Just Having Fun!

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"Oooo wait let's play a game first! me and Isabella made it up" Antonio giggled as he set up the donkeys in a triangle shape. the rest of you watch confused while Isabella just laughs making rings out of her vines light blue flowers blooming on them. suddenly Camilo realizes what the game was and let go of your hand standing in front of the donkeys a bright smile on his face
"Welcomeeee toooo Donkey ringssss! everyone clap you hands whoop whoop!" Camilo says as Antonios smile seemed to keep shining like the sun as he holds onto Luisas arm wanting her to enjoy the time there. you just laugh at the fact that Camilo was standing beside a glitter filled donkey pretending to be a gameshow host
"Here are the rules! if you get a vine ring around a donkey that is 1 point! buuuttttt if you get a ring around the sparkly blue donkey here in the very back corner you get 3 points! any questions?" Camilo asked as everyone shook their heads. Luisa seemed oddly excited about the game but tried to keep her cool seeing she wanted to see mature, but Juileta caught on straight away. she pushed her daughter forward Luisa looking back at her confused
"come on birthday girl always goes first remember? it's tradition" Luisa looks back and pauses for a few seconds before nodding taking the ring and throwing it towards the donkey. she had aimed for the back donkey but some other donkey had looked up and grabbed the vine eating it.
"well uh... 2 points?" Camilo says awkwardly before everyone bursts out laughing. the whole game was fun even the donkeys would make happy sounds when they had the chance to eat the vines. the game was full of laughter and excitement before it finally came to an end about 30 minutes later. despite all that was going on no one ever fought
"WHAT!? BRUNO HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS!" Pepa says a bit frustrated that her brother who had been living in the walls for the past years had beat her. Luisa was just giggling clearly having the best birthday of her life so far
"Hey congrats on getting first Luisa! and Antonio I feel like you mayyyy have cheated a little bit" Mirabel gigglings pinching her younger brothers cheek in a friendly way. Antonio giggling running over behind Luisa jumping onto her back knowing luisa would catch him. she chuckled holding Antonio
"Well it's all fun in games right?" everyone was just talking in groups before Camilo saw that they hadn't done presents yet and was getting anxious to do so
"Hey guys! we should do presents I want luisa to open ours!" you smile and follow him along the sandy beach towards the presents
"Ooo right haha presents good idea" Bruno said running away from the still slightly angry/frustrated Pepa

everyone sits in a circle holding their own presents waiting to give their present to Luisa. not before long Antonio rushes over to Luisa giving her his gift
"here! here! open mine, I promise you will love it!" Luisa takes the badly wrapped present and smiles softly holding it carefully in her hands
"oh thank you Antonio let me open it alright?" she carefully unwraps it then pauses looking down at the handpainted donkey... unicorn... thing. it was clear antonio had tried so hard, although it looked really bad it was made with lots of love which is all that mattered for Luisa
"awww this is so sweet Antonio, I love it! what's the little pain on the underside of the donkey?" She asked before Antonio replied excited to tell her the other his creation
"Oh! I asked Camilo what i was missing from the paint job and he said a penis so i added one!" Camilo spit out the water he had in his mouth as he stood up getting a head start run from pepa who sprang up chasing Camilo... but unlike usual she didn't have an angry cloud it was just friendly play. Pepa wasn't really upset... maybe a little disappointed but not upset
"Oh Camilo Madrigal get back here! Don't teach Antonio anything weird!" you enjoyed watching Camilo run around having fun laughing his ass off
"I Didn't think he would listen!" He yelled before turning around and once he mom was close enough turned into luisa and lifted his mom up which made her strike a bolt of lighting
"haha got you!" Pepa rolled her eyes as she got dropped off to her husband again
"anyway! you should open my present next!" Mirabel said and for the ext few minutes was just gift opening. some of you more favourite presents was one of Brunos joke presents which was a front stage ticket to his rattelenovales. but when it was finally your turn to give out presents you were all happy camilo giving it to her as she opened it with a bright smile
"Awww a hammock! thank you camilo! this is the best birthday ever because of you all!" she said excitedly. everyone awed and went in for a giant group hug. you know what.... this was probably the best birthday party you had ever been to!

*~Authors note~*
sorry for the super short chapter, I'm having a giant writing block so i may not post for a while idk yet. i will try to post when i can i promise i will do my best to make it longer next chapter! also yes i love you all so much!!

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