Fiesta Sorpresa

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the next morning you woke up yawning and look over to see Camilo still sleeping curled up comfortably in your arms. you couldn't help but smile softly and gently kiss his cheek whispering softly to him that it was time to wake up. after a few seconds of quiet whispering, he finally woke up his eyes fluttering open. he looked at you with his sleepy hazel eyes before chuckling softly and giving you a soft kiss turning over to hold you close instead
"morning mi amor... how was your sleep?" he asked his voice was his usual morning voice, a little scratchier and lower than usual. but when he first wakes up his voice is sweet and caring. you blush and cuddle closer in his arms reply that you had a wonderful sleep. unlike last night the window had changed to be a mildly cloudy day in a similar forest. you notice that the clouds must have been there so the flashing sun wouldn't blind your eyes when you first wake up but still have a nice place to look outside when you awake from your slumber. the fireplace was now basically dead the wood still had a low glow of embers. as Camilo slowly sat up with you in his arms the cloud started to thin a little letting in a comfortable amount of light to be able to get ready to go outside without blinding you right off the bat. he slowly got out of bed and helped you out giving you a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose before going to his drawer to change. you realized you didn't have any clothes so asked if you could borrow some of his. 
"Aww of course darling," he said giving you some clothes to wear. you change and saw it was a little big on you but personally you found it adorable. and Camilo found it adorable as well as he let out a happy sequel. he went over and hugged you twirling you around
"awww look at you being so cute huh?" he said twirling you around before putting you down. you stumble backwards dizzy but before you fall over Camilo catches you
"whoopsy sorry about that, anyway lets go downstairs"  he said opening his door and walking outside. you follow chuckling and looked around seeing Antonio run over his toucan following behind him squawking. Antonio rushes over and jumps into Camilo arms 
"shhhh don't be loud... but it's Luisas birthday today and we are gonna set up a surpiseeee partttyyyyy" he whispered and you and Camilo looked at each other. with all the Abuela shit going on, you had completely forgotten. Camilo puts his brother down and nods
"Aww ok ok let's go get a present! we will be back in a bit ok?" he said holding your hand and sliding down the stairs. you laugh as you went down and landed on your feet rushing out the door past a confused looking Luisa who yelled after the two of you
"Where are you going!?" she said watching as Camilo started to run down the cobblestone pathway down to the village. he looked back and waved goodbye
"Just to go buy some oranges! we will be back!" 

he said before continuing to run. you follow him quickly and eventually stopped running panting heavily from the long sprint. after catching your breath you look over wondering what they were going to get Luisa. Camilo started to walk around the street looking around at the small local stores. he shrugged but found a calm looking shop and pointed inside
"how about here? looks like they sell comforting items" you look inside and something automatically catches your eye so you drag Camilo inside to go look at it. inside was a beautifully woven hammock with the same colour themes as Luisas Dress
"oh wow good spot we should get this... i think Luisa would enjoy this a lot" he said before someone came up behind him with a welcoming smile
"hello welcome to my shop. my name is Doraal, how are you two doing today? i see you two are looking at the hammock?" she said with a gentle smile, the shopkeeper had a sweet voice her black hair slightly wavy falling around to her shoulders. Camilo nods holding your hand as if you were a married couple looking for a bed matress
"ah hello I'm doing well, we were wondering how much this hammock is for. we are wanting to get it for Luisa seeing her birthday is today" Doraal looked at the hammock
"oh well it's 21257.68 pesos, usually it's a bit higher but seeing you are always helping around the village and you help me out as well so i lowered the price" Doraal smiled unclipping the hammock, you went to help pay but Camilo insisted he would pay by himself. he took out the moment and paid for the hammock. Doraal smiled taking the money and placing it in the cash register. you watch as she thought for a few seconds before she started speaking again
"would you like me to wrap it up for you? it's a gift after all" She chuckled here eyes kind, Camilo nods a thank you 
"that would be wonderful thank you so much! alright once we get home we need to help with the surprise party but don't say anything around Luisa" you nod excitedly and watch as Doraal careful wraps the hammock up to be more portable and gives you the bag
"here you are hope you have a wonderful day!" she says watching as you and Camilo runoff to go help with the party present in hand. on the way up to the Casita you see Luisa leaving the house, you and Camilo quickly go hide the present behind your back. Luisa looks at the two of you confused but continues to walk clearly she had somewhere to go. you let out a sigh of relief and go inside to get ready for the party.

*~Authors Note~*
hey guys sorry for the super short chapter! i have to get ready for semester change so this is all i have time for! i promise tomorrow will be a longer chapter i promise! anyway i luv you all sorry for not having time to respond to comments!

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