When Words Fail

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Abuela watched and nodded for Daniella to start talking so she did with a deep breath in 
"w-well... i wanted to let you know that I don't like uh well... never that and I wanna say that I like girls..." Daniella said nervously the baby Capybara still in her arms as she looks at Abuela. despite what you all thought Abuela seemed to understand and nodded closing her book to show she was listening and she started to talk
"Alright that's fine. and?" she said not seeming to really grasp the concept that she was lesbian and not Bisexual meaning she has no attraction to Camilo at all. Daniella seemed to relax only a tad bit as she continued to speak taking a small step away from Abuela and closer to You, Camilo, and Mirabel. Camilo was still glaring at Abuela so you squeeze his hand telling him to calm down for the time being. you didn't want anything to happen to Daniella after all
 "well uh... i don't like Camilo and I don't want to marry him. instead, I would like to date your other granddaughter here.." she said and closed her eyes scared to get yelled at knowing that was already coming. and just as she thought Abuela was pissed that her manipulation relationship with Daniella and Camilo was not gonna work out. it was Abuelas plan to be able to control her chaotic family more by doing planned marriages which would keep the family more calm and united... but of course, that wasn't just the case for Camilo and Daniella
"What!? are you kidding me!? i have talked to you so often about my plan and you backstab me like this! no whether you like it or not you will marry Camilo! why can't you all just understand that! i want this to be a perfect relationship, and you two will be perfect! i KNOW this!" she growled standing up glaring at everyone there. you watch as Daniella's eyes start to tear up and sniffle as she runs off and out of the room. Mirabel glared at Abuela and yelled at her
"Have you learned NOTHING! look what you have done! Daniella wait!" Mirabel yelled before running off after you leaving you and Camilo alone. you were scared as you held Camilos hand tightly but Camilo stepped in front of you in a protective manner as Abuela turned the attention to you and Camilo. she takes a step forward the butterflies in the room left leaving the colour of the living room to seem colder and dimmer. you whimper as Camilo makes sure you are behind him, he was pissed off for sure now as he glared at his Grandma who started to speak
"Why must you always cause so much trouble Camilo! no both of you! i just want you to be happy Camilo! like I was happy with Pedro, you two seem so similar to what we were! i just want you to be happy!! why can't you get that through your head!" you now finally understood why Abuela was so set on trying to get you and Camilo together. it was because Camilo and Daniella reminded her of her old relationship with Pedro. of course Camilo caught onto this and scoffed not being able to hold his emotions back anymore as he yelled back to her
"What! We are not you! our relationships are not to your fantasy! get over him Abuela he is DEAD! he DIED more than 50 years ago! Why can't you understand that we are your family too, not just your dead husband! why oh?! you want me to be him!" you watch as Camilo shape shifted into Pedro as he gave Abuela a smile clearly pissed off. Abuelas eyes started to tear up as she took a step back as she tried to stay angry. she went to say something but Camilo beat her to it. Camilo took a step forward and at this point, you were just glad Camilo was good at acting
"is this what you like Alma? do you love me now Mi Mariposa?" Camilo said holding his hand out for his grandma clearly doing this to hurt her. but you supported it and wished that you could do something like what Camilo was doing. Abuela was clearly broken as she stuttered before yelling at the two of you but mostly at you. you just smile at Abuela knowing she got the message
"y-you.. i... CAMILO STOP IT! GET OUT BOTH OF YOU! AND YOU! GET HIM TOGETHER BEFORE I SEPERATE YOU FOR GOOD AND KEEP CAMILO TRAPPED INSIDE THE CASITA FOR GOOD!" she yelled as Camilo turned back into himself and rolled his eyes at Abuela before picking you up and leaving the room shutting the living room door behind you. the two of you were holding your breaths until you finally got outside.

once the two of you were outside you look at each other in silence for a few seconds before squeling and giving each other a high five. whatever you had done had clearly gotten to Abuelas mind and that's what you wanted. the two of you wanted to get her to know that she had to be happy no matter who people decided to marry. Camilo chuckles and hugs you tightly twirling you around as he holds you close once he put you down on the ground. adrenaline was still coursing through your body as you hugged him back tightly and kissed him for a solid few seconds before pulling away looking into his eyes. his eyes were bright with excitement and pride, he really girl bossed his way in and out of there and you were proud of him to as you hugged him tightly once more. you say that maybe abuela will now understand. you tell Camilo that not only you and him deserve to be happy but that Daniella and Mirabel deserve to be happy as well. Camilo nods holding you close lovingly
"mhm! and we need to be able to live in a happy and caring space so we can be a happy married couple~" he says kissing your forehead. you look confused and he saw that chuckling
"look at your finger Mi Flor" he said and you look down and smile looking at the promise ring he gave you. he gently boops your nose and you tell him that you hope the wedding would be perfect one day. he nods and was about to say something before Antonio rushed out of Dolores room holding her hand tightly as he ran over to you and Camilo panicked
"Daniella ran off! we need to find her! Mirabel is already looking for her!" he said trying to drag you all down the stairs in which the casita helped sliding you all down stairs in a safe fashion. for a bit you and Camilo had forgotten about that and sprang to action like little superstars. 
"right! alright Dolores where did they go- and wait Antonio how did you know about all this I thought I told you to go to your room and wait?" Camilo asked looking down at his brother. Antonio looked Guilty and went behind you to hide from his brother knowing there was no in hells way that Camilo would ever hurt you in any shape or form
"w-well I may have been eavesdropping through the door... but I couldn't help myself!" he said nervously. Camilo paused and chuckled proudly ruffling antonios hair before going back to holding your hand. Dolores chuckled picking Antonio up 
"don't worry Tonio I was listening to, you guys were all so brave I would have poopied in my pants" Dolores tried not to swear in front of Antonio but what she really meant was that she would have shit her pants. you and Camilo giggle as you go outside trying to listen for Daniella or Mirabel. after a while Dolores looked towards the smallest of the mountains it was only around 120m which was about a 15 minute hike. she point towards the mountains and you nod leading the way determined to find the two love birds. Camilo walks beside you as you start hiking up the mountain following a deer path... well in this case probably some sort of jaguar of capybara path. as you climb up you look back to see the Casita behind you. yep even with everything going on the Casita was still in one place meaning Mirabel must have been the new Candleholder. as you all climb up the mountain you look over to see Mirabel sitting down beside Daniella her arm around her shoulder. you went to rush over but Dolores stopped you shushing all of you to stay still and silent 
"shhh wait it may be cute..." with just those words you all go silent to listen into whatever was going on with mirabel and Daniella

*~Authors Note~*
hey hey hey! ok this cliffhanger isn't assss big as the last one but I hope this chapter was nice for all of you. we put Abuela more in her place because she was being a stinky old Karen. anyway! thank you so much  fa1ryyc0v3 and doraawasinnit for all your help in this chapter! i loves seeing all your comments and yes GreenAppleVI Abuelas room was based of what her old house with Pedro looked like plus rooms she wanted to have but wasn't able to get at their old place (thinks they wanted to renovate and what not) it was her idea of a perfect house. anyway I will try to update tomorrow but pls don't be surprised if I don't I have math finals coming up! anyway thanks for reading luv you all!!

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