When the Truth Leaks

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You and Camilo watch as Daniella sighs thinking back for a few seconds before nervously fidgeting with her hair. it was clear she was nervous not wanting to upset anyone
"well you should sit down this may be long..." she said sitting down on the ground facing you and Camilo making sure to give the two of you a little bit of space so you were comfortable. you nod and pull Camilo down as well sitting in his lap as he wraps his arms around you"well this better be a good explanation." he huffed placing his head on your shoulder as a headrest. Daniella nods taking in a deep breath before she started to talk"well of course seeing most of the village was there I went to Dolores wedding... and I hope I don't sound like an asshole when I say this, but when I went I was expecting my full attention to be on Dolores but it turned out I saw someone else that just made my heart flutter every time she looked my way..." you nod knowing exactly how Daniella felt. even after a year of dating Camilo it still felt like pure magic when he looked your way. Camilo huffed"Well yes, I saw you and Abuela together pointing towards me and my partner dancing" he stated his arms still wrapped around you, he was still a bit cautious with Daniella. and for good reason to I mean she is costing Camilo his relationship and Family
"ya I know... she was talking about how If i remembered you or not. of course, i said i knew you. then she started talking about how i reminded her a lot of Isabella... then she started getting really weird and saying things like how Isabella was the one that was supposed to marry Mariano. while she was at her other granddaughter's wedding! i know i should have said something at that time but i was scared to get my crush's grandma and angry so I stayed silent." you nod understanding what the other meant. Abuela was quite scary and if you had made any of Camilos family mad in the first few days of dating you would be scared too
"well thank you for the backstory but i would personally like to know why you wanted to even stay with Abuela after all that... i mean i heard you like my cousin so i'm glad you don't like me and all.... but i'm curious who it is?" he said seeming to loosen a bit as you continued to gossip
"well i did it so i could spend more time with the person you like... even if it was just sitting at the same table. just the way she would brighten up the room! it' wonderful really..." Daniella sighed happily as she thought of her crush. you and Camilo look for a few seconds before nodding. it didn't take you long to know if you or Camilo was in Daniellas place you would have both done the same thing to get closer to each other. Daniella was about to keep talking before Camilo cut her off a smile creeping onto his face as he stayed cuddled up with you
"sooo who do you like? which one of my cousins?" you giggle and nod just as curious as Camilo was. all three of the sisters were very sweet each having there own wonderful qualities so you wonder which one would fit Daniella the best. you watch as Daniella's cheeks started to blush brightly clearly embarrassed from the question
"i c-can't tell you that! what if they aren't you know... Fruity? i would just embarrass myself!" she said hiding her blushing face in her hands. you and Camilo look at each other and continue asking her questions quickly such as 'is she cute? what's her favorite animal? is she older or younger? when's her birthday? is she nice? does she have powers?' 
"well of course she is cute! and i think she likes butterflies...? maybe capybara she has talked about them both... and she is my age. her birthday is i think uh... gosh i don't know. and yes of course! she is the sweetest most happiest person i have ever met! like a solid ray of golden sunshine. and no she doesn't have any powers- wait..." Daniella just realized with the questions she had answered it was so clear who she liked. you watch as there was silence for a few seconds until you let out a happy little sound which triggered Camilo to start burst out talking
"YOU LIKE MIRABEL!? Awwww Daniella that's so cute!! You two would be so cute! awwww Daniella i'm so happy for you!" he said clapping his hands excitedly throughout the commotion you swear you could hear a little squeak in the near distance. you hush the two of them down and try to get them to shut up but they would keep talking and having little Arguments here and there. you sigh looking around trying to figure out where the sound you heard came from
"Camilo! hush! don't tell anyone ok!? i don't know how Mirabel feels and all that" she said in a panicked tone. but Camilo clearly enjoyed teasing Daniella about all of it but even they hushed when all three of you looked towards the bushes in the distance watching as it ruffled
"oh fuck... please don't be Abuela..." Camilo whispered holding you close as you hide your face in his chest and closed your eyes terrified to see if it was Abuela or not.

