the sign of a Cirrostratus

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as you leave the clouds you see Mirabel and Daniella at the bottom waving happily as they rushed over giving Pepa a hug. you and Camilo hold hands yawning watching as a small rainbow shone above Pepas head as she gently hugged the new couple
"hey you two... I'm alright now I promise. but how are you not sleepy? go get some rest" she said pushing all of you outside. before she started looking around for her husband
"are you looking for Felix? i asked Papa earlier he said Felix rushed out of the house after looking at the Calander. is it anything special today?" Mirabel asked leaning against the railing outside of Pepas room. You and Camilo look at each other not being able to think of anything
"it's not our anniversary for another month I wonder why is was so rushed.." and almost on point the Casita doors swung open Felix ran in panting. you all watched as he jogged up the stairs holding a bag with something in it. Pepa looked over confused watching as her husband caught his breath from all the running. You and Camilo try to peek into the bag but failed
"Felix what's wrong? Agustin said you left in a rush, did something happen with Antonio and his friends?!" Pepa asked rushing over to him but Felix just shook his head looking in his bag
"no of course not Antonio is alright I bought you something..." he looked through his bag before bringing out some chocolate and a pack of raseberry leaf tea. 
"i- what is this for?" Pepa asked taking the chocolate looking at it a for a few seconds before Felix stepped forward and hugged her giving her a gentle kiss
"for your ladies day of course? I know you love to eat chocolate so I got you some before it starts" he said holding his wife in a loving manner. you watch as Pepa smiled softly and hugged her boyfriend back. Mirabel quietly awed looking over at Daniella and they whispered about something quietly. something about when theirs came and what not. you were more admiring how kind-hearted and thoughtful Felix was when it came to his family.
"w-what... oh my god Felix you are so amazing you know that? maybe that's why I was extra moody today... i love you so much" Felix just smiled lovingly his arms wrapped around his wife waist. after a few moments of happy silence Pepa finally spoke her cheeks a little blushed as she held the chocolate bar careful not to melt it
"You guys go get some rest ok? make sure to not stress too much ok? i don't want you feeling mentally or physically drained" She went over and gave Camilo a kiss on the cheek ruffling his hair much to Camilos demise as he whined
"don't embaresssss meeeeee" he whined but you just laughed saying you thought it was cute
"see your partner even agrees! now go get rest kiddos see you tomorrow!" Clearly, Felix was also wanting cuddle his precious wife so he quickly scooped her up and closed the door leaving the four younger people outside. after a few seconds of awkward silence Daniella finally broke it
"Awww that was so cute! Mirable we should definitely get each other chocolates on our periods that's so cool- wait..." you all look at daniella confused on why she paused. clearly something was on her mind but she didn't know how to exactly word it properly. Camilo was just hugging you loosely yawning not really paying attention to the conversation
"Camilo if you shapeshifted to a girl... would you get a period too?" you look up to the now shocked Camilo. you can't help but giggle and repeat the question kissing his cheek
"I-... don't know how to answer that and I don't want to test it out" he shivered. you couldn't help but giggle telling him that if he ever had his period you would but him chocolate. that got a laugh out of him as he scooped you off your feet kissing your forehead. Mirabel watched holding daniellas hand before heading towards her room waving back at you and Camilo
"well we are gonna head to bed, see you tomorrow" Daniella seemed happy about the 'We' part and waved goodbye before Mirabels door closed as well. you stayed cuddled sleepy in Camilos arms as the Casita tiles moved rolling you in front of Camilos door. he chuckles and opens the door and stepping in the room transforming quickly

as he walks in you watch as the room turns to a comforting almost cottage style room. on one wall lay a window to forest. it wasn't the same as last time as large colourful trees stood tall. you noticed the leaves were a burning red and orange colour. the rain hit along it's large leaves leaving a quiet yet comforting sound that made you even sleepier. what excited you the most was the comfortable looking bed that stood in the far corner. you smile and look over at Camilo asking why he made the room look like this. he shrugged as you saw there was even a brick fire place that crackled quietly. despite the rain you could still hear the fire making it's soft sounds showing that warmth was present. 
"well I just wanted to be comfortable and I guess this is what it gave me... man I love my room sometimes" he chuckled going over to the bed and laid you down before laying down himself. you tuck the two of you under the blanket and before you could go cuddle him he shifted a little so he could wrap his arms around you and pull you closer. before you knew it you had suddenly become the little spoon in the cuddle... not like you were complaining though Camilos warm and welcoming touch made you feel at home and safe. your eyes felt heavy but you wanted to stay up a bit longer to talk about random things. curious you ask him what his childhood was like. he thinks about it for a few seconds gently nuzzling into the crook of you neck
"my childhood huh...? well I think it was nice... not normal for most but I would consider it nice. i still remember my gift ceremony if it was just yesterday" you get interested by the topic and ask him to elaborate. he chuckles and you feel his warm breath on your neck as he continues to talk
"well I remember I was in a cute little white suit that mamá and papá had gotten me. i practically pranced down the aisle and up the stairs. Abuela did her whole little speech and I went to open my door and I touched the handle... it was the most magical feeling ever. the door glowed and I could hear faint music that no one else could, it was bright and cheerful. of course I looked to see nothing was different and Abuela seemed to worry. i looked over and saw my papá looking nervous so I tried to cheer him up by doing his impression and of course I did. and boom when I looked down I was him! everyone was so impressed." He chuckled sleepily, you were so interested in the topic it was cool to get to know the legit magical side of Camilo. you ask him what it was like opening his room for the first time. he looked around the room for a second before speaking again yawning in between
"well with excitement in the air once again I went and turned my handle... i open the door and it's just white. of course I was disappointed I was hyping myself up for my new room reveal. but oh my god Isabella started to laugh at it and I wanted to prove to her that a white room can be awesome if you imagine it to be whatever you want. so after whining at her I walk in and go to explain what the perfect room would look like... and boom there you have it my dream room" he said kissing your cheek gently. after a few more minutes of talking you go to ask another question but look over to see Camilo had fallen asleep. you pause for a few seconds then just smile closing your eyes as well. the sound of rain on the leaves and windows was calming you down, the sound of crackling fire made you feel warm but what really made you love the room was Camilo himself. his breathing was like your own personal melatonin. not longer you also fell asleep relaxed and happy in Camilos arms.

*~Authors Note~*
hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter! i was really enjoying planning out the Madrigals rooms so if you have any ideas for whos room we should go to next let me know and I will be sure to do it next! also thank you AudioCake for the idea it was so cute ahh! anyway ily all so much hope you enjoyed it!

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