Luisas Room

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The inside of the Casita was dead quiet as you looked around wondering where everyone had gone. as you walk up the stairs holding the bag which held Luisas present Antonio had poked his head out the crack of Luisas room before smiling and quietly giggling as a toucan did the same thing above him. he sees the two of you and waves you over excitedly his young eyes bright with excitement and secrecy. you and Camilo look at each other before rushing over together, Antonio pulls the two of you in and closed the door behind you jumping with excitement his toucan sitting on his shoulder flaring his feathers to mimic the excitement. the inside of the room was quite plain... well compared to the other Madrigal rooms so far at least. the rooms walls were made of cobblestone the floors a cold and darker wood type, lignum vitae to be exact. the whole room seemed to have a strong structure very masculine, the bed stood in the corner shelf lined with trophies, along the floor there were weights and other exercise thing scattered around the floor. other small things that lay around the room was a plotted plant in which Daniella was looking at, other then Daniella, you, Camilo and Antonio no one else seemed to be in the room let alone the house.
"alright Antonio, what are we doing for the party and where is everyone else...? and this room is super plain are we sure we want to do it here?" Camilo asked looking around the stone room, you had your arm around his waist as Antonio looked around to make sure Luisa wasn't near before walking towards the back of the room. only then did you realize that there was one fairly large fire agate stone on one of the bricks of stone along the walls. Daniella looked away from the plant as well and followed seeing she had gotten bored of waiting for Antonios bird to bring some party streamers. Antonio on the other hand was reaching up for the firey stone
"Luisa has a secret room! and we were gonna do the surprise party there!" you and Camilo look at each confused until Antonio knocked on the stone 4 times and suddenly the stone started to change colours until it transformed into a beautiful soft blue agelite. 
"is that all it does-" Camilo was quickly cut off from his words as the whole room seemed to vibrate before the crystal seemed to move through the stone like as if it was water. it perched itself higher up the wall and undneath it the stones moved out around before moving to become an archway, no one could see to the other side as there was a wall of blue fog acting as a curtain. you and Camilo were absolutely shocked, you had been in Luisas room once before but you never saw it do that
"I take my words back... wow I never knew it did that.." Antonio giggles and took Daniella hand and ran through the archway
"Come on or you will be late!" he squeaked disappeared behind the misty archway. you and Camilo look at each other and shrugged running through the fog just as Antonio had done but you were not met with solid ground

"oh shit!" as you ran through you realized you had just run off a cliff, you held onto Camilo tightly expecting to fall but instead a jet of warm air kept you floating up in the air as if you were flying. you finally open your eyes to see you were in fact floating from the warm jets of air that were coming from gyesers below. you couldn't help but laugh as you glided around Camilo doing the same as he held your hand
"holy shit this is amazing! we are literally flying!" you glided down towards the soft sand your feet landing gently on the warm sand. you look up to see that Luisas hidden room was a tropical beach cove. like the Encanto there were slightly smaller yet still decently large round mountains that surrounded the cove bright green tropical threes littering the top of the mountain, sounds of happy songbirds could be heard far away. the water inside the cove and beyond was a beautiful crystal blue that reflected the bright sun. looking around you could see there was a lounging chair as well as some cute shady spots from the trees around the cove. before you could take in all the beauty you watch as Antonio raced along the sand towards a group of people you recognized as the Madrigal family. you and Camilo walked over waving at everyone
"oh hey you two glad you found out where we were!" Julieta said a bright smile on her face as she set up a bunch of Luisas favorite foods on a table lining everything up nicely. Isabella was making all different types of family around the area to make it prettier while Mirabel set all the presents in a pretty way, you and Camilo went over and gave her the present for Luisa. 
"hey you two... have you seen Agustin?" Julietta asks once she realized that her husband was missing from the group. but before you could answer Pepa spoke
"that reminds me... where did Felix run off too as well? i needed help setting up more of the decorations" Dolores walked in with some balloons with Mariano
"oh the dads? they went to go get the piano" she said looking around before finally spotting
"Oh dear! Agustin, Felix be careful!" hearing Julieta yell you look in the distance to see Agustin and Felix dragging the piano down the side of the hill, knowing Agustin's bad luck you all knew this couldn't end very well
"oh no...." Isabella said just in time to watch as Felix had lost his grip on the piano which left Agustin on the front side to hop on top of the piano in fear. and just as anyone would guess the gran piano started to slide down the side of the hill with Agustin Julieta had already grabbed some food and was rushing over across the sand over towards her husband who was still riding the piano down the hill while Felix ran after it trying to get it to stop. Everyone else kinda just watched in shock as the piano continued to roll down the hill. Camilo had his arm around your waist not knowing what to do either. eventually, the piano got to the bottom of the hill and was luckily able to stop slowly on the sandy beach. after a few seconds you and Camilo rushed over to make sure he was ok.
"oh my gosh Agustin are you ok?!" you could hear Julieta ask looking at her husband worried, Agustin was surprisingly ok as he nodded a smile on his face
"Yep I'm alright! I'm not hurt at all surprisingly. man, I wonder if the miracle is working on me for once and got rid of my streak of getting injured" you and Camilo chuckle watching holding hands watching as Agustin went to get off the piano and... slipped and fell falling face-first into the sand with a thud. you can't help but let a small giggle pass through your lips as you look over to Camilo who was clearly trying so hard not to burst out laughing at the poor guy
"Ay, Agustín. really?" Julietta said helping her husband stand other than the sand all over his glasses and face he was completely fine
"bleh... see tada perfectly fine! not even a scratch!" he said almost too proudly for his own good. with that being all settled finally everyone could laugh as Julieta put the food down and hugged his husband lovingly kissing his cheek making Agustins cheeks go pink
"you are gonna be the end of me one day I swear, try not to get hurt ok?" Julieta says kindly as Agustin nods smiling gently booping the tip of his nose
"alright let's get this all set up for Luisa now! i don't want to have brought that piano down for nothing~" 

everyone goes back to setting everything but this time Camilo helped felix with the piano seeing Julieta had dragged Agustin away to do something else so he wouldn't get hurt. after a long while of setting up for the birthday party it was finally set and complete. the cove had turned to be more bright and birthday like with the help of Antonions animals it was done much faster then expected but all that was left to do now was to get Luisa. everyone was huddled around the table trying to figure out what they should do before Mariano spoke up
"oh I have an idea, what if you two go out saying Antonio lost his iguana pal in Luisas secret room and get her to enter that way" Mariano said looking over at you and Camilo. for a few seconds before everyone agreed to the idea. Dolores had snuck in a kiss to her now very happy husband, you and Camilo look back towards the archway
"alright everyone else hide, we should do a surprise party and have that shabam to it you know?" Antonio nods excitedly as he runs off and goes hides in a nearby tree. everyone is just glad to see Antonio having a better childhood than most of them, less work and worry about what his powers would do for the village. instead, he just lived a semi-normal childhood after a bit more planning you and Camilo ran off towards the archway again to go get Luisa to celebrate her birthday

*~Authors Note~* 
hiiii! i hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I tried to do Luisas room well I hope everyone likes it! if anyone has ideas for things to do at the birthday party I would love to hear them! anyway ily all so much!

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