8. Anything Is Possible..

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"I just wanna talk to you.."

I glanced at Trai and rolled my eyes before attempting to walk away, he grabbed my arm and I snatched it away. You know at first none of this bothered me... but now I'm getting a bit fed up with him.

"There's nothing left to say"

"Please, Afia.."

"I'm done Trai, there is nothing you can do to change my mind"

He sighed and followed me down the steps, I rolled my eyes hoping he'd get the hint sooner or later. I really hope he doesn't start showing up wherever I go wanting to work things out. We've been apart for months, Its time to let go for good.

"Why are you letting them do this?"

"I'm not letting them do anything, I make my own decisions. You claim I broke your heart, if that's the case why are you still chasing me?"

"I just wanna know why you won't take me back"

"You know why, I shouldn't have to explain it several times. Focus on what you have going on.. you're confused. I care about you, I do but I just can't do it anymore"

He looked a little sad and it made me feel some type of way. But right now, he's not really sure of which way to go. Its like he runs after me when I say I'm done, but then the moment I give him my time he stops putting in effort. That isn't the type of situation I wanna be in and he refuses accept that.

"Well can I still call you sometime?"

Apart of me wanted to say no, but then there was something telling me a phone call every now and then won't hurt..


He nodded and looked at me for a few more minutes before he turned to walk away. I feel so bad but there's no point in having him think that we're gonna get back together. I won't say he doesn't love me because I'm sure he does. But he can't be in love with someone else and expect me to be okay with that. Maybe he'll figure out what he wants and meet someone that's right for him.

Trai is someone that I could've seen myself with in the long run, but that changed when he became unsure. I don't wanna become so dedicated and attached to a relationship and then he decides he wants to work it out with her. Where does that leave me other than confused and hurt? It was never my intention to hurt him and tonight I do believe I did just that.

I looked down at the my feet and fought the urge to call out to him, I wish he could've made up his mind..



I hit the locks on my Mercedes-Benz E-Class and picked up the bags I sat on the floor of my garage. When I unlocked the door and went inside I noticed the lights were on. I wasn't bothered because it has to be Afia, it's late and no one else stop by at this time. No one with keys to my house and the code to my alarm anyway. I kicked my shoes off in the foyer and called Afia's name, when I received no response I went straight into the living room. I found her curled up on my couch sleeping.

I took my bags to the kitchen and placed them on the counter before I went back into the living room. I sat besides her and tapped her shoulder.

"Fi Fi.."


"What's wrong?"

She shrugged which told me something was definitely bothering her. Plus she never shows up without calling, just because she doesn't wanna be here alone if I'm not home. I poked her, which usually gets a rise out of her but she did nothing.

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