Pottery with a Hint of Longing

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  *~     there will be a bit of angst, there is mention of   blood  but if there are any triggers you find                   along the way please let me know by commenting or DMing me so i know for sure          ~*

The two of you would walk through the village together holding hands as people passed by and greeted both you and Camilo. Camilo would practically skip through the streets swinging your hand as you walked. the day was nice and bright Toucans flying above you and Camilo. you chuckle knowing the Toucans were probably Antonio's friends spying on you.
"Come on can you at least give me a hint on what we are doing? you are making me bounce with excitement and I don't even know what we are doing!" he huffed as the two of you crossed over the bridge. you explain to him that it has to do with art, and that you know he would love it
"Well I'm just glad we can go on a date together, it seems like foreverrrr since we got to see each other" he said with a smile. you look a bit confused telling him that you just saw each other yesterday for dinner and that the two of you went and took care of donkeys together
"I know, I know~ but every second we are apart I feel myself losing myself~" he said dramatically placing his free hand on his forehead as if he was dying. you let out a short laugh shouldering him playfully. you tell him that he is such a theater kid and that he is overreacting
"awww you know me too well!" he winked making you start to blush. as you turned the corner you told Camilo to close his eyes. excitedly he closed his eyes and let you lead him through the streets. the second you had gotten him in front of the pottery place you tell him to open his eyes
"pottery!? that's such a wonderful idea! come on let us make some matching teacups!" he says pulling you into the shop. you giggle happily as he says hello to the owner and sits down at a corner seat and got some clay. the two of you started to spin your clay trying to make a teacup. you look over to see Camilo seeing his was all wonky, just like yours. you look at the teacups you had made so far and giggled showing Camilo yours. he looks over and smiles
"Look at that ours are matching! only because they both kinda suck... but oh well" you chuckle and nod as you pick up the two teacups and bring them to the kiln to cook. when you walk back you see camilo making something but he quickly hides it. you look at him confused
"i-it's nothing! i promise~" he said with a smile as he throws the ring-shaped clay into the kiln. after you talk to the pottery guy you find out that the teacups will be ready in 30 minutes. you look outside and sigh seeing it was pouring rain. you apologize to Camilo saying that Mango picking might not be the best idea. Camilo looked like he could care less as he held your hand
"Awww come on you know i don't care. come on let's go run back to the Casita! a little rain won't kill us" he ran into the rain his hair absorbing some of the water. you roll your eyes and run into the rain as well crashing into the other's arms hugging him tightly. after a while of just hugging in the rain, Camilo takes your hand and starts the walk back to the Casita

