Looking All Pretty

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as you and the girls dragged Camilo off he continued to try and wiggle away from Lusias arms
"Noooo please! we don't need to do this!" he whined giving up as he flopped in Luisa's arms. you chuckle gently kissing the others cheek telling him that it's alright and that they wouldn't do anything too embarrassing. you watch as the six of you go into Isabella's room. after the fall of Casita a year or two ago Isabella's room had changed a lot. although there were still roses here and there the room seemed to be filled with many different flowers and plants. you look around amazing but quickly snap out of it as you and Camilo are placed gently on the floor.
"oh! Isabella can we borrow your makeup or should I go grab mine?" Dolores asked a clear smile on her face, seeing how happy his sister look you knew Camilo wouldn't dare to run away now
"we can use mine don't worry I have a lot of colours" she said grabbing her makeup and laying it on the floor showing the different bright colours of eye shadow, lipstick and much more. you look over to see a terrified Camilo he glanced at you for help but you just giggle suggesting that the purples may look good with Camilos eyes. he looked absolutely horrified with what you had said as he gently nudges you, but after a few seconds he couldn't help but let a small smile slip
"Oooo good idea! purple would look soooo good, Mirabel! i have an idea come on!" luisa said scooping up he little sister and running away and out the door
"eep bye then! make sure you make Camilo nice and pretty for me!" you could hear Mirabel yell back to the room as a door could be heard closing in the near distance. you look around wondering what happened but shrugged guessing they had some other idea on how to traumatize Camilo with all the makeup they were gonna put on him
"Here Dolores do you wanna do his hair as i do his makeup? we can switch later if you like" Isabella said getting a makeup brush out looking at Camilo with an evil grin
"oh sure, but this is gonna be hard. i bet your hair is all knotted like Tio Brunos" Dolores said looking around for one of Isabellas brushes. you chuckle and look at the colours trying to pick one out with Isabella. you watch as Camilo sat there awkwardly being a tad offended by his sisters hair comment
"excuse youuu, my hair is very clean... OW! gentle" he huffed as Dolores started to try and separate some knots in Camilos hair. not before long you were helping Isabella apply eye shadow and other make up on Camilo. you giggle and show Camilo the purple eye shadow colours you were using for his eyes. despite being frustrated and scared earlier for this makeover he seemed to have calmed down and was actually enjoying all the attention is was getting
"oh purple? you think i will look good in bright colours?" he asked his eyes seeming to reflect the bright colours of the room. you smile and nod telling him that he looked wonderful and that you were just adding a few extra touches. you look over to see Dolores looking proud of herself as she ads a small clip on bow to keep some of camilos hair out of his face so he could see himself
"Awww Camilo you look wonderful, and doesn't your hair feel nice and light now that it's all brushed out. i swear i could hear the lice jumping around in your hair" she joked as she gently pat her brothers head going over to watch as Isabella started to finish off the lipstick on Camilo
"Honestly you should let us do this so often, your freckles really bring out your eye colour" Isabella said as she backed up nodding. looking at Camilo with the finished look you cant help but blush seeing how gorgeous he looked. you tell him that he looks pretty and you watch as his cheeks go pink complimenting the blush he already had on
"you think so...? honestly I'm scared to see myself" he chuckled nervously. thinking about it you ask if he would feel more comfortable if you had a matching makeup look on
"that would be so cool! gosh that's why i love you so much" he said gently kissing your cheek watching as colour stuck on your cheek. isabella scoffed getting the lipstick out yet again
"Camilo come on stop being so romantic i just finished!" she huffed reapplying the lipstick. you blush and was about to say something until Luisa had burst through the door Mirabel close behind showing the beautiful pink dress her and luisa had sewn. Isabella and Dolores let out an excited gasp as they stood up and rushed overlooking at the dress squealing a bit as they kept looking back at Camilo. your boyfriend on the other looked over at you sighing a small smile on his smile. you ask him if he was gonna try the dress on seeing he looked gorgeous already
"well i might as well right? it might be cute to one day have a matching suit or something for you! i think you would look absolutely wonderful in it" he said getting up and helping you stand as he walked over to the other girls. the second he got there Mirabel had taken off his top laying of clothing including his iconic Chamelon printed ruana and put the new dress over top of his head fixing up the back for him. once he was dressed up the girls moved back and stood near you looking at Camilo with wide eyes. he looked absolutely spectacular as he looked down at the dress twirling around watching as the ends of the dress flowed with the spin
"you guys look stunned do i really look that good? can i even see?" he asked wanting to know what he looked like. you watch as Mirabel ran off to go get a mirror for him. all you could do was nod and tell him how stunning he looked. you couldn't believe your eyes that Camilo could look so wonderful with his makeup on soon Mirabel had returned and placed the mirror in front of him. 

