An Inconvenient Flame

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for a while, Abuela seemed to be silent before she cleared her throat and started to talk. even when she was smiling her eyes seemed to be laced with an emotion even you couldn't wrap your fingers around it was a mix of pride, maybe guilt? but none of you could read the emotions 
"so I have been thinking lately... that we should invite Daniella into the family. through Camilo of course, his current partner is wonderful... but don't you think that Daniella could give him so much more" you didn't know what to say, she was talking as if you weren't there. you went to snap at Abuela for being a bitch but someone stopped you before you could even speak
"Abuela you are kidding right? They are perfect for each other, what are you talking about?" Mirabel spoke up sounding shocked that her grandmother would suggest such a thing. you feel as Camilo wrapped an arm protectively over your shoulder as he nods at Mirabel's comment
"ya what the fuck. Daniella is nice and all, but she is my friend I have no intention on leaving my partner ever" Camilo growled holding your hand tightly his arm still wrapped around you.
"well think about it! don't you just think Daniella is spectacular?" she asked gently petting Daniellas head which she smiled at not making eye contact with the other family members knowing she would get in trouble. Camilo scoffs under his head rolling his eyes at his grandma
"No. i don't they are perfect for me, why can't you let me love who I love Abuela!?" he said as he stood up slowly raising his voice at his grandma. in retaliation, Abuela started talking back to Camilo you and Daniella making awkward eye contact for a few seconds
"well I think Daniella can treat you better than they can! you have just been learning bad things from them, have you seen the two of you!? not a single brain cell in either of you!" Abuela said glaring at you with cold and angry eyes. you held onto Camilo nervously. 
"I'm sorry...  Abuela repeat that?" Luisa said in a clearly pissed off tone, happily Abuela answered back
"I said I think they are weighing the family down like someone we once know! come on this will be perfect it's like having another perfect girl walk into our lives" Abuela had glared at Bruno this part at the weighing the family part as he links back into his chair huffing. everyone was shocked Abuela would say such a thing as Abuela would look around at her family keeping her arm wrapped around Daniella. you look around the room then up at Camilo wondering what would go on. this time it was Felix who spoke up as he stood up angrily walking up behind you and Camilo and placing a hand on you and your boyfriend's shoulder.
"shut up. one more word about either of them slip out of your mouth and I will let Pepa go full out storm on you. and she will" Pepas cloud was starting to darken around the room as Daniella started to look really worried, I mean of course she would be scared there is a hurricane in the kitchen. she gulps and stands up pushing in her chair escaping
"well I should leave you guys to sort it out... thank you for having me for breakfast" she said before disappearing through the door. with Daniella now gone the Argument seemed to only get worse as people started to yell across tables. you watch as Mariano would hold Dolores close as she covered her ears from all the loud yelling. Camilo was holding onto you like a protective dog as he glared at Abuela with daggers. the whole Family (other then Abuela) was on your side. after a while you get fed up and stand up slamming you hands on the table as you tell everyone to shut up. you didn't expect it but everyone did shut up as you let a sigh out and looked at Abuela holding Camilos hand tightly. even pepas rain seemed to freeze
"yes. what would you like to say." Abuela said crossing her arms and glared at you. after a deep breath you start talking to her in a stern voice telling her how toxic she is being not only to her family but for the whole of the Encanto. you tell her that she wasn't helping her family at all and that she was just hurting everyone more then she was healing them. you were pissed off that she would be so rude to not just you but Camilo and the rest of the family. the whole family was silent as you continued talking to Abuela in a stern yet calm voice. in the end, to wrap everything up you just called her the inconvenient flame of the family. she was like a candle that had tipped over. it could bring light but with it crumbled it was just bringing more pain then anything else as wax drips down the walls and in the worst condition the whole house burst up in flames. yes that's what Abuela was an Inconvenient flame. once you finish your speech you stand there waiting... for anyone else to talk but for a while it was just silence until finally
"you know what. get out. Camilo stay here. i want you out of my house" Abuela said everyone was about to start yelling again before Camilo held your hand and just started walking away.
"Fine if they are leaving the house. so am I. if you don't want to see me happy, then you don't need to see me happy at all... i was wrong about Bruno, I would have done the same thing. you are a monster Alma." Camilo said in a cold tone looking back at his grandmother one more time before leaving the house and not looking back as you follow. you could hear Abuela yelling in the background... what was going on... why was the Madrigal family full of so many problems