as you and Camilo enter the Casita you see Dolores and wave at her. she gives you a smile back before leaving for the kitchen seeing she was probably hungry. Camilo takes your hand and leads you up towards his room his door shining brightly as it usually does. he swings the door open and as he enters the room shapeshift into its usually comfortable look and not a blinding pure white. as the two of you pass by a mirror that was mounted on the wall Camilo stops and looks at himself. thinking nothing of it you sit down and watch your boyfriend as he looks at himself gently touching his face. he combs his hair back for a second before he spoke
"is.. i... weren't my eyes a dark brown... like Dolores eye colour... did they ever have.. green?" you look confused and worried. yes he had always had greenish-brown eyes... you get up and ask if Camilo was alright before you pause as you watch Camilo look down at his own hands
"no.. t-that's not right. Tio Bruno has brown eyes not me... hehehe r-right? tell me I'm right... i have shape-shifted into him so many times i would know he has green eyes! i have... what colour eyes do i have... brown.. right? i have brown eyes! like Dolores and Antonio!" Camilo turns to you laughing as a few tears started to stream down his face
"I don't look like that... do i? have i always looked like that?? i can't remember... my own face" he turned back to the mirror his lips trembling you walk over to him trying to calm him down telling him that it was alright. Before you could take another step though Camilo had thrown the mirror to the floor the glass shattering. you flinch back trying to get Camilo to turn around and look you in the eyes but he didn't. you watch as he shapeshifted into Bruno for a second and pick up a broken shard of glass looking at himself in it before he turns back into his normal form. despite the broken glass all over the floor you rush over and hug Camilo trying to ask your crying boyfriend what was wrong. he just silently cries as he looks at himself in the broken mirror shard
"it's hard... why is this power so hard... d-do you know how frustrating it is that EVERY SINGLE TIME i look in the mirror i don't see me? but the reflection looking back should be me! but i look at myself and laugh, because is that what i look like? is that really what you fell in love with?!" you could hear the sadness and confusion in his laugh for once. he was still smiling but the smile was different full of longing for something, you looked at your boyfriend's teary face and gently kiss the other's lips. it was clear he was suffering, and whatever he was suffering with you found it saddening to know he hadn't told you. you reassure him that you love him for who he was and not anyone he shapeshifts into. you try to get the other to calm down but Camilo would just keep silently crying but he did let go of the glass sharp a small cute on his hand which he slowly curled shut so it wouldn't bleed any blood on you as he gently hugged back
"i wish i could be different... sometimes... no, most of the time when i shapeshift into someone i wish i could be them instead. how much easier it would be to have the power of healing! no one can hate you if your power is that" you hold your crying boyfriend trying to tell him that his power is just as important as the others but he shook his head
"you know what i hear not just around the village but in the house too? oh, Camilo if only you could do this like your sibling... or oh Camilo if only you could do it like this person... Camilo be more like this person won't you.... Do they think i don't wanna be like them!? why would i wanna be like me!? no one likes me for my personality! they like the person I created! i tried soooo hard to take the best personality traits of people i shapeshift into, so maybe my family would someday love me for who I am!" you look at Camilo and see he was still giggling although the laugh was distant and cold. you gently pet Camilo's hair and tell him that it was ok... you told him it was ok to cry and that he didn't need to smile when he was sad. you told him there was no point in trying to be perfect since everyone was different and that's what made the world unique. you look him in the eyes and once again tell him that his eyes are beautiful and that you love Camilo because of him. not who he shapeshifts into. but because you love him.
"you... god damn it I love you. I'm sorry I'm just overreacting i should have myself together-" you cut him off quickly and tell him that he shouldn't be sorry, and if anything you should be sorry for not knowing. you thought his bright smile was pure, but it turned out he was hiding so much. you watch as his smile faded and he hugged you tightly tears just streaming down his face. you tell him that he can let all his feelings out, all the ones that hurt him so much. you tell him no one would make fun of him because he is "different".
"alright... I will try... i will work on finding myself... we can work on it together since i think i will need a little bit of help here and there" he said hiding his face in your shoulder. you nod and tell him you would be with him every step of the way. it was silent for a while before you hear a creaking sound of a door opening and turn to see Camilos door was opening the light from the outside hall shinning in.

*~Authors Note~*
Hehe did i leave you on a cliffhanger? yes i did, don't worry though I will try to get the next chapter out by around the same time tomorrow! but seeing it was angsty I hope everyone was ok with it i promise i will bring fluff/comfort back in the next chapter! i would like to thanks both Izivity and doraawasinnit for the suggestions for this chapter! again i hope you enjoy it and see you next chapter and if you have any ideas please comment them!

i was looking at Demographics for this Fanfiction and OMG some of you guys live in such cool countries i never thought would come read my fanfic!! for my fellow 4.65% of Canadian readers hello from BC! but i was shocked when i was reading through it since wow i never thought someone from Estonia or like Austria would find my fanfiction so i'm just fangirling over here since i love to learn about other countries! like i have people from all over Europe, Asia, Oceana, Africa and both North, Central and South America! like whaaaa i have at least one person from each continent that's crazy! anyway that's my news if you want to tell me about your country and culture in the comments please do because i would love to hear your stories of where you live... anyway love yal see you next chapter!

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