Camilo takes a few steps closer to the mirror looking at himself swaying side to side a bit and gently running his fingers through his hair, you watch as his eyes start to tear up again
"Oh shoot Camilo are you ok!? we didn't mean to embarrass you! if you don't like it we can take it off" Mirabel said nervously. you take a step forward and hold your hand out for him asking if he was ok. he nods his hand a small smile appearing on his face as he tries not to cry
"no Mirabel i love it so much! i look so good, it just makes me so happy that's all! i never thought i would be so happy in a dress, it's gorgeous" he says giving you a bright smile, and went to hold your hand. you give him a smile back as you twirl him the flower pedals getting moved from the wind of Camilo's dress. you tell him how happy you are for him, you were glad Camilo felt happy in his body. it didn't matter to you what he was wearing since Camilo was still the same person inside, the same kind and caring person you fell in love with. you watch as Dolores and Isabella high-five proud of themselves for the makeup and hair job they did for their little brother/cousin
"Well you look so good Camilo! come on give us a twirl~" Dolores said cheering her brother on with her little finger claps as Camilo smiled twirling you around before twirling himself. you chuckle and go over hugged the other feeling as he wrapped his arms around you as well. you could hear soft awwws in the background but neither of you mind and frankly at this point you were used to it and it just made you blush. after a while of hugging Camilo turn to his family
"Hey Dolores do you mind if i wear this to your wedding? i find it adorable, and i feel you know... really comfy in it" he said fidgeting with the edge of his dress nervously, Dolores nods
"well of course you can Camilo i would love for you to wear the dress" she said with a smile
"but only on one condition" she said walking over and picking one of Isabelas softer flowers tucking it gently behind his ear as she gently pet his head. Camilo nodded clearing wanting to wear the dress to the wedding
"of course anything you like Dolores" he said holding your hand nervously with one hand
"that you let us make you look all fancy again, because i would be so happy to make you look fancy on my wedding... and hey maybe you can even help me with my hair. i know you have always like to play with it" she giggled watching as Camilos blush intensified
"o-of course, i would be honored... thanks everyone for doing this for me and help find myself a little more. i promise i will return the favor someday" he said before feeling Mirabel tackle hug the three of you as all four of you fell to the ground getting saved by the soft pile of flowers Isabella had made. you watch as Mirabel smiles and pets Camilos hair
"No need to do anything Camilo! the best payment we could ever get is you being happy and that's a fact. right guys?" she smiled looking at her sisters who nodded agreeing to the point. you all laugh for a while as Camilo looks at himself once more in the mirror but this time he smiled seeing his family having fun together in one place. you gently give him a kiss and you know when Dolores Wedding comes that the whole Family will have one Heck of a time!

*~Authors Note~*
Heyyyy hope you enjoyed the chapter because i for sure enjoyed writing it! i have planned the next chapter to be the wedding and I'm hoping i can get the wedding chapters to be at least 2 chapters long! so if you have any ideas i would love to hear them in the comments and i really appreciate everyone who has given me ideas so far, i really appreciate it and i hope you all have a wonderful day! 

also yes Lemonboii5 i liked your idea for the pink dress so i made it that colour i think he would look wonderful in that colour! 

also doraawasinnit luv ya broski i did my best to add a little bit of your idea since i liked it even if you didn't >:D

anyway thanks guys for your patience for these chapters hope to see you all next chapter!!

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