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⚠️Really awkward chapter lol⚠️

Touya POV:

I led Keigo into my room tense and wary. I wanted to kiss him, and well... maybe do a little more than kissing.

     As we stepped onto the threshold Keigo moved to go further but I stopped him, grabbing his sleeve. I pulled him towards me and wrapped my hands around his waist, "Touya what are you?" He started. But I stopped him with a soft kiss. I drew back to see his face and he just seemed stunned.
     "Is this okay?" I asked,
     He snapped back to reality and quickly answered, "yes, um yeah."

I smiled and kissed him again pulling him closer to myself. Might as well have a little fun.  I thought. I parted my lips and allowed my tongue to slide through the gap. Keigo's eyes shot open but he didn't pull away. Instead he closed his eyes again and kissed me back harder and more desperately.

     I pulled back when my lungs gasped for air and we were both panting, "is this okay?" I asked again, he nodded. Still seeming slightly surprised.

So I reinitiated the kiss more passionately than before. I picked him up, though I had to draw away to see my way to the bed. He laughed and placed a kiss on my nose.

I threw him down on the bed and clambered on top of him and once again began kissing. But this time I wasn't limited only to his lips, I kissed his neck and bit his shoulders while his hands traveled up my scarred and burnt back.

     My hands traced their way up his muscled stomach beneath his shirt and began removing it. Once again I asked, "is this okay?"
     Breathily he answered, "yeah," I tossed the shirt off to the side. His warm hands slipped under my shirt and he struggled to take it off. Revealing my scarred and burnt back.

I kissed his neck and collarbone leaving bruises and bite marks behind. Beneath me he panted and tried not to claw into my back.

     "T-Touya wait!" He gasped,
     I pulled away, "sorry," I mumbled,
     He gave a little breathy laugh, "it's okay, it's okay. Just need to catch my breath."

I listened as he breathed heavily, his chest heaving. Up and down. Up and down. I rested my forehead on his shoulder. "Sorry." I sighed,
"What for?" He asked,
"I went to far."
He bit his lip. "No, it's my fault. I've never really done anything like this before." He admitted, "I just wasn't really ready."

"We can stop if you want," I offered, glancing up to meet his eyes briefly.
"No that's okay. I want to keep going. I don't want to be afraid anymore."
I pushed up allowing space between us,

"Well then I have good news for you bird boy," I said,
He cocked an eyebrow, "oh?"
"As long as I'm around you'll never have to be scared again." His arms wrapped around my back, he hoisted himself up as his lips met mine once again.

A searing light shone into my closed eyes and I opened them.

I pulled away from the kiss, from his arms.

I separated from Keigo.

That was my first mistake.

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