We all Battle for the Future

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as you, Camilo, Dolores, Mirabel, and Daniella walk through the jungle path you start to brainstorm on how you could tell Abuela. it seemed as if ideas were flying off the trees as the 5 of you talked all the ideas seemed to fit the same theme but in slightly different ways
"Ooooo why don't we put on a play for her! and one of us can play Abuela and show her how shitty she really is?" Camilo suggested being a theater kid this idea was really making him excited. you wouldn't mind the idea but Mirabel shook her head trying to be logical
"how are you expecting us to make the set, props and costumes on time?" she asked as you climb over a called tree with Camilos help. despite all the drama that was going on it was nice to have time to just stay calm and talk. you and Camilos hands were intertwined with each other as you swung it a bit as you walked looking at the tropical birds that would fly overhead every so often. you really did truly love Camilo and you know Camilo really does love you back. if he didn't actually love you, you know that he wouldn't have stood up to you in front of Abuela like that. you were walking in silence while the others spoke before Camilo noticed and bent down giving you a piggy back ride. you smile as you lay your head on Camilos shoulder as he continued to walk and hold you up on his back. everyone threw in more small ideas before...
"why don't we just try to talk to her kindly, that has to work right? just keep it simple" she asked as everyone looked around before nodding in agreement. for a while you continue to just walk around and decide that Daniella and Mirabel could do the talking for now and that you and Camilo could fill in here and there when needed. it was for the best seeing you and Camilo had just gotten yelled at so maybe making someone else talk would make her see it's not just You and Camilo who was in a happy and healthy relationship and not one that was forced. once you get closer to the Casita the three of you pause and look at each other wondering if this really was the right idea... there was so much on the line? what if the Casita collapses again? the family would be devastated. you feel as if all the pressure was starting to collapse on you shoulder. but before you can think for too long Antonio rushes outside and rushes to Camilos side jumping into him with a giant hug. you smile as Camilo hugs his younger brother picking him up as if he was a little teddy bear. Anotino would giggle pulling you into the hug as well
"I'm glad you are back, mama has been so worried and has been raining all day! and Abuela won't do anything about it at all... she is really scary" Antonio said hiding his face in Camilos chest. you and Camilo look at each other knowing that Antonio shouldn't be worried about these kinds of things at such a young age. instead he should be out playing with animals and making mud cakes. you and Camilo exchange a quick kiss knowing things around the Casita needed to change. less work and more time to act the ages everyone really was, Camilo should be out with friends but instead he is in town acting like the whole towns baby sitter that's not fair. but there was one thing that was interesting to you and you noticed mirabel looking at the Casita with the same wonder face. you look over to her and ask what's up as Camilo stayed having an arm wrapped around you in a protective yet comforting manner
"huh!? oh i was just wondering why the Casita isn't cracking like before... i mean these arguments have been getting quite brutal... but you know not a single crack" she said looking at the Casita wondering why it was like that. the casitas windows open and close as if saying that it knew yet couldn't really tell them, you couldn't really read the Casitas body language and no one else really could except Mirabel who talked back to the lively house
"you can't tell me huh... well i will find out myself soon-" Daniella cut her off as she thought out loud. she was clearly looking at the new Casita door in which Mirabel was at the front
"maybe that Abuela hoe- i mean... Alma isn't the Candle holder anymore and it's you? sorry didn't mean to call your Abuela a hoe that was really rude of me" she chuckled nervously hoping that no one would judge her because of the rude thing she had just said. but instead of the reaction she was expecting everyone except Antonio burst out laughing, Antonio was confused
"Camilo  what's a hoe? is that some sort of big animal like a Cappybara" he asked looking at his older brother innocently. he definitely knew he was insulting Abuela even more by calling her a big fat animal. even Dolores couldn't help but giggle
"w-well Antonio, a Hoe is uh... just someone not so good, don't worry about it" Camilo chuckled hiding his face in your shoulder to hide how hard he was laughing. you chuckle and pet Camilos head smiling, he was so cute when he was laughing. before long MIrabel spoke again
"w-wait you really think I'm the Candle Holder... wow i feel so special," she said smiling, seeing she didn't have any magic she felt so proud of herself for being such an important figure

"alright i think we should go inside" Camilo said slowly opening the door and walked in seeing the usually loud and chaotic house was silent with not a single person around. you and Camilo put Antonio down and you ask for the little boy to go see Pepa and stay with her. he nods but first sees how panicked Daniella looked about the whole thing and picked up a baby Capybara giving it to her to hold, not knowing what was ging on Daniella took the baby animal
"it's for the nerves you look nervous... oki I'm gonna go now" he said before running off again into his room the animals looking out before disappearing behind the door as Antonio closed it. taking in a deep breath you hold camilos hand tightly and Daniella holds the baby animal and started going up the stairs. she seemed to calm with the small fluffy thing in her hands. once you and the others made it upstairs Dolores went to her room knowing it would be better if there was smaller numbers so it wouldn't be too crowded
"I'm gonna be in my room... good luck i will be listening," she said giving you all a reassuring smile before disappearing behind her closed door as well. taking in a deep breath Camilo opens Abuelas door without knocking holding your hand tightly clearly nervous about the whole thing. when you enter the room really wasn't what you were expecting. but apparently despite not having a gift Abuelas room seemed to be magic too. her walls were covered with what seemed to be golden butterflies that seemed to glow and sometimes it would fly around in the air. the room seemed to be a small house by itself as you stood in the main hall 4 doors on each side. one read "Nursery" the others read "Living room", "Bed Room" and "Kitchen". other then the golden butterflies the room seemed to be quite simple as if the house was built 50 years ago. the small signs for the doors seeming to be carved from wood. at the end of the hall the Candle sat it still glowing brightly despite what had gone out with Camilo and You. the four of you walk down the halls and look at the pictures on the walls some of them being covered by the glowing butterflies. you gently brush some away and look at the photo of Abuela and her late husband. it was an old photo that had been framed you study it for a while and wonder why she didn't want You and Camilo to date. it was she was happy with her late husband before he passed... wouldn't she want her Granddaughters and Grandsons to be happy as well? you sigh and feel as Camilo pulled you close gently kissing you as the butterflies fluttered around for a bit
"awww that's cute, but come on we need to find Abuela and talk to her" Mirabel said looking at the doors and  picked on at random. it was the Living room, with a nod from Camilo she opened the door. you all look inside to see her reading a book. the Living room seemed to have the same theme from a house made 50 years ago. you watch as Abuela sees the 4 of you and turns over anger and frustration starting to fill her again as she stood up
"Abuela let's talk ok.... it will be quick" Daniella said in the bravest voice she said. Avuela had no other choice but to nod and sit back down
"fine. you get 10 minutes but once we are done i want Camilo and his.. partner out. you understand?" She said and you all nod as Daniella starts to talk

*~Authors Note~*
Yooo i was gonna have them yell at Abuela this chapter but i got a bit carried away but i promise it's coming! there really isn't much else to say but omg you guys are all so sweet ahhh! sorry for the bads authors note i just don't have much to say but i luv you all!

doraawasinnit and  fa1ryyc0v3 i promise your ideas will be next chapter!!

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