Happy Birthday!

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you enter back into Luisas stone room and out the door looking around for Luisa. first you decided to check around the living room area and the backdoor but before you could get to the kitchen you bump into the one person you never wanted to bump into on such a special day. Abuela looked at you and Camilo will cold eyes before talking
"if you see Luisa tell her I say happy birthday, she should be back from work soon." with that she left upstairs. you and Camilo looked at each other in complete silence before he finally spoke
"what was that... will she not go say happy birthday to her, herself? that seems a bit rude don'y you think?" Camilo had a clear grudge against his grandmother as he entered the kitchen to make sure Luisa wasn't there. you shrug telling him maybe she just didn't want to annoy anyone. Camilo scoffed going outside knowing luisa would probably be putting away the donkeys around this time
"Do you hear yourself? you really thing Abuela feels guilty for everything?" you reply that maybe she would feel bad eventually. despite everything she had done she clearly did care about her family. you watch as Camilo sighed and nodded understanding how Abuela may have felt
"I know... but she just shouldn't act like that. i thought she would have learned the first time the Casita fell down I just don't want that to happen again" you stand beside Camilo looking over the town waiting for Luisa to return. you understood that losing your house would be terrifying, it was loosing your safe place. somewhere you could be yourself and not have to hide anything. somewhere where you family could get together and just smile without having to worry to much about the village's burdens that were placed upon your shoulder. you didn't have too much time to think as you saw Luisa coming up the cobblestone path clearly a bit sad no one remembered here birthday. you and Camilo ran over to her getting ready for all the acting you had practiced to come in use. Luisa looked down at the two of you giving you a small smile trying to stay positive. Camilo was first to speak so you wouldn't have to think of a good lie
"Luisa I know you are tired but can you please help us out?" You and Camilo both gave her puppy dog eyes in which she couldn't help but agree to help
"Sure thing what do you two need?" you held onto Camilos hand looking back at the Casita hoping everything inside was set up well for the birthday
"Well it's not for us buttttt, Antonio lost his iguana... what's her name again? kiwi or something like that. anyway the Iguana went into your room and he was wondering if you could help us look for Kiwi" He sai din a pleading tone, Luisa looked at the two of you. she just wanted to rest on her birthday but feeling like the big sister she nodded agreeing to help you look for the iguana. you thank her and run upstairs to her room watching as everyone followed
"my room is quite small so it should be easy to clean..." she said opening her door before freezing seeing the archway was open. she looked at the two of you confused
"did you open that...?" she asked walking over to her hidden archway looking at it confused
"nope, but what's in there? come on let's go check!" Camilo said rushing through the foggy gate before luisa could stop him. you followed suit jumping off the cliff and onto the air that caught you. you could hear a panicked yelp from Luisa as she rushed through and was just focused on you and Camilos safety meaning she didn't see all the birthday decoration as she ran across the sandy beach after the two of you. as you got closer you could see ruffling in to trees showing they were ready.

"hey luisa..." Camilo stopped in front of the actually party as Luisa looked up confused seeing all the decorations. you smiled brightly excited for the other as she spoke
"what is all this-" before she could properly finish her sentence everyone jumped out of their hiding spots bright smiles on their faces as Isabella and Mirabel came from behind hugging their sisters. you watch as Luisas face turned from confusing to pure joy and surprise
"Surpriseee! Happy Birthday Luisa!" everyone said at once laughing and giggling as Luisa brought everyone into a giant hug you and Camilo squished in the middle
"aww you guys are so sweet you didn't need to! and i- you all remembered?" she said letting everyone go her smile not fading even as happy tears started to form in her eyes. Isabella and Mirabel stayed hugging their sister giggling while Agustin started to speak
"well of course we remembered, you are our little girl after all! we love you so much Luisa" he said everyone nodding and congratulating Luisa happy tears streaming down her face
"let's get some food in your tummy huh?" Julieta smiled holding her daughters hand leading her to the top of the table as everyone nodded starving sitting down getting ready for food. you and Camilo looked at each other before smiling holding hands under the table as people talked and chatted like one big happy Family. after a while of eating and talking Luisa started to talk
"thank you all for doing this... i don't know how you all did this but this is just... amazing" she smiled clearly overwhelmed from all her emotions. everyone looked at each other and smiled softly knowing luisa deserved all of this, the first person to respond was Antonio
"It was my idea! actually no... it was the donkeys ideas" Antonio said with a bright smile as everyone else just looked at the young boy confused
"the... donkeys?" Camilo asked seeming equally confused before Dolores paused looking towards the archway confusing plastered on her face
"is that... the sound of hooves?" Mariano looked at his wife and before he could reply about 10 donkeys covered in pink glitter having unicorn horns or party hats on their head came rushing out running across the sand. Luisa looked towards the sound of Donkeys and burst out laughing wiping her eyes from all the laughter. everyone else was laughing loudly as Antonio smiled proudly at what he had made
"aren't they pretty! they wanted to get all fancy for you" Luisa nodded picking up Antonio placing him ontop of her shoulders smiling brightly
"yes it's wonderful Antonio thank you so much!" the party so far was amazing! and you knew that there was still so much more fun and excitement to come! with party games, music and presents. you look over at Camilo laughing his ass off at the donkeys and you couldn't help but burst out laughing as well. yep this was going to be one heck of a party

*~Author Note~*
Lmao just realized when I posted this the first time it didn't load properly. Anyway ily all soooo much!

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