The Cumulus Clouds

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the four of you continue up the second golden bridge rising up higher to the second cloud room. Daniella and Mirabel follow close behind you and your boyfriend. the second bridge wasn't as long as the first as you enter the second cloudy room. 
"alright let's try not to spend too long in each cloud but it might be good to pause in each room for a bit to let the next bridge settle for us" you hear Camilo sigh holding onto your hand a bit tighter. you nod and look around the room pulling him along a bit. unlike the last one this room seemed to be more fantasy-filled a room you personally could never imagine working. although the clouds didn't have walls there was a window that floated effortlessly in the air showing the outside world of the Encanto. you walk over and look outside seeing that night had settled stars shining brightly in the sky. since there was no light pollution over the protective area of the encanto you could clearly see each and every constellation. the milky way is bright and full of colour. you look to see Camilo looking out into the sky as well before he looked over to you. 
"the stars are really pretty tonight... we should go stargazing together someday. i know the perfect spot where you can see the stars in any direction no matter where you go" you look over at Camilo and smile telling him you would enjoy that a lot. he nods and turns to see Daniella looking around the room looking at all the mismatched items in the room. she goes over to the main part of the room. that being a giant glass dome that sat in the center of the room. 
"Camilo what is this? how is this even possible!" she said waving the two of you over. curious about what was in the glass dome you hurry over and look into it your eyes filling up with wonder as you peer inside. under the crystal clear glass you took to see terrarium but of course it was no ordinary terrarium with lizards or frogs inside. instead it was a miniature replica of the entire Encanto. you could see each and every house including the Casita which stood on the top of the hill. you bend down closer still holding Camilos hand as you brought him down as well to look inside the fascinating piece of magic. he chuckles at the amusement of you and Daniella
"that's the Encanto a living representation of everything that happens. it's a way for mamá to see the weather without going outside. she says she also uses it to make sure her mood isn't affecting the village outside" the magical room made sense now on why it was there. it was Pepas weather room. you look around at the other array of items around the room to see your suspicions were adding up. there was a telescope in one corner as well as a floating clock that ticked slowly the hands were not pointing at the time, but it was pointing at the weather forecast currently outside as well as the weather that was to come. the hands didn't just move forward but sometimes backward. you were fascinated by everything and so was Daniella as she half walked half pranced over to Mirabel taking her hand to go look at the clock a constant stream of chatter coming from Daniella. you chuckle and look back into the terrarium with Camilo if you looked really close you could even see the trees ruffling in the gentle breeze and just like the terrarium depicted you felt a gentle breeze enter the room from the open window. you look over at Camilo and start talking about how cool you found the room and he smiled kissing your cheek and gently pet your head. he ran his fingers through your hair being gentle to make sure he wouldn't pull It too hard.
"it really is cool isn't it? i always loved being in this part of mamás room. i would watch the weather in the terrarium change and shift as mamá made it rain or sunny. my favourite though is when she would go to entertain kids and make it snow in the fields. it was always so exciting to see the mini white flakes fall and cover the ground... hey maybe we should get here to make a small snowy area when she is free and we can play in it!" he suggested standing up and helping you stand straight as well. you nod and kiss his cheek back letting him know that his idea was wonderful. you had remembered snow only once when Pepa had made it snow once after the birth of Antonio when she was really stressed out.
"Come on you two lovebirds, I'm getting sleepy and want to relax" Mirabel chuckled holding her excited girlfriend who was trying to climb out the window to see where it lead too. you hear Camilo laugh and nod picking you up onto his back and heading to the next bride
"ya ya alright, and get a hold of your girlfriend Mirabel she is gonna end up breaking something" he teased as he walked over to the bridge. compared to the last one it was a lighter colour and Camilo looked slightly nervous to walk on it. he took a small step forward and was happy to see it didn't fade under his feet nor did it shake too much. he sighs relieved and waved the other two over not wanting to waste any time. if anything changed with Pepas mood the bridge could very well disappear. he did a light jog across the bridge Mirabel and Daniella followed.

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