39. Down Time..

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I watched my mom pick Kody up out of his swing and gently rock him in her arms while my dad straightened up my room. I've been pretty much stuck in bed since I got home from the hospital. We were there for five days so I'm more than greatful to be in my own bed. The only thing is I'm slowly developing a dry cough and it feels like something is sitting on my chest. It's not persistent but it is annoying.

I grabbed my pillow and held it against my stomach so I could cough with as little discomfort as possible. Everyday is better, I'm now a week post baby so the pain is slowly fading. But the wrong move, sneeze or cough will bring me back to reality because that still hurts a lot. My mom looked at me and handed me my water, I know my cough sounds bad. Elijah tells me every night but I don't know what to do about it.

"How long have you been coughing?"

"Since-" I stopped talking and cleared my throat, it sounds as if I haven't had anything to drink in a week. My throat does dry out quick and my lips are constantly dry. I truthfully think I'm dehydrated, I couldn't make myself eat or drink when I first came home from the hospital. And secretly I haven't been drinking much.. Elijah will kill me if he finds out but I'm never thirsty or hungry. And then I kind of forget to drink because I'm always sleeping, when the baby is sleep so am I. And when he's up I'm feeding or changing him, it's not an excuse but I can't help it.

"You sound horrible... does Elijah sound you're coughing and talking like this?"

"He knows I'm coughing.. I just started sounding like this though"

"So why isn't he home with you?"

I looked at her and just blinked, I really hate this conversation... "He was off for over a week, if he didn't have to go back this soon he wouldn't have"

"I wasn't saying it like that, I was just asking. Regardless of whether he had to go back or not, you guys should ask for help. You're still recovering and now you're coughing"

I covered my mouth and cough again and shrugged, right now it's not too hard. All Kody does is eat, sleep, cry, pee and poop so I find it pretty easy to care for him on my own. When he naps I put him in his swing and I go grab my lunch and come back to my bed.

"I really don't need much help, you know I would call you if I needed anything. As for my cough.. I'm not sick, I just don't know what's causing it"

"I really wish you weren't so independent at times.. I don't mind helping you guys with the baby"

"I'm not saying you can't help, if you wanna  watch him while I rest you can"

"Do you want me to make you guys some dinner? I can prep some meals that Elijah can thaw and put in the crock pot before work. I'll help you get some lundry done, clean up.."

"Mommy.. you don't have to, you have you're own life-"

"I gave you life so you are my life, I'm staying to help you. I'll be back with something for that cough and I want you to rest"

I nodded and sipped some more of my water, I can't say no to my mom. She's not gonna listen even if I do but I appreciate her because I could use some much needed rest even though that's all I do I'm still tired.



The moment I came through the door I noticed how clean it was and it smelled like good food. I went straight into the kitchen to see Afia feeding Kody while she ate a dinner. She looked up at me and smiled very briefly, since she had the baby her personality has vanished. Maybe it's the lack of sleep and the tough recovery but I want the normal Afia back. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead, she put her fork down and wrapped her free hand around my waist.

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