In the Cumulonimbus Cloud

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As Mirabel and Daniella watch the two of you Camilo takes a step forward looking down at the bridge with worry. compared to every other bridge this one seemed to be the thinnest almost transparent like glass. instead, it was more translucent and you could see through it but it was a misty view. before you can think this through Camilo takes a step forward and paused to see if the bridge would disappear or evaporate like morning fog. but thankfully, it stood in place only shaking slightly from the wind Pepas finally room was taking up. 
"Alright lets do this... just stay near me and don't be too loud" Camilo instructed as he slowly led the way up the sketchy bridge. this bridge was by far the longest of them all as it swayed gently in the wind that seemed to only grow the closer you got to Pepas finally cloud. looking at the giant grey cloud you could really understand why Daniella was saying that it was dangerous. when you were so close to it now you could see how one wrong move could result in a hurricane or tornado. despite all this your boyfriend was determined to get to his mother. wanting to be just as brave as him you keep your eyes focused on the door ahead, one wrong glance and you could find yourself frozen in fear of how high up you were not. 
"almost there just don't look down... once we get inside we just need her to calm down enough that her room because that white cotton candy cloud again... what does Daniella call it? The Cumalot cloud?" being young you giggle at what Camilo called the cloud finding it silly. you watch as Camilos face reddens a little from the embarrassment until he too was giggling a bit. you correct him telling him that the cloud is called a Cumulus cloud.
"Ok but come on could you imagine how funny it would be if it was called a Cum-A-Lot." you roll your eyes and tell him to stop being so dirty-minded. he shrugged as you watched his curly hair start to flow in the wind. being around your boyfriend just made everything so much funnier. even if a serious and sad conversation or moment was going on Camilo never failed to make you smile as if the whole world was at peace. and right now was one of those moments, a moment where all should feel scary yet just having Camilo near was enough to make your nerves disappear like a chameleon in the rainforest. it may be invisible but deep down it's still there.
"Hey I'm not thaaattt dirty-minded you know! ah we are here... lets take a deep breath then go in" you nod and look at the room. unlikes all the other clouds this one was large and had walls per say. it was more like Pepas room was inside this large cloud and not on top like the other rooms had been. the door to go inside the room had been painted to have many different weather types. looking at it you could tell it had been hand-painted by someone and was replaced by a door that used to stand there before the painted one. you were going to ask Camilo who painted the door but saw the other was already nervous enough to just go inside so you decided against it. you gently squeeze his hand with the same pattern he did before
 '..     .-..  ---  ...-  .    -.-- --- ..-' he looks over to you and smiles gently kissing your cheek
"thank you... i know you don't know what it really means yet but I still find it cute" with more courage built up he reaches for the door handle and slowly turns it to enter inside

the inside of the room was completely foggy you couldn't see anything at all as you and Camilo walked in. not only was it foggy it was moving clockwise around the room from a constant wind. somewhere in the room you could hear sniffling as well as the soft pitter patter of rain. you and Camilo look at each other before taking a step further into the fog to find Pepa. Camilo knew the lay out pretty well but everything was so new to you. what you could see in the thick fog was the illumination from a fish tank somewhere in the room. you only knew it was a fish tank because Camilo had told you before that Antonio always enjoyed talking to Pepas fish. 
"mamá... are you ok?" there was sudden ruffling somewhere in the room as the fog continues to thicken. she clearly wanted to stay hidden, but you knew that if you didn't help Pepa may just end up mentally straining herself more then she already is.
"i'm alright. i know I have a cloud, I already heard from your Abuela. i will get myself under control soon. i will do my best to control myself." You look over to Camilo who had a worried look on his face. he opened his mouth to say something but he clearly struggled with which words he should say. so instead you whisper to him asking where Pepas bed was. he look up and around the room before pointing northern. you nod and slowly walk through the fog looking for Pepa. seeing the room was just decently sized the two of you were able to find Pepas bed. and just as you had expected she was sitting on the edge just fiddling with her hair trying to calm down. although she wasn't crying but was clearly stressed as her eyes darted up towards the two of you. she backed away anxiously nervous that she had done something wrong. Pepa herself knew she had a hard time with her emotions. without thinking, she kinda snapped at you and Camilo. Camilo pulled you quickly behind him as Pepa half yelled at them.
"I told you two i'm fine! just leave my room! just as mamá says i'm unstable! just... why can't you just leave!" you flinched at the yelling but it didn't last long seeing what Pepa was saying started to seep in. does Abuela say that to Pepa a lot? now that you think about it everytime Abuela says 'Pepa you have a cloud' it's basically Abuela telling poor Pepa to control her emotions and to not show any sign of weakness, confusion, fear, worry or even happy emotions. she is to stay neutral
"mamá we are not leave, we are here for you" you could feel the fog start to fade a little and you decide to add to the conversation by leaving the safety of Camilo and went over hugging his mom. you asked her what was wrong and that if she needed anything you would listen to her troubles. hearing those words from both her son and future the be daughter in law she seemed to relax a bit and after a few seconds she wraps around you then pulled Camilo onto the bed as well hugging the two of you in unison. as she did so and calmed down the room around her also seemed to clear up the fog and light drizzle gone. now that you could see the room it really was a fantastic room. the bed was nice and large, there was another magic window and the fish tank was gorgeous filled with colorful tetras and other small aquatic animals such as snails. after a few seconds of comfortable silence you hear Pepa start talking
"You know... not many ask me how i'm really feeling and ask what's wrong. mostly people just tell me to get my shit together... so it was nice for a change thank you..." you and Camilo look at each other a smile hugging her tightly. Even Pepa couldn't help but smiled softly as she held the two of you close as if you were still 8 years old.
"mamá stoppp, but i'm glad we could help... we just want you to feel more relaxed" you nod in agreement, everyone in the family deserves to be happy and healthy. well... maybe not Abuela but mostly everyone. after a few moments of hugging Pepa nods
"i'm ok just Frustrated with your Abuela. but I will deal with her, I heard you guys had a talk with her... good on you for being so brave and theatrical with the Pedro thing. she yelled at me for a while so you really must have scared her" she chuckled ruffling your hair Camilo nod shaking his head trying to fix his now ruffled hair. you giggle and look at the now smiling Pepa. you were glad Camilo took you through her room to calm her down... after a few moments of sharing some special moments Pepa stands up the once grey and stormy cloud fluffy again just like the 'Cumalot' cloud. she opened the door out of her bedroom area and smiles seeing Daniella and Mirabel. she looked back at the two of you holding the door open for them
"enough hugs for now, lets get you guys to be you look exhausted" the thought of sleep excited you and Camilo so you both nodded leaving the cloudy room with a now happier Pepa

*~Authors Note~*
Hehe thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it! sorry for the later post I was reffing soccer! anyway thank you AnimeForLife1912 for the idea I really enjoyed writing about Pepa and I hope you like it! anyway ya luv you all so much!! also it's a bit shorter then usual so I apologize i'm just sleepy from reffing 

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