21. Take a Hint..

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I approached the table of church people and immediately a little girl waved at me. She had to be about five and she had the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen.

"You're so pretty, you shouldn't be sad"

"I'm not sad sweety, I'm okay"

"My mommy said that before.. but it wasn't the truth"


"She had that same look too, but my mommy wasn't as strong as you are. She got really sick but now she's better"

"Oh okay, well I'm glad your mommy is better"

"Are you a mommy?"

"I am .. but my baby is in heaven"

"Oh.. that's what my mommy said too. My mommy's baby will protect your baby, they'll be best friends"

"That would be nice.." I don't know what it is but people can always read me. They just know, I find it a bit strange but that's life. I took out my notepad so I could get their drinks. I spent enough time talking to this adorable little girl. "What would you like to drink?"

"Umm... maybe a milkshake!"

She danced in her seat, I couldn't help but smile. Children are so amazing..

"What kind of milkshake? We have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and oreo"

"Strawberry please, that's my favorite"

"Okay, I'll make it with extra strawberry just for you" I smiled at her before moving on to take the rest of the drink orders.

Once I walked away I went to make the drinks but I was stopped by Shelby. She hugged me tightly and I laughed, I might have missed her too.

"Omg! I missed you Fi, where have you been? I've been asking but no one knew, I thought you quit"

"I just needed some time that's all, I'm back and that's all that matters"

I started on the first drink and Shelby still stood there talking. This is why she makes about sixty bucks a night. You have to move and get shit done, no one wants to wait longer than they have to.

"What's that necklace for?"

I touched my necklace without realizing it and flagged her off. When I'm ready to talk to outsiders about my loss I will.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry-"

"Shelby I really have to keep moving, I have other tables and I can't afford to lose money"

"O-oh.. okay. I'll talk to you later"

I nodded and made the last drink and carried the tray to the table, they looked surprised that I had come back so quick. I don't waste time.. I have money to make and people to satisfy. Happy tables, better tips.. just saying.

"Can I have her as my server.."



I turned hearing my name to see who requested me to be their server.

I looked to see the infamous Trai.. I ignored him and sat each drink down. I haven't seen this guy in months why is he showing up now, at my job of all places. I hoped he walked away but instead he sat down at a table with his children. As I took the orders of the people in front of me I noticed his wife or ex wife sit down. How disrespectful, I know I wouldn't want my ex to be my server. How does he know I won't taint his food? I won't because it's not in my heart to do something so evil. But there is a bitch that would and not give a damn.

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