7. Broken Heart?

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Three attempts to get this bastard up and he wouldn't get out of bed. I picked up a pillow and repeatedly hit him in his back with it.

"Leave me alone!"

"It's six fifty, you have to get up or you're going to be late"

"I don't care, leave.. go home"

"Elijah get the fuck up, now!"

"I said no! Get the fuck out, stop trying to make me do shit I don't want to do. Goodbye Afia"

It took everything in me not snatch him by his dreads and fuck him up. There's honestly no reason for him to be this rude in the morning. And then the fact that he's acting like I just showed up at his door step randomly. I was just here last night, we sat on the floor and he kind of started to get out of his funky mood. He asked me if I would come with him this morning to another appointment he has in Jersey. So his attitude is blowing the hell out of me..

"Have you lost your mind Elijah!? Don't raise your voice at me and don't get the fuck smart! You asked me to come with you to this appointment. I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you were up and there on time. You need to check your tone and your attitude when you talk to me. I didn't disrespect you so don't disrespect me, but since you wanna have an attitude. And act like I'm stuck up your ass begging you to do shit, don't ask me to go anywhere else! Good bye!"

I got off his bed and left his room, there's only so much that I can do. He's not the only person going through something right now. This has to be tough, I get that and I feel for him. But it's not an excuse to snap on the people who just want to see him get better. He's not hurting me as much as he's hurting himself and that's what he fails to realize. I can attend the appointment but it's not about me. We'll get no where unless he steps up and accepts the life he has been given.

I understand that the first time was supposed to be the last, but life happens. Its never going to be easy, we may never understand and that's something that he has to come to see on his own. We're given things to deal with because it's what was meant for us. It's up to us to make the best out of a situation or let the situation make the worst out of us. And right now he's hitting rock bottom because he's letting fear dictate his future.

Before I could get to the bottom of the steps something told me not to leave. That was not the Elijah I know, so I'm not going to walk away and leave him because of something he said. Had this been someone else or a different situation I would've left, just to remove my self from the situation so it wouldn't escalate. I have a slick mouth and hands that I can't control sometimes. However when it's someone I care about I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

When I got back to his room he was grabbing his stuff so he could shower. He even had his clothes laid across the bed, that ass got right, quick.

"I'm glad you chose to get up and get ready.. I didn't wanna have to drag your ass out of bed. You know, to show you what trying to make you do something really is"

"I apologize for what I said, I'm just having a bad morning.."

I didn't respond, he needs to think about what he said to me because he obviously lost his mind. And I don't have a problem helping his ass find it. We both have our days, he gets me together and I get him together. That's just what we do, the longest we went without talking was twenty-four hours. And that was after a huge argument we had about two years ago.


"Cereal or eggs and toast?"

"Um, it doesn't matter. Maybe cereal that's quicker.. but eggs and toast sound a little better"

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