5. Tears Of The Past..

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Renee tossed a few of my things out of the door before slamming it closed. She's really mad about the breakup but something had to give. I mean it's too much, I have to think about my health first. I've tried to give her everything the whole year we've been together. I met her in college, and she was a nice girl, we clicked instantly. She got along with Afia.. in the beginning of course.

After about seven months of us talking I figured maybe it would be cool if I asked her out. From there we became boyfriend and girlfriend but my mom never cared for Renee. The day I took Renee to meet my parents was three months into our relationship. At that time we would have arguments but nothing too big. It was normal couple issues, but this particular day was when she started to get aggressive.

We were at dinner and my parents and my brother all asked about Afia. To me it wasn't anything out of the ordinary because she grew up around all of us. My parents watched her grow up just like her parents watched me grow up. My mom and dad love Afia to death, she has always been respectful, something they adore.

Renee was never bothered by Afia or the friendship I had with her. But I guess it started to bother her that everyone liked Afia and not her. I always made sure that my family was respectful of Renee no matter what. Even though they didn't care for her, she was my girlfriend and they had to respect that. But that wasn't enough..

Apparently she felt intimidated by Afia and so being as though my mom asked about her at dinner it pissed Renee off. She literally rolled her eyes and huffed the entire dinner. And in my household if you had something you wanted to say, you said it. Whether it got you popped in the mouth or not was on you. My mom asked her if there was an issue and she straight up said Afia was her problem.

Now my mom loves Afia so she snapped her head back and asked why she had a problem with her baby Fi. And Renee being the smart mouth she was and still is told her, it was because she felt that Afia had ulterior motives. Such as wanting to sleep with me when she wasn't around. She claimed she heard about Afia and that she was sleeping with the college boys.

Not once did Afia ever step foot on college grounds back then and I made sure of that. That was the day I should have run but I wanted to believe it was just jealousy. However no one believed her because we all knew better. Long story short everyone laughed at her silly attempt to belittle my best friend. And she got mad, that was the first night she hit me. She actually broke my finger that day and busted my lip.

And I was in a state of shock because our arguments never turned physical. I brushed it off thinking it was out of anger that got the best of her, boy was I wrong. It happen much more frequently and because I am ashamed I keep it to myself. I haven't really opened up to anyone about it but I know they know. I'm assuming they're waiting on me to talk about it.

In the year that I've been with Renee she has taken money from me, broken three of my fingers, busted my lip twice and almost broke my nose. Oh and let me not forget the time I damn near lost my eye, but that's a story for another day..
Ashton pulled me into a hug and looked at me, I shrugged. I haven't been around lately and he's been trying to contact me. Its just hard to come around my brothers, yeah him and Anthony are like my brothers. Its hard knowing they know what I'm going through. They're just waiting for me to ask for help, I don't know how.

"What's up with you, you just up and disappeared on me. I only hear about you from Fi.."

I took off my hat and sat down, he handed me a bottle of water and turned his stereo down. "You know I'm here for you, what's going on?"

"I'm just tired bro"

"Of what? You're too young to be tired"

"I'm too young for a lot of things. Its just I feel certain things and I don't know if its right. Through everything I've been going through its been one person holding me up. I feel like I need to settle down now before it's too late.."

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