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I observed the different rings that were on the display, a part of me wants to buy one and propose to Afia but then I think about everything that we're going through. I feel as though I'm ready but she's not and I have accepted that. I didn't listen or consider her feelings about us having a child together and it caused her so much stress. She's really not the same anymore, at times I can tell that being a mom is really hard on her. Not really because of the responsibility but more so because she's still unsure of who she is and what she wants for herself. Sometimes she's really distant with the baby, I don't know what to do other than just take him and try my best to encourage her. I feel like I'm the one to blame, I wanted a child and I felt I couldn't wait. Now I see what Ashton was trying to tell me, but I don't regret my son or how hard I prayed for his presence.

I turned around to leave the store and noticed that Anthony and Ashton were both staring me with the same look. I shrugged and tried to walk pass them and out of the store. Anthony stopped me and Ashton folded his arms..


"Why are you leaving?"

"I didn't see anything she'd like.."

"That one" Ashton pointed to the ring I had just put down.

"What's holding you back?"

This time Anthony was asking the question, there's a lot holding me back..

"Nothing, I never said I wanted to propose"

"You don't have to say it, we know you. We've been brothers for over ten years.. I know that you love my sister. If you wanna marry her.. do it, you only have one life"

I shrugged and looked back at the ring, it would be nice but that's not what I'm going to do.

"Yeah, I know. But she's not ready so now isn't the right time"

"I'm actually proud to hear you say that being as though I was upset about you guys having a kid. But that before I realized that my sister isn't a baby anymore. Whatever you guys choose to do I'll support it. If you want to marry her you have my blessing"

Ashton reached out and hugged me, I appreciate that coming from him. We went through a lot because of my desire to have a baby with Afia. But we got through it, kind of crazy how it took a loss for him to accept it however that's life.

"And mine" .

Anthony agreed while putting his hand on my shoulder. He has always been the supportive one.. the one that has the as long as you take care of my sister attitude. But I appreciate them both the same, they push me to make good choices.


I picked up a pair of shoes that would go great with a ton of outfits that Kody has. His closet is full off stuff that Afia bought, things his grandparents on both sides got him and so much more. Every time I turn around someone is bringing an outfit or something by the house for him. And the excuse is always the same, they just had to get it or it was on sale. Instead of buying the shoes I put them back, I need to consult with Afia before I buy him anything.

"These are nice, we should all get dressed up and take family pictures. My family, you Afia and the baby, your brother and his wife, Ashton and his thot of the week and our parents"

I nodded at the idea, I think it would be nice to get a picture with both sides the family. We're all really close anyway so I think it would be a pretty dope thing to do.

"I like the idea.. minus the thot of the week, he can bring Tee" I watched Ashton's face after that, his relationship with that girl is hot then cold.

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