Pepas room tour

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after looking at Pepas door for a while Camilo starts to bring you upstairs. you could see his eyes full of worry as he went up the stairs towards his mothers' room. Dolores, Mirabel, and Daniella followed as well wanting to know what was wrong with Pepa. As you get to the door you watch as Camilo puts his hand on the doorknob and hesitates for a second. you ask what's wrong when he looks back at everyone worry and frustration reflected on his hazel eyes
"Abuela is in there... when we go in there try to be calm and gentle. this isn't about her. this is about mama." you all nod agreeing with Camilo. there was no reason to even interact with Abuela at the moment for now you were all just worried for Pepa knowing that rain was never a good sign. after giving you a quick kiss on the cheek for good luck Camilo quietly opens the door and enters into Pepas room to go check on his mother closing the door after everyone once you were all inside. you look around the room admiring how beautiful it was on the inside. just like all the other Madrigal family members rooms, Pepas room was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. for the first small stretch it was semi-normal there were rain drop wallpapers and a comfy chair here and there. nearby was a cute desk with a lamp that had a small raindrop crystal hanging on the frills. but that was just the so-called normal part of the room. as you look forward the room would slowly fade into what seemed like the sky. there were clouds that ascended upwards connected by golden rope bridges. the whole room gave off a calm and peaceful vibe each level of clouds seemed to contain a small different area of importance but seeing some of them were decently far apart so it was hard to see what some of them contained. you and Daniella were both in absolute awe as you look at the clouds and surrounding room. but on the far side, you could see the cloud was grayer than others rain falling onto the water below that lay like a safety blanket from the clouds. you go closer to the water and look inside it to see water lilies on the water surface some flowers in full bloom while others were just starting to sprout bulbs. you look far out to see under the raining cloud the water lilies swayed away from it. you jog back to Camilo and hug him asking why the far cloud was raining, unlike the others. he sighed looking at the cloud worry still clouding his eyes
"it's because mama is on that cloud and she probably isn't feeling very well... come on-" before he could pull you along you all freeze to see Abuela standing on the golden bridge from the first cloud to where you were standing with Camilo and the rest of the group
"Pepa! come on pull yourself together you are raining over there and I can see it!" Abuela huffs before pausing to look at you and just brushes past you bumping your shoulder a bit. Camilo goes to get mad but you are quick to calm him down reminding him that there were bigger problems at hand. Camilo sighs agreeing but Dolores was the one to speak first
"I'm gonna go have a chat with Abuela ok.... good luck with mama tell her I love her" Dolores said before leaving out the door and closing it behind her as she heads out to talk to Abuela.

"Alright let's go see mama, we just need to walk 3 clouds to get to her room. just careful not to fall over the bridge since I don't want you falling and getting wet in the water below" Camilo took your hand and stepped onto the first golden bridge you watch as it shook for a second before going completely stable as Camilo started to lead the way up the first bridge. you watch as Mirabel and Daniella follow but you were more interested in the room around you. once looking at the rooms that the Madrigals have you realized that each of the rooms had a component that would allow the certain Madrigal to feel safe and calm in their own room. with Camilos room you know that he can change it to the mood he is changing allowing the room to never be too overwhelming for him with bright colours, but as you look around Pepas room you realize that the whole room was nice and calm not to much going on just peace. the bridge though caught your attention as you realize that at first it shook but then it would completely stabilize. you look towards Camilo and ask why it was like that
"The bridges? oh it's my moms way of keeping people she doesn't want away from her when she doesn't want them. i think that's why Abuela wasn't able to get to her" you were still slightly confused but you hear Daniella chip in her bright voice containing hints of sarcasm. 
"I think they mean how it works, because if I'm being honest I got no clue what's going on and these whole magical rooms don't help much" she says holding Mirabels hand walking happily on the bridge. clearly Daniella wasn't scared of height nor was Mirabel but she was just trying to make sure her hyper girlfriend wouldn't fall off the edge. Camilo chuckles and starts to explain more about Pepas room as he leads you along the bridge
"ok so the  bridges act off Pepas emotions, if it senses that you will not be helpful the bridge will just fade before you can step on. if the bridge just wiggles it means you need to be careful, it's Mamas rooms way of saying that we need to be gentle with her. if that makes more sense?" he said as you start to get close to the first cloud. you nod keeping your fingers locked together with Camilo as you got to the first cloud. you look around and see that it acted as a mini study area. there were bookshelves full of books and a small desk with a feather quill and paper laying on top of it. as you stepped on the cloud a sense of comfort seemed to wash over you. you bend down and run your hand through the cloud feeling the soft almost velvety texture. Daniella slowly walked on as well and looked confused turning to Mirabel wonder in her eyes
"wait how does this work? i mean clouds are just made of water vapors both frozen and liquid I don't understand how this could work" you look at Camilo and he shrugs a small smile on his face as he goes to fix some books on the bookshelf for his mom
"who knows Daniella, how do you know all this science information anyway?" Mirabel asked looking at the clouds to come there were 2 more clouds until the final grey one Pepa was at
"well I just like reading books and learning science that's all!" she said looking off the edge of the cloud to the water below. as cool as the first cloud was you go over and hug Camilo asking if he was ok. in the background you could hear Daniella and Mirabel talking about science but you try to tone the background speaking out and just listen to your boyfriend. he looked over and gently hugged you as he sighs not knowing how to answer
"I'm ok... just worried, I just don't understand why Abuela can be so mean... i mean Mama stresses easily and she knows that. yet she keeps pushing her and then doesn't let her show her emotions" he said looking towards the grey cloud with worry. you give him a gentle kiss on the lips as you tell him everything would be ok in the end. and that no matter what happens you will be with Camilo each step of the way. he seemed to calm down by the fact and nodded holding you closer for a few moments. as you hug in silence for a bit you start to realize Pepas room had a soft smell. it smelt of rosemary and lavender but as if it was toned down with fresh spring water.  the whole room was just peaceful, perfect for Pepa who lived a stressful and quick-paced life. after a long and stress releaving hug you pull away from Camilo and hold his hand looking at the next bridge. the golden colour of the bridge seemed to be a little fader. it was clear that Abuela had tried to pass through before but failed. you build up your confidence and smile telling him once you finish comforting his mom that the two of you can cuddle for longer. he nods and goes on the next bridge waiting for it to stop wiggling before calling Mirabel and Daniella over. the quickly follow the four of you walking along the next bridge Camilo was now much calmer as he held your hand gently rubbing your thumb with his.
"alright 2 more clouds and we can finally see Mama... let's do this" he said as the three of you continue up the golden bridge towards the next cloud

*~Authors Note~*
Hi everyone! hope you enjoy this chapter! i first want to say a big thank you too RileyAnnez09, I can't find ur Wattpad so I'm sorry! but they were the one that allowed me to use their OC for Daniella and drew a wonderful picture like aaahhh look at it! their facebook is RileyAnne Zzero but ya anyway thank you so much! again you guys are all so nice in the comments making me blushhhh. anyway ily all so much!! hope you have a wonderful dayyyy

 anyway ily all so much!! hope you have a wonderful dayyyy

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(also doraawasinnit you are so swaggy)

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