3. We Need To Talk..

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I looked over my nails several times waiting for Trai to finish doing whatever was so important on his damn phone. This is one reason our relationship hasn't really gone anywhere. Its always good for a while when we're dating but then I get the vibe that he's unsure about being with me. He's twenty six and divorced, with two kids.. I accepted all of that because I was and still am really interested in him.

On our good days he gives me his time, we do so many things together. He's a great listener, Trai is an all around amazing guy. But on our bad days, he spends a lot of time talking to his ex wife. Of which I'm not comfortable with unless it's about his two boys, and most of the time it's not. He never cheated on me with her but there's still love there. He swears he loves me but I don't feel like he does as much as he says.

"Am I not sitting here?"

"My bad.. you look beautiful"


I guess he could tell by the look I had on my face that I was growing more and more annoyed. He put his phone down and moved closer to me and tried to kiss my cheek. I moved and pushed his face away, I hate when he does this. I shouldn't have to ask for his attention..

"What's wrong with you?"

"You Trai, I feel like when we're together you're always on your phone. You say, you want us to work on getting back together yet whoever or whatever is on your phone is more important"

"I apologize if that's how you feel, I never want you to think I don't care. My phone isn't important, you are.. I was just trying to respond to these emails as soon as possible. I've been wanting us to get back together for months. You won't even let me touch you, let alone be your man again"

"Because I'm worth more then your able to give me right now. I deserve you, and all of you, the situation you're in is complicated. She comes between our relationship every time we try to work on things. I'm tired of it, I will not be that girl that pretends not to see the trifling shit your ex wife does. I see it, my brothers taught me the game. Just because I choose not to address certain things doesn't mean I don't know. I peep everything boo"

"I can't control the type of stuff she sends me, she divorced me and now I'm trying to-"

"Listen to yourself, she divorced you, not the other way around. How do I know if she called and said I wanna work it out. That you wouldn't go crawling back, let me know the truth. Be real with me, I was woman enough to spread my legs to you. I'm woman enough to know the truth, that's all I want. You are not going to hurt me with the truth but you are hurting me with the unsure bullshit"

He seemed like he wanted to say something but his phone interrupted him. And speak of the devil, Amanda was calling. He answered and just by the look on his face I could tell something happened. When he hung up the phone he gave me sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry, Carson fell and broke his arm"

"Its fine Trai, your son needs you more than I do. I hope he feels better.."

He grabbed his keys and rushed out of the door, I sighed and put my head down on my table. Its not the fact that he has to go but it's the interruptions. I can overlook this because his kids come first and I'm okay with that. I love his kids, they're seven and eight and they're so respectful. They love being around me and telling me about their games. I attend as many as I can, because I am in college and I work.

I also try my hardest to avoid his ex wife because it's so much drama. She is the reason me and Trai break up so much. I feel like she's intimated because I'm younger so now she wants him back. Before it was different, she claimed he was boring in bed and way too hood. He's a little hood but boring in bed, I doubt he didn't seem boring when I had sex with him. It was my first time but he showed me plenty of things. And not basic things either..

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