A Smile, A Cafe, And An Outfit

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as usual, you wake up to the busy sounds of the village. but for once you look at the clock and realize that you are late for your work! you rush out of your house and run through the village being careful not to crash into anyone. the birds would chirp as usual but through the normal sounds of an Encanto morning, you pause to hear something else. despite being late you stop and look around the corner to see one of the Madrigals laughing and playing around with a group of young kids keeping them company as their parents start their working day. you pause to realize it's Camilo madrigal, the Cameleon as some would say. from stories around the Village, you have heard that the middle child Madrigal is known as a reckless and rambunctious individual, who can be quite judgy and snappy. but as you watch them dance around and keep care of the children you couldn't help but feel that all those stories were bullshit. after you realize you had been staring you make eye contact with the other and watch as the other gave you a bright smile. blushing and embarrassed you keep running to your workplace. you enter the small coffee shop you work in and start serving customers coffee and tea as usual trying to forget what had happened earlier. something about the other's bright smile had made your heart flutter like a thousand butterflies... soon you find that forgetting that bright smile would be almost impossible. 

 during the afternoon you find yourself cleaning up some of the tables when you hear the bell for the front door ring. "Welcome to Cafe Encantado, how may help you-" you find yourself seeing a good chunk of the younger Madrigal family there. but who stuck out to you was the curly-haired boy from earlier smiling and talking to her sister in a whisper. just by looking at the group, you could already identify everyone there by the stories and good deeds they do every day to help out the village. you see Dolores, Mirabel, Isabella, Luisa and of course Camilo Madrigal. "Hi there! i was wondering if we could hall just have some tea" you heard Isabella ask in her usual calm and collected voice, although it was clear that everyone was trying to edge Camilo forward to which he was able to push back and stay more towards the back of the crowd. nodding you lead them to a larger table in the back and take their orders before going behind the counter to make their drinks. but over in the corner, you could hear them all giggling and nudging Camilo and before you know it you see Camilo come up to the counter with a small blush on his face"Hi my name is Camilo, I don't think I have met you before... i was wondering what your name is?" you couldn't help but smile and tell the other your name as you start a small conversation with him. from the corner of your eyes you could see Dolores whispering to everyone and small giggles could be heard which would usually lead to Camilo turning his head and glaring at them. after a while of talking and serving drinks to the other family members, he pulls out another question to you"hey which reminds me! would you like to hang out with me sometime?" with a bright smile you nod and agree excited for the adventures you may get into with Camilo.

"Perfect! well uh see you tomorrow then?" he asked shaking your hand before dashing out the cafe doors the bell ring as the door opened and closed behind him. you watch as he runs off through the village his hair bouncing with each step. you find yourself watching a soft smile on your face before you get cut off by another voice "so you are going to go hang out with my little cousin? I wish you good luck" you look over to see Isabella walk over and stand beside you and soon you find yourself surrounded by everyone else that came with Camilo. you blush at her comment and try to argue that he can't be that bad before getting cut off by Camilos older sisters soft voice "don't be silly, i watched him practice flirting with his hand on the way here" you can't help but chuckle with the rest of the family, Camilo seemed like such a funny and goofy person you know whatever he does will be more fun than you could ever imagine. "well come on! i can sew you some cute clothes for your little date with Camilo tomorrow~" you heard Mirabel tease as she pats your back, you look at the rest of the sisters and cousins nod in agreement as you try to say it's alright and that they really didn't need to do anything special but before you could protest you feel yourself get scooped up by Luisa and placed on her shoulder "come on kid, we will treat you like royalty before you go hang out with Camilo and lose a few brain cells!" you don't know what else to say so you let yourself relax and nod excitedly to get to know Camilo's family more because up until this point the most you had ever said to any of them was maybe a hello or thank you. "and don't worry about your boss being worried that you left, I will make sure to leave a little note" you watch as the cafe fills with beautiful flowers as well as some cute little cacti and other succulents in the various pots around the inside of the store. you watch as isabella wrote down on a piece of paper (Sorry we stole your barista, we will return them eventually ~the Madrigal family~) "there that should do!" she said as she hurried everyone out of the cafe before anyone could see. while all this was happening you were still holding onto Luisa scared that you would fall off her shoulder. but of course, as they walked up the pathed path up to their house you start to already feel welcomed in the family. the conversation was mostly just the 4 girls talking about their little cousin Camilo and how he can be a handful at times but deep down is an absolute sweetheart.

 As the 5 of you make it up the hill and into the Casita you look around to see how lively and animated the whole house seems to be as its tiles move around to invite you in. "alright Camilo is somewhere in town... we can sneak into mirabels room-" Dolores says before getting cut off by Antonia rushing down the stairs a bright grin on his face as he runs over holding up a little rat in his hands "Guess what Mr.Squeakes said! he told me that Camilo likes someone, did you know that Dolores?" you all look at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing as Luisa puts you off her shoulder. young Antonio looks up at you then at his laughing family members, then suddenly was able to put the pieces together a small gasp escaping his lips "Are you Camilo's crush!? oh my goodness! well I'm Antonio and this is my mouse friend Mr.Squeakes!" you giggle and pet Antonios rat thanking him for the warm welcome too much of his surprise "alright Antonio, promise not to tell Camilo about this ok?" Mirabel asks her younger cousin which she gets an excited nod. you watch as little Antonio rushes off to the kitchen to hopefully not tell anyone else. before anyone else could stop them you and the rest of the girls rush upstairs and go into Mirabels room closing and locking the door behind them. you watch as Dolores, Isabella and Luisa sit on the bed and Mirabell starts measuring you and asks questions about what colour you like. you respond with the colours you like and she nods getting straight to work determined to get the clothing done by tomorrow. "So, what makes you like Camilo so much? i mean you have only really talked to him once right?" Isabella asks as she looks at you with curious eyes. you respond to her question explaining how you watched Camilo every so often around town and admire how kind and caring he is to each and every individual no matter who the person was. you could hear everyone else giggle and agree to the comment. you spend hours in the room with everyone talking about many things such as everyone's passions, interests, and love life. after hours and hours of talking you try on the clothing, Mirabel had made you and all you could do was twirl around watching as the fabrics seemed to dance on its own. you looked at yourself in the mirror and couldn't believe how wonderful you look in the clothing Mirabel had sewn. you run over to Mirabel and give her a giant hug thanking her for the new outfit. "of course anytime, if i had more time i would have put in some more detail work but-" you cut her off telling her that it's perfect and that you absolutely adore the whole look. you pull away from the hug as Dolores quickly shuts everyone up.

"Camilo is home... Isabella help us down the side of the Casita i will walk them home" she says holding your hand. you feel as vines lift you up as you wave goodbye to Luisa, Mirabel and Isabella thanking them for everything and that you would see them soon. you touch the ground and start running back into the village holding Dolores's hand all the way until you were far enough from the Casita and in front of your house. "well that was certainly a dash... good luck with my brother ok? don't worry i will be listening to you the whole time, and if anything happens i will be over there in a flash" she pats your head and you thank her, waving goodbye to Camilo's sister. you turn and go into your house plopping down on the bed after changing out of the outfit and into some nightwear. you think about the amazing "date" you will have with Camilo tomorrow as you fall asleep with a smile on your face. 

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