1 Year Anniversary

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It's been a few weeks since Dolores wedding and Mariano had just moved in. other than that things seemed to be generally normal... well except for Daniella coming over here and there for lunch because Abuela wanted her to become friends with Camilo again. but that didn't matter today because today was you and Camilos special day. a year ago today you had started to date the love of your life and through the year so many exciting new things had happened. both the highs and lows you have been there for each other. as you and Camilo walk through the forest back towards the stream you first hung out at you can't help but bring up the fact about Daniella and Abuela. although you weren't worried about your relationship, you were worried on how Camilo must have been feeling.
"Huh Daniella? honestly I don't know what Abuela is trying to do. she has always liked Daniella since everyone thinks she is so perfect. i mean she is nice but I have never seen her as more than a friend. we used to be really close friends until I was old enough to start really helping with the house and didn't have too much time to spend with her... kinda sad seeing she was my only other close friend other than Mirabel" he shrugged holding your hand as you walk through the jungle path towards your favourite river spot. you nod listening to Camilo talk, it was so sad to hear such a good friendship was taken away from Camilo just because his family had so much to uphold. for now, you decided to drop the topic as you come across to the river and smile laying the picnic blanket on a grass patch and sit down patting the spot next to you inviting Camilo to come sit down with you. he decides to flop down on the blanket instead laying his head on you lap as he looked up at the clouds chuckling. you lay down as well but allowed Camilo to keep his head resting on your thighs
"Remember when we first came here? do you remember what cloud I pointed out" you laugh and tell him how funny you thought he was for pointing out the one cloud in the sky that looked like a massive dick. he burst out laughing as he sat up pulling you up as well pulling you in for a kiss. you close your eyes as you kiss before Camilo pulled away and stood up pulling you towards the river practically skipping
"come on let's play in the water! just like our first date, it's tradition" this time though when you get near the water you push Camilo in. he tumbles into the water with a splash as you start laughing as Camilo pops his head out of the water and spat water towards you. both of your loud laughter seemed to scare away some of the birds as a few brightly coloured birds fluttered away into the sky. you feel yourself get pulled into the cool water as Camilo carried you bridal style in the water as you gently kiss Camilos cheek.

just like your first date you and Camilo played in the water for a while before deciding to go home. you were smart this time as you had brought a change of clothes for the way back... once you got back home you saw dinner was already set and like usual Daniella was there helping Abuela out. as you walk in you swore you could feel Abuela staring at you, nervously you go and hold Camilos hand. out of nowhere Dolores seemed to appear wrapping an arm around your shoulder gently petting you and Camilos head. it was clear she was hiding some sort of secret
"How was your date? you guys really are the cutest couple" she said almost making it seem like she wanted Abuela and Daniella to hear before going back to he husband and continued to set the table as if nothing had happened. Camilo looks concerned 
"ya I know we are cute... but wonder what all that was about" he said before going to go sit down for dinner. you and Camilo sit beside each other and watch as Abuela sat across from Camilo and Daniella sat in front of you. she seemed to give you a soft smile but something about the way Abuela would then pat her shoulder made everything feel a bit off. you ignore it and start to eat looking up here and there and always heard Abuela talking to her and not anyone else. other than You, Camilo, and Dolores everyone else seemed to be chill about it. seeing Abuela wasn't talking specifically about you for now you just shake it off. the rest of dinner seemed to be normal, Felix and Pepa were still quite excited about their little girl being married.
"Awww you two are just adorable, hey Camilo maybe you will be getting married next big guy" Felix said gently shouldering his son. you chuckle blushing a bit, Abuela on the other hand just rolled her eyes and continued to eat
"what's wrong Mama?" Pepa asked looking over at her mother with concerned eyes
"nothing. just the fruit tasted a bit weird." even the youngest Antonio knew it was a lie, but no one seemed to challenge her on the point. it seemed even after the fall of Casita Abuela seemed to still be judgy... oh well nothing you could really do. once the odd tension seemed to lower everyone was done eating so you and Camilo take some dishes and help put things in the sink as Casita helped a little here and there. you were sticking close with Camilo the whole time of course and once you were done you wrap your arms around Camilo gently kissing his cheeks. for a while you just stayed in the hugging position until Abuela came and broke up the cute moment
"ah Camilo, do you mind walking Daniella home for me. i know you know where she lives! alright thank you" she said before leaving Daniella being left to just smile awkwardly as you and Camilo stop hugging and hold hands
"oh uh sure... well let's go get you home" Camilo was too kind to say no to his grandma. unlike the usually bright and fun walk back with just you and Camilo, with Daniella there it was just awkward... for a while it was just silent before Daniella had started to talk to fill the silence
"so how long have you been dating? i saw you too at the wedding, it was cute!" she said smiling her bright blue eyes seeming to reflect the moonlight. Camilo seemed to brighten a bit once he was talking about your relationship
"oh us!? today is actually our one-year anniversary! cool right? they are the best thing that has ever happened in my life" he smiled squeezing your hand as you walked through the dimly lit town. you could see Daniella nod and continue, but she looked awkward
"oh that's cool ya... oh looks like we are here! hehe thanks Camilo, great talking to you some more" she said before rushing into the house. you and Camilo look at each other confused for a second before shrugging and starting your walk back. you laugh and smile all the way up before you hear some talking in the house as you got closer. Camilo would hush both you and himself as he walked in quietly to eave drop