"Daniella... Camilo is this true...?" Mirabel said as she emerged from the trees Dolores coming out behind her. you only then look and make a little 'oooh we fucked up' face. you look over to Daniella who was blushing madly as she hid behind Camilo. it was so painfully obvious that Daniella liked Mirabel and now that she knew there really was no looking back to what all of you were saying earlier. you say an awkward hello to Dolores and Mirabel trying to break the awkward silence. not before long Camilo started to laugh as he hugged you tightly
"Oh my god Mirabel, Dolores! you scared the shit out of me, i thought you were Abuela!" he said his tone bright with amusement and trickery. it was clear he was about to try and get Daniella and Mirabel together, and honestly, you were on board for the whole thing too. you and Camilo get up and you rush over to Mirabel holding her hand bringing her towards the river talking about random things like the weather while Camilo did the same thing with Daniella. Dolores stood and watched in the background giggling knowing exactly what was going to happen seeing she had heard you and Camilo do the same thing to each other when the two of you had first started dating. once the four of you were at the river's edge Camilo gives you a nod you take off Mirabel's glasses and gave her a cheeky smile before pushing her into the water the cool river water splashing on the three of you who were still on the shore. Daniella didn't have time to react before she to was pushed into the water. you watch as Mirabel despite not having her glasses catch Daniela as water splashed all over the place. for a few seconds they just stay in that position before you watch as Mirabel's cheek starts to warm up too.
"hey Daniella... i think we should try getting together? how about a date tomorrow?" Mirabel chuckled watching as Daniellas cheek went a dark red as she nodded excitedly. You and Camilo turn to each other happily as you two high five doing a little hop as your hand's touch. Camilo smoothly made the high five into hand-holding as you go over to Dolores and ask her if she heard them talking and decided to bring Mirabel over so all this cuteness could happen. 
"well we were just looking for Camilo, and then we started walking faster once i heard what you were talking about... what? i thought they were cute! i totally saw Mirabel looking at Daniella here and there when she came over to the house" Dolores said smiling as you and Camilo give her high fives with your free hands seeing the other was occupied. after a while of just watching as Mirabel and Daniella talked happily on the river shore Camilo suddenly said something which scared everyone that was there
"How are we going to tell Abuela?!" He said looking at you then at everyone else
"well she really isn't going to be happy..." Daniella sighed looking at Mirabel with a small sad smile. you hated to see that a relationship that was still so young had to worry about her. you suddenly speak up and tell them the plan. it was going to be simple but effective. that all they needed to do was walk into the Casita not giving a fuck and just tell Abuela that this is how things are gonna be whether she likes it or not. you wait to see what everyone was going to say before Dolores spoke nodding, she clearly liked the idea
"Perfect! plan settled then! we go in there and just girl boss it!" Camilo said smiling as he hugs you giving you a sweet kiss. you smile and kiss back before he slowly pulls away
"who let my partner be smarter than me huh? alright, guys let's do this!" Camilo said still hugging you as everyone else agreed. Mirabel and Daniella stood up their clothing still wet but started walking back towards the Casita ready to tell Abuela off.

*~Authors Note~*
Hi everyone thanks for being so patient for the chapter i hope you all enjoy it! yesterday and today i was reading all the super sweet comments and you all make me so happy i honestly want to give you all hugs, you guys are way too nice!! i promise you even if i don't respond to your comment i'm 100% reading them and smiling my face off! also everyone say thank you to AudioCake for being so amazing and giving me such an amazing idea for the chapter! Also doraawasinnit your Instagram stories honestly make me smile so much aaaah stop!! also i found out that wattpad doesn't like it when people swear in the comment section and say things like shit or fuck. but i promise i still read those comments and giggle, so just a warning for if you use swear words it gets like reported or something idk! anyway again thank you all so much i love you all!! if you have any ideas please comment or better yet Dm me and i will add as many in as possible! also if it's easier for you guys you can call me Mikan and my pronouns are she/her, but honestly Author is so cute too and idk why <3

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