.-.. --- ...- .

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As you start to head down the mountain you watch as Antonio talks about all his animals. He was riding on his jaguar's back smiling brightly. He was clearly so happy to have everyone back together and heading home. looking back Antonio was so nervous and sad when you and Camilo were leaving. he was only 6 or 7 he shouldn't be worrying about stupid family issues at that age. it was lovely to see him smiling and bouncing around again as he talked to Daniella
"Ya ya! I promise the rats in the house have superrrr duperrr funny jokes!" He said with a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Daniella on the other hand who was just trying to understand Antonio's power looked confused as she tilted her head. although Daniella knew about the Madrigals she didn't exactly understand everyone's powers yet as she nods
"So... you can talk to any animal? And the rats in the walls of your living house tell funny jokes... huh? what the frick frack" You hear Camilo laugh and nod, even you found it amusing that Daniella was trying so hard not to swear in front of Antonio. Despite the fact he had been carrying you on his back the whole way down he seemed to not be tired
"Yep any animal at all! Like that bird over there says... oh he likes your skirt Mirabel!" He said giving a wave to the bright tropical bird that was perched on a tree branch, it's bright feathers ruffling happily as if it was waving
"Well tell Mr.Birdy that I say thank you and that i love his feather" Mirabel smiled still holding the very confused Daniella's hand. Daniella looks at the bird and smiles
"Oh I know that parrot breed! he is a Rusty-Faced Parrot also known as a Hapalopsittaca amazonina. pretty funky name right.. hehe" everyone looked shocked that she knew the parrots breed and even its scientific name. Mirabel giggled at the shocked looking Antonio
"Awww are you a bird geek sweetheart? that's adorable" Mirabel said with a small giggle but as Daniella blushed and went to reply Antonio spoke up curiosity bright in his eyes as he sits on the edge of his jaguar friend almost falling off if it wasn't for the Jaguars perfect balance
"Wow that's so cool Daniella! What's my jaguars cool name!?" he asked his bright eyes fixed on Daniella. you watch as she stutters as Mirabel gives her a reassuring pat on the back. 
"well the jaguars scientific name is Panthera onca, it's not as cool as the parrot but still pretty cool" she chuckled watching as Antonio nodded excitedly and went to continue talking to his pet big cat explaining everything to the cat. you on the other hand was feeling quite sleep from all the excitement of the day and relaxed on Camilos back as he carried you down the mountain. Camilo being such a wonderful boyfriend noticed this and started talking to you in a softer tone so you wouldn't be too overwhelmed.
"long day huh..? it's ok hopefully once we are home we can just relax and cuddle" he said walking carefully down the mountain. you nod sleepily laying your head on his shoulder with a soft smile as you reply with the fact the two of you could cuddle and watch one of Brunos telenovelas. you look over to even see Dolores chuckling hearing what you had just said. she smiles and give you a small wave before going back to talking to Daniella and Mirabel. Camilo who was more focused on you didn't even notice Dolores giggle and continued to talk in a nice soft tone. he started to explain a cute story as you continued to almost fall asleep
"oh ya to brunos rat telenovelas are definitely something. but you should have seen Antonions reaction when he figures out bruno was doing them, he was so excited he wanted to help the rats with their acting skills. so I had to sit on the cold casita floor for a few hours watching as my little brother taught rats a choreography for some dance/singing break at one point. to be fair the rats seemed to enjoy it... i mean compared to me they seemed to be having the time of their lives. my butt was just hurting after sitting on the floor and babysitting for so long" he huffed clearly not wanting to do something like that again. yu just yawn and chuckle sleepily telling him that he would have been the lead character of the rat show if he was a mouse or rat himself
"right? i would make broadway. or as brunos rats would say Squeckway... and not just that why don't you get some sleep mi vida? i won't drop you" you were going to argue to his point but decided not to seeing you were quite sleepily. you nod a thanks and close your eyes as you let your eyes slowly close shut as you fall asleep. as you fell asleep you could hear the vibrant sounds of the forest and Antonio as well as the warmer sounds of Daniella and Dolores talking. but over all the background sound you could hear Camilos breathing. his soft in and out of air acing as your personal calming metronome as you fall asleep to his rhythm even noticing the sounds of pebbles moving under his feet. you stayed asleep for the rest of the way down not even waking up to the sound of Antonio singing his own parody of one of the rat telenovelas even though you would have enjoyed hearing it. 