once you get to the path you hear running and turn to see little Antonio coming up behind Camilo and hugged his brother from the back. you could hear him sniffling
"Camilo... don't leave me alone... you will come back for dinner right?" you could hear the desperate sound in Antonios voice. you could see Camilos eyes start to tear up as he put on a smile and turned and ruffled Antonios hair before giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead
"I won't be far ok...? i will try Antonio, but if I'm not back by dinner don't be sad ok? I'm never gonna be far" Camilo said clearly holding back tears. you watch sadness filling your heart as you gently kiss Camilos cheek then hold Antonios hand telling him everything would be fine. not really fully understanding everything going on he just nodded and let go looking up at Camilo wanting to say something before he could hear his mother calling his name. he looked back at Camilo and you for a few seconds before running off into the house again. you watch as a window waved you and Camilo goodbye before you and Camilo turn walking down the cobblestone path, to where who knows...but it seemed your feet were bringing you towards your river. you walk in silence before Camilo finally spoke up
"I'm sorry mi vida... i don't know why Abuela is acting like that. i thought she learned last time.. with Mirabel, why can't people just change" you sigh and try to lighten the mood a bit by suggesting you go walk along the river. Camilo seemed to smile softly at that as he bent down and picked you up on his back as he walked down the street giving you a piggy back ride. you couldn't help but giggle as you reached up for the cloud before wrapping your arm back around Camilo to stay supported as he carries you. once you get to the river you sit down and just talk about small things such as what you should do about the rest of the Family or what you would have for dinner. but before you could talk for long you hear a branch snap and both you and Camilo turn to see Daniella standing there frozen in fear as Camilo stands up
"What are you doing here!?" he yells clearly still pissed off at her, both of you really did think she was on Abuelas side on all of this before she started talking trying to calm Camilo down
"wait please let me explain! give me 5 seconds and i promise i can clear everything out for me!" she said pleading for just 5 seconds of your time. you and Camilo look at each other and nod as Camilo started to count down... despite this he was still a tad bit childish
"5.... 4.... 3...2.." he counted down as you watch Daniella look for the right words before just blurting out closing her eyes hoping Camilo wouldn't get mad
"I'M LESBIAN! AND I LIKE YOUR COUSIN!" she said before slowly opening one of her eyes to see you and Camilos reaction. you stand up and go beside the shocked Camilo who clearly looked like he was about to scream and jump into the river and get pulled away by the current. but instead, you hold his hand telling him to take a deep breath and he listened
"Alright... well that was definitely not the answer i was expecting..." he said sighing and closing his eyes rubbing his temple with his free hand which wasn't holding your hand. you ask her why she was doing all this and Daniella sighed sitting down on a log
"well... do you really want to know?" she asked fidgeting with her hands as she looked at the two people standing in front of her. you nod wanting an explanation
"alright... i will tell you" she said and started to explain why she had started talking to Abuela in the first place.

*~Authors Note~*
AHAHA ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! YEP I'M SORRY! but ok reading your guys comments are SOOOO FUNNY! i wish i had time to update more often but for now i think i can only do once a day since ew school :( anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter and hope to see you all next chapter! Oh and also thank you  AnimeForLife1912 for your suggestion i tried to add it in i hope it worked out!! anyway again luv you all so much!!
(also sorry if the first part had spelling and grammar mistakes, i was sleepy when writing that XD)

doraawasinnit i tried adding more drama!! i did my best :D hope you enjoy it Broski!!!

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