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Keigo POV:

I got into the helicopter and stood frozen in the hanger trying to comprehend what I just did. I abandoned them. I abandoned my friends. I abandoned Touya. Fuck.

I felt the floor shift under me and almost toppled out into open air. But, I felt a hand grab the collar of my jacket and was yanked back. I turned as soon as my feet were solidly planted on the floor of the hangar I turned to see who had caught me. It was Endeavor.

     He glared at me and opened his mouth to say something, he never got to it. "Keigo." A shiver ran up my spine, Dr. Takami swept into the room, stagnant wings drifting behind him. "What," He growled and yanked me away from Endeavor. His breath was hot on my cheek as he said, "what do you think you're doing?"

I didn't answer. What was I supposed to say? He threw me to the floor almost sending me rolling back over the edge. On pure instinct I grabbed the edge of the bench, I wished I had just fallen.

He was over me in an instant pulling me, stumbling, back to my feet. Then the world flipped and I was laying on the ground with the breath knocked out of me. He yanked me up by my hair so I was on my knees facing him. "What's wrong?" He mocked, "cat got your tongue." My eyes watered, it was all I could do not to cry.

I felt his knee colliding with my nose before I saw it. I heard a crack and felt blood trickling down into my mouth the metallic taste making me cringe. Then the world tipped and I passed out before I hit the floor.

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