about 20 minutes later you wake up to Camilo whispering softly to try and wake you up
"psst... hey wake up we are almost there..." You slowly opened your eyes and looked around sleepily. after a few seconds of processing everything, you realized it was about sunset and you were in the village heading up towards the casita. you yawn once again and ask Camilo in a sleepy voice how long you had been asleep. Camilo shrugged turning his head to give you a small peck on the cheek before he continued to walk up the street.
"just about 20 minutes... Antonio fell asleep as well. he is all pooped out" you look behind you and smile seeing Daniella, Mirabel and Dolores were still gossiping to each other and Antonio was fast asleep on his Jaguar who was carrying the small boy back carefully to the Casita. you look around and see the wonderful array of colours the sky was made up of. you notice all the warm and cool colours. the sky was a beautiful blend of warm pinks and oranges as well as purple and the small bit of blue that was the start of the start night sky to come. the clouds made it seem just that much more magical as if the Encanto really was enchanted with more than the powers the madrigals were given. you were still quite sleepy as you whisper spoke to Camilo saying how beautiful you thought the sky was at the moment. he turns to look at you for a second and you look into his eyes watching as he warm eyes reflected the colours of the skys as his eyes looked across the sky before landing on your as he smiled and faced forward again
"I think you are more beautiful than any sky ever that graced this or any other planet. whether it be the golden sun set, a striking thunder storm, or a breath-taking stary night. the most beautiful thing in this world and all that follows will be you" he said in a gentle yet romantic voice that made your cheeks blush the same colour as the pink in the sky. you giggle telling him that he was most definitely the most romantic and charming person you had ever met. and before he was able to speak you go ahead and be romantic back making it so that even his freckle covered cheeks would match the same colour as the gorgeous sunset that was setting over the lush green mountains that surrounded the village of Encanto. 
"well aren't you sweet, maybe you should write a book. your words make me feel enchanted" he said placing you down on the ground so the two of you could hold hands and walk. you intertwine your fingers with his as he gently squeezes your hand
"do you wanna see a really cute thing Dolores taught me?" of course wanting to know what Camilo had learned you nod and wait for him to say something maybe a joke of some sort but instead you waited a few seconds before squeezing you hand in some certain order. you didn't know what it mean but decided to track it as you thought the pattern in your head of short dots and long holds. in the end you came with the pattern '  ..     .-..  ---  ...-  .     -.--  ---  ..-  '
you look at him confused and he just smiles and gently kisses you head
"just ask dolores later what it means, I promise she will tell you alright? it's nothing bad I promise" he chuckled using his free hand to push back and fix your hair that had gotten a little messy on the way down from the mountain. you thank him and repeat the pattern in your head but again nothing came up. you shrug it off and decide that you would ask Camilos sister later on what it meant. but for the time being, you decided that you should enjoy the beautiful village with Camilo knowing that soon you would have to deal with the drama that always follows with Abuela. you and Camilo sway your hands in a steady rhythm as you take in the soft lights of the village. for such a small village it really was cute and taken care of there were flowers decorating houses and the river ran perfectly where I was needed the donkeys resting peacefully in their barn farther out towards the crops where all the agriculture lay. you let out a happy sigh as you and Camilo walk towards the Casita. despite everything going on it really was your home, somewhere comforting you could go after a long day. you feel as Camilo picks you up bridal style for the last stretch of the walk, you look over to him and gently kiss his cheek. he smiles and kisses you back as the Casita waves hello from the upstairs window in which You, Mirabel, Daniella, Camilo and Dolores replies with
"hello Casita, we are home" for a second everyone looks at each other than giggles seeing how you all said the same thing at the same time. Antonios jaguar brushes against everyones legs to say hello before trotting inside and up the stairs to bring Antonio to bed. the rest of you enter the house going to head to bed before Dolores pauses
"do you guys hear rain as well..." you pause and nod hearing the soft pitter patter of rain on the tiles somewhere in the house. you all turn to Pepas room knowing it was definitely coming from their

*~Authors Note~*
Hi everyone I'm back! i missed you all so much and thank you all sooooo much for your patience! i promise I will be back to posting daily I really did miss it and I hope you were all ok with the wait! i still have lots planned for this story and it's honestly just gonna be a story that could honestly have been broken into multiple fanfics but oh well I'm just glad everyone enjoys it! also omg over the past few days I have been reading all of your comments and even though I couldn't find time to reply to all of them I'm just going to say you guys all made my day so much and really lifted my spirits when I kept wanting to give up on math. i was crying at least once or twice studying and reading you guys messages really made me feel so much better and gave me the motivation to do well so I could come back here and write again for you all! so thank you so much I'm so happy to have each and every one of you! i really am thankful for you and I hope I can make your day as much as you made mine. that being said I really want to give back to you guys as well! I'm really wanting to make Daniella someones OC, although i wont, give her powers i thought it would be nice if i had someone's character to go off of. of course, if no one wants to that's alright as well and i can describe Daniella more next chapter but again i thought it would be nice if i could add someones OC into this. i wont be changing Daniella's name but if you allow me to use your OC i will go of their appearance and personality some more. i will credit you and whatnot but i thought it would be a cute idea. if not again that's totally ok! please note if more then one person does give me their OC i will have to do a wheel. BUT i will try to add your OC as a background character or whatnot later on in the fanfiction when possible. anyway again i love you all so much! thank you for being so amazing!!

(preferably text me on Discord if you are interested in the OC thing my discord is D0eny#5049. if you don't have discord dm me on wattpad and i will be more then willing to talk to you there)

Also doraawasinnit luv you! i missed you so much, your insta story made me giggle

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