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The picture is what Asa looks like btw

I woke up on a helicopter. I was delirious from pain. People rushed around me shouting orders that I couldn't understand, I made out someone say that we were almost there, wherever where was. The helicopter touched down on a helipad and I was carried out on a stretcher. We were at the Endeavor hero agency hospital. Doctors and nurses bustled around me trying to get an idea of my condition.
"Asa." I croaked. Everyone froze, "get Asa." I said a little more coherently this time. A nearby doctor called for her.

Black spots were swimming at the edges of my vision. The last thing I saw before passing out was Asa's bubblegum pink hair swishing just within sight.


I woke up what seemed like hours later but turned out to be several days. All my major pain was gone and my minor scrapes were treated though still painful.
I tried to sit up, "woah easy there." It was Asa. "Lay back down." She ordered, standing up to help.
"What happened?" I asked,
"Oh, well." She started, "you guys got that big giant dude, Giganto-blah-blah-blah. You got hurt and you asked for me to be your doc." She beamed.
"Oh right," I said recollecting the past events. "If you don't mind me asking, why wasn't I healed fully?"
"Oh that, yeah. Umm how do I say this..." she thought for a moment before saying. "Ya know when you take melatonin or something for sleeping?" I nodded. "It's like that, if you use too much of my healing too often you get used to being supplied with energy and you stop producing your own." She finished, "that make sense?" She asked pulling a packet of licorice out of her pocket and chewing on some.

I nodded slowly.
     "When will I be discharged?" I asked quietly,
     "Hmm," mumbled swallowing the candy, "you've been here three days, so I'd say about four more and you're good." She grinned her lopsided grin at me.
     "Three days huh," I marveled, "it really didn't feel that long."
     "Yeah the hospital dose that to ya," she sighed, "time moves as fast as a mantis shrimp here!"

Asa checked her watch. "Oop, well I'll be going now I've got another appointment soon!" She bounced up from her seat, "see ya soon feather boy!" She saluted on her way out. The door slammed behind her, I smiled, she's a good kid, she's going places for sure. I thought. I looked at the clock which was ticking by second by second. It was 7:49, I might as well go to sleep now. Nothing else to do. And that's exactly what I did.

Sorry for the short chapter again! I feel like I should be much further along since I have the rest planned out. So I'll be updating shorter chapters to try to get them out faster! Thanks for reading!

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