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(idk when this is in the time line but it's just a one part thing, wanted to post something for you lovely people on valentines. i still have no motivation so you guys are going to get a cute little scene and letter that's all I'm sorry)

Camilo had given you a box of chocolates and a beautiful roses that he had spent the time picking and growing himself. but what he seemed most excited about was a card. on the front he had painted on some cute hearts a picture of you and him in the center. You open the card Camilo had given you and read it over a blush on your face.
<Dear mi vida
the day i met you it was like it was meant to be. as if the tides had calmed just for a second so the world would be silent for us. i love you so much and i know what we have been through is hard, but together i know we can get through all of it! up until now i have fallen in love many times but every time my feelings had faded like dust in the wind. but with you it was more like a sand storm taking over my whole life. i guess what i would want to say to you is thank you. i love you so much and you mean the world to me. if there is one thing i want in this world it would to be with you forever. i love youuuuu

from Camilo your wonderful boyfriend>

you giggle and run over to him jumping into his arms as he engulfs you in a giant hug kissing your cheeks hundreds of times. the love in the air was strong as he looks you in your eyes his pupils large with love and happiness
"i love you, everything in that letter is true. i would never trade you for anything, not even hundreds of pounds of gold could ever make me want to leave you. Tank you for being the love of my life" you chuckle and nod kissing him passionately under the great blue moon. he holds you close as you eventually pull away just cuddling up close to him as you sway side to side syncing with each others rhythm as you slow dance to the sound of the running water under your feet. it really was a river of love where the two of you had your first date. maybe the candle wasn't the true magic, but the river was seeing it brought people together. happily under the stars and moon you and your lover danced all your cares away. it was Valentines after all, and you were glad to be spending it with Camilo. the best boyfriend in the world.

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