The Brightness of Love

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you sit down with Camilo at a table as Antonios animals started to serve out the food to people the trays and dishes balanced on their heads. you watch as Camilo takes some food for the two of you and gives you a plate. at your table, most of Camilo's Family sat eating happily as the wedding went on. seeing that the main part was over all that was left were some speeches and dancing. you look over at Camilo and fed him some fruit in which he chuckled
"what you think I'm a monkey or something?" you laugh and shrug telling him that he can act a tad bit goofy at times. after about 30 minutes of just eating you listen as Marianos bestman did his little speech, whoever Marianos friend seemed to be it was clear he had the same romantic personality as the groom did. you turn to see Camilo fidgeting with the bottom of the dress and ask him whats wrong. he looks at you nervously before looking back at the note cards he had
"well you hear how cool Marianos best man is sounding? what If i sound stupid??" he asked glad to see that Marianos bestmans speech was longer then the average. you don't mind much either as you lay your head on his shoulder. you whisper to him that he will do wonderfully 
"aww thanks... well guess it's my turn now. love you, wish me luck" he chuckled moving u to stand beside Dolores. if there was one thing Camilo was fabulous at (other then kissing) was definitely his acting skills, because despite how terrified he was he pulled it off as if he had been preparing for this moment for years and maybe he had.
"alright hey everyone! i know you all know me as the better sibling but right now we are all here for Dolores so i guess she can be the better sibling for now" you watch as Pepa glares at him and you can't help but laugh at how prideful your boyfriends can be
"ya ya i know~ but in all honesty, Dolores is probably the best sister i could ever ask for. i remember as a young child she would help me out of trees when i get stuck or sneak me away from mamá when i fucked something up. but something else i need to thank her for is always being there for me, without her i would have never met my wonderful partner over there. she really helped me out with every aspect of my life... so I'm so happy for her, and i know her relationship will last forever!" he smiled hugging his sister who had tears in her eyes. you watch as Camilo bows theatrically and walk back to you sitting down. you look over at him and kiss his cheek telling him that his little speech was cute. he nodded thanking you as the two of you hold hold hands under the table.

 as the day goes on eventually it was time for the bouquet toss. at first you were just planning on just watching but Camilo pushes you to the small crowd of people getting ready to catch the bouquet. he pats your head and looks at Dolores with a smile
"alright you better catch this~" you chuckle and nod getting ready to catch it
"alright 1... 2... 3-" Dolores says getting ready to throw it behind her back before she walks over towards you. you look confused and ask her why she isn't throwing it as she places the bouquet in your hands. confused you ask her if she just doesn't know how a bouquet toss works
"no i know how it works don't worry... see?" she giggles turning you around to see Camilo Kneeling in front of you. you look down at Camilo your eyes full of wonder as he gently takes you free hand which wasn't holding onto the bundle of brightly coloured flowers
"i know we are both not old enough, but for now i wanna make a promise that one day i will propose to you again" out of his pocket he takes out a clay ring a small piece of quartz sitting on the top. you instantly recognize the ring as the one he made when you had made pottery a few months ago. you start to blush as he gently slips the ring onto your finger. for a few seconds you look at it in shock before looking up at Camilo tears in your eyes
"wait don't cry! it's only a promise ring i can take it bac-" before he couldn't finish the sentence you walk forward and wrap your arms around the other waist kissing his lips to shut him up. you could hear a loud Awwww in the background from others but at the moment nothing mattered to you other than your boyfriend. for a while you just kissed getting lost in his love the sound around you seemed to blur out and the only sound you could hear was the sound of you and Camilos heartbeat which seemed to synch. after a few seconds have passed you both pull away from the kiss and look into each other's eyes for a second, you tell him that you absolutely adore the ring and that someday you know you will have a wedding just as spectacular as Dolores. he nods excitedly and pulls you in by the waist hugging you tightly
"of course and i promise nothing will ever split us up, not even if dimensions collide. i know what true love is because of you, and i know you love me just as much as i love you" he says your eyes seeming to never leave each others gaze. you nod happily and tell him that your love for him is endless. you could feel the crowd around you enjoy the sight of more young love in the Family but the only one who seemed to not be there was Abuela.
"alright that's enough love birds, go find somewhere else to be all lovey. we need to set up the dance floor. and beside the big kids wanna drink soon~" you heard Felix say that broke you out of your little trance.

The rest of the night was full of dancing and love as you and Camilo span around dancing to the upbeat music of the wedding. although you were having fun one thing seemed to never get out your mind. everytime you looked over at Abuela she seemed to be talking to this girl and pointing over at you and Camilo. at first you thought it was just some random luck that they were facing your way the whole time, but the odd feeling seemed to grow as you ask Camilo who the girl was beside Abulea
"oh her? she's an old friend of mine from when i was younger... her name is Candice" you look at Camilo oddly, you had never heard of Candice before so you ask him who she was
"Candice dick fit in your mouth!" you look at him with an annoyed look to which he just laughs
"sorry sorry i had toooo, but no her name is daniella. she used to hang out with me when i was like 9? i think Abuela has always like her wonder why she is talking with her right now... oh well don't worry about it i don't think it's anything to our concern" he said gently pulling you into a hug. you nod wanting to agree with what Camilo had said but something deep down made you feel some storms were about to come... but now you just dance with Camilo for the rest of the night. enjoying the wonderful wedding Dolores had put on.

*~Authors Note~*
You guys were all so sweet last chapter I read all your comments so seeing people give me suggestions was so great! i had people asking for Drama and I promise it's coming next chapter I just needed some time planning it out but I did try introducing it in this chapter :D anyway I saw comments from where some of you guys are from and it still amazes me that people are from all over the world and are reading this chapter! anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Also sorry that this one was a bit shorter then the usual ones, i was just busy with soccer. so i may have a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling mistake :(

also thank you for all the ideas last chapter it really helped out a lot!
like  imnotfroot and camilo_loml i hope that was ok for your flower toss thing, i tried to change it up a bit :) and RemyRat7 i tried to be more romantic this chapter but i will try and add more if i can later on! also Izivity i promise drama is coming!

anyway thank you all love you!!

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