the question.
"Hmm," Endeavor acknowledged, "there's a hero meeting tonight. Be there,"
"Yes boss," I agreed. Endeavor ended the call.

Sirens blared in the distance, Kenji would be there in a few minutes. For now I could rest.

1200 words💅🏽

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