Rainstorm, Windows, and The Start of a Shitshow

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After a while of just sitting on the floor and hugging, Camilo stands up and takes your hand "come on... let's go check on mamá" you nod knowing Pepa must have been feeling a load of emotions. Holding hands tightly you and Camilo enter the rainy kitchen where Pepa sat on a chair her cloud seeming to slowly grow and shrink as if it was breathing.
 "Why is mamà doing this... why..." Pepa said in a quiet tone talking to her self seeing she hadn't seen you nor Camilo. With a few careful steps, Camilo comes forward towards her and gently hugs his mom. You see Camilo give you a small smile and you nod going over and hugging Pepa as well. She turns and looks at you trying to wipe her tears away
"A-Ah! Sorry Camilo, when did you two get here?" She asked trying to contain the rainstorm around the three of you. You told her that the two of you had been listening since Abuela was there. Camilo nods and continued talking to his mom
"Ya... why does Abuela hate them, I don't even have any feelings for Daniella! What's up with that?!" Camilo huffs holding his mother close. he was clearly pissed off about the whole thing, you were quite mad too. not long ago you remember Abuela saying nice things about you, both you and Camilo were thinking what had changed for her to become to rude
"I don't know Camilo. but I promise you I will fix this ok... you always seem so happy with your partner there and I will do everything in my power to keep you two together... even if it means getting the stairs all wet and not saving your Abuela as she tumbles down the stairs like an oversized bowling ball" Pepa winks at her son, of course you both know she would never do that... but it was still funny as Camilo seems to relax a bit and chuckles
"mom come on as much as that would be the easy way out, I don't want the family to be known for murdering someone," he said holding both you and Pepa close in a protective way. it was always clear to you how much Camilo cared for someone if he loved them. it took Pepa quite a while but after a good amount of hugs and comforting words from you and Camilo she seemed to calm down and nodded standing up and gently petting your heads
"alright thank you... both of you, we will try and deal with this in the morning ok? for now get some sleep, breakfast will be... interesting to say the least" you could see he was still pissed off a dark storm cloud over his head threatening to spill rain any second now
"ok I hope everything will smooth out soon... come on lets go to my room" Camilo said trying to give you a reassuring smile, but you knew he was nervous for what could happen next. you not giving him a worried smile back and held his hand walking up the stairs together being extra quiet as you passed by his grandma's room. you look over to see the light on her door flicker for a second and whisper to Camilo asking if that was normal. he looks back watching as the doors light flickered for a second before returning back to it's normal stage
"no it's not... last time that happened the Casita crumbled to the floor... hopefully that doesn't happen again because of her..." he sighed leading you into his room and closed the door behind him making sure that it was locked not wanting Abuela to come in at any given time. it was clear Camilo had very little trust in his grandma and you don't blame him, even you don't really trust the old lady. everything with Daniella was so odd, why would Abuela want to do such a thing

as you step in the room seemed to shift into a more comfortable setting the lights a softer tone and unlike usual the theater wasn't there and instead replaced with a window wich seemed to look into a calm forest landscape. it was an odd forest though one that you had never seen in Colombia. instead of the large jungle like trees you had around the Encanto, the forest was more open with white trees with streaks of black. you look to see snow covering the ground, something you only saw when Pepa got frustrated. you gently touch the window and looked back at Camilo asking him where this was and what these trees were. he looked over at you and walked over wrapping an arm gently around you a small smile on his face
"I don't know... i have seen them in my dream. but I think so much more lies outside the Encanto. maybe one day we can go look for these trees someday... get out of the trapped town where everyone knows each other. maybe one day we can escape here together" he said gently laying his hand softly over yours so both of you were touching the window wich actually lead to no where. but what Camilo said really made you wonder, what else was out there in the world. what was outside the Encanto which no one knew of... maybe Abuela yelling and getting mad would come in use one day. you ask him if he had ever tried leaving the Encanto. he chuckled as sweeping you off your feet and held you in his arms as he walked back towards his bed
"once. i got to the top of the mountain you saw crack when the Casita fell... well I look over and there was a town with soft lights far in the distance but before I could go anywhere Dolores had found me and brought me back down. apparently, Abuela told us never to leave since it was dangerous out there... i wonder why though" he would lay you down on the bed before laying himself down beside you wrapping his arms around you in a gentle manner. you smile softly and close your eyes telling him one day if you ever get a chance. you would go out and explore the great unknown together. you can feel him nod as he nuzzles his face into your hair letting out a small happy sigh as
"alright... thank you so much. I'm sorry this is happening, I love you" he said gently kissing the top of your head. you nod returning the I Love You before slowly drifting to sleep 

the next morning you woke up to feel Camilo still laying beside you fast asleep. you smile and slowly sit up watching him sleep peacefully, you wish you could take a picture but if you did you know that you would wake him up. almost on queue as you were about to wake him up he slowly sturs and stretched his arms before sitting up letting out a large yawn
"ah.. morning hope you slept well" the room slowly started to brighten a bit as Camilo woke up, it was always fascinating to you the way Camilos room would shift with him. you ask him if the two of you should get ready for the dreaded breakfast. 
"oh ya good idea, what we are wearing now should be ok. no one is every well dressed for breakfast anyway" he said getting out of bed and walking to the window which slowly shifted itself into a mirror. you go over and fix Camilos hair before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and went downstairs with him. you look to see mostly everyone was there... even Abuela and Daniella. you look at Daniella who was smiling and helping Abuela. trying to be polite you give her a small wave, she goes to wave back before Abuela puts a plate in her hand stopping her.
"really... why is Daniella here... what is Abuella planning on doing?" he whispered to you, all you could do was shrug. Daniella seemed like such a nice person, but if she was nice why was she here trying to ruin you and Camilos relationship. you shake it off and greet most of the family including Pepa who seemed to be still pissed off, Felix went over to you and Camilo and started whispering not wanting anyone to hear
"we don't say anything about Abuela and Daniella ok... no one needs to know what happened last night. we are gonna pretend Abuela didn't try and suggest that you break up with-" he got cut off as he heard a small squeak from Dolores who had just heard everything. the three of you exchange eye contact for a while before Felix rushed over to his daughter and started talking about random embarrassing things about everyone hoping she wouldn't say anything
"great... this is a shit show from the start... come on lets go sit down and hope nothing happens" Camilo rolled his eyes and sat down as far away from Abuela and Daniella as possible. once everyone was seated everyone started to eat breakfast. without Camilo starting conversations it was quite quiet which didn't help Dolores who was trying to keep a secret. after a while of just eating you watch as Dolores finally broke as she drank some water before talking
"Abuela what were you talking about last night and what did it have to do with Camilo?" she blurted out a surprised Mariano looking up at her wondering where all that came from. you watch as Camilo tenses pulling your chair closer to him
"hmpf seeing we are here lets talk about the problem I am having" Abuela started wiping her mouth with a napkin. you and Camilo look at each other for a few seconds worried for what may come next... you wonder why you ever wished for the breakfast to go smoothly because right now it was headed straight for a train wreck

*~Authors Note~*
Oooo another cliffhanger? you bet ya! for everyone wanting me to push her down the stairs don't worry Pepa agrees too!! for everyone who had commented on the last post I love how everyone has an equal hatred for Abuela I was laughing at so many of the comments! also when you guys Dm me I get so happy like aaahh ily all so much! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! and I will see you all next chapter! leave any ideas in the comments or dm me either works!

also doraawasinnit shut up your ideas are good <3

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