How Do I Escape?

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Touya POV:

I wrapped my arms around Keigo and brought him closer to me. In the waining light he glowed as if the sun wanted him for itself. But maybe it already had him, he was an Icarus after all. Flying too close to the sun. I just hoped he wouldn't hurtle back to earth having his dreams of freedom crushed.

He looked up at me, smiled, and leaned closer into me his head resting on my chest. I stroked his hair lovingly cherishing this time with him. And I was glad I did because little did I know this would be our last peaceful moments together for quite a while.


Keigo POV:

We watched the sunset and as the sky grew dim I grew weary. I hadn't slept well in quite some time. Touya yawned, "we should probably head down so Shiggy doesn't worry." He said,
"Yeah," I agreed. But we stayed there for a while longer before getting up.

We balanced on the bridge of the the roof helping each other through the window we left open. He swung me in first and clambered in after me. And we walked. Chatting about everything and nothing. Avoiding the real problem, how do I escape this? There is no clear answer.

We don't eat dinner, Touya just takes me back to his room.

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