37. He Changed Everything..

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Afia stopped walking and stood behind my car and took a deep breath, she has been in labor since three in the morning but we were told not to come to the hospital until her contractions were less than five minutes apart or she just couldnt take them anymore. We listened to that but then her water broke at seven so we went to the hospital where they kept saying her water didn't break. We were both sure it did so we went back in the afternoon and they did the samething and sent us home. Apparently because the contractions stopped she wasn't in labor, nevermind the fact that she has been leaking fluid since. And now, at six pm, sixteen hours later we're back and this time I'm not taking her back home. Someone didn't do their job correctly and if something were to happen because they wanted to be negligent I'm going to raise hell.

"I'm sorry.."

"You're fine, take your time"

Afia has been apologizing all day and I keep telling her it's fine, she can take all the time she needs.

"Afia what if they try to send us home again?"

"If they tell me I have to go home I just might punch someone in the face. I'm not going home when I know my water broke. I'm having a baby tonight or tomorrow"

I adjusted her bag on my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her, she moves very slow because of the pain in her legs and back. But I'm willing to hold her up and walk beside her no matter how long it takes for us to get to the elevator.

"I think I just had a real contraction, Lord let it be a real. Kody has to get out, today"

"Give him until midnight, he'll be here"

She rolled her eyes, if he's anything like me he's going to come out when everyone is least expecting it. That's a scary thought but my gut tells me this experience is going to be way different than I ever imagined.


We finally got into a room about an hour ago, the sun has already gone down. Today has been unnecessarily long but now she's hooked up to an IV, the baby is being monitored and the laboring process has begun. Nothing has happened though, no real contractions so it's just a waiting game unless the doctor says otherwise. However it has been over sixteen hours since her water broke. So they're going to give her Pitocin to strengthen the contractions to see if she dialates. If she doesn't progress by tomorrow morning they're going to do a c-section because it'll be taking an even bigger risk just waiting.

"The doctor wanted to put a pill up in my coochie-"

"Afia! Stop saying that"

"What? Coochie? Why?"

"Just stop, you've been acting way too hyper since they gave you that popsicle"

"It gave me life, It was good even though I wasn't supposed to have it. But anyway back to what I was saying, I'm glad they chose the Pitocin. I don't want someone putting there hand up there.."

"Well a baby is gonna come out of there"

"Possibly.. I just hope this whole process isn't too long. I'm hungry"

"Eat your ice chips and jello"

"I don't want that, tell Ashton to bring me hot wings"

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