it was Abuela and Pepa talking in the kitchen. you sit on the ground with Camilo holding his hand tightly as you listen to the two of them talk
"Pepa I know you love Camilos partner right now... but I don't think they are right for our pequeño." she said in a calm and cold tone. you and Camilo look at each other shocked
"huh!? Mamá what are you talking about? have you not seen how happy Camilo is with them?? i mean look at how happy he has been lately because of them... and didn't you see what Camilo did at the wedding that was adorable, I don't see why-" Pepa had got cut off midsentence a dark cloud starting to form as she looks at her mother shocked. Camilo was holding you close neither of you believing what you were hearing. there was no way this was real...
"Pepa Madrigal! you need to stop playing around with the relationships in this family, just because someone makes you happy doesn't mean it's right for the family! Isabella and Mariano would have been perfect for each other, and Dolores married him instead." you could feel and see Pepas cloud growing, and with the Camilos anger as well. you try to keep him calm but what Abuela was saying really hurt you too...
"These relationships have been disasters lately Pepa, don't get me wrong. i am happy for Dolores. but it should have been Isabella. and since we messed up on that, I think it would be good for Camilo to date someone more... put together. Camilo and Daniella will be perfect for each other whether you like it or not" Your eyes widen as Camilo growled under his breath-holding you close and whispered to you gently kissing your cheek
"don't listen to her... what is she saying..." he said not daring to look into the kitchen as Pepas cloud continued to grow in the kitchen rain falling down and lighting crashing once or twice
"Really Mamá!? I thought you stopped with this whole Perfect thing! This is not your future, this is Camilos! let him do what he wants, whatever my son decides will make me proud! I'm just happy he is happy! why can't you be the same!" you watch as lighting crashed before you heard Abuela yell the storm almost stopping immediately at her yelling as it just stayed as a drizzle
"Pepa that is enough! Camilo will be with Daniella whether you like it or not! if none of you can be perfect then I will bring in someone that is!" she said before storming past Pepa and out the kitchen door leaving the shocked Pepa alone in the kitchen the rain slowly turning to snow. as Abuela passed by Camilo pulled you back protectively hiding behind a potted plant until Abuela had gone upstairs. you and Camilo hug each other tightly before he finally spoke
"what. the. fuck. was. that."

*~Authors Note~*
Tada drammmaaaa! here is the start of the drama arc! i had so many people already guessing and knowing what's up with Abuela, I have more planned for this so don't worry this drama ain't ending soon! but thank you so much AudioCake for your suggestion and I tried to add it in so hopefully that was good, I did try ^-^ I promise Camilo is faithful so I promise he won't be leaving you soon, that's a promise I can keep for everyone worried out there! and I'm sorry NaokiNajimi if I made you sad, I promise Camilo loves y/n very much and wont be leaving you anytime soon, I tried to add fluffy parts in here and there! also everyone's comment make me laugh so hard I'm always smiling when I read your comments, it honestly makes my day 100 times better! anyway thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the next few chapters!! if you have more suggestions I would love to hear from all of you! 

also doraawasinnit love you broski thanks for all your help!!!

again love you all so much thank you so much for reading! see you tomorrow for the next chapter!

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