32. KGJ..

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A month later


I smiled at Afia as we listened to our baby's heartbeat for the very first time.

I honestly didn't expect to actually see our baby today, being as though her appointment wasn't until next week. But we were able to be seen sooner because of the pain Afia has been experiencing lately. The doctor really doesnt have an explanation as to why it's happening. The baby is healthy and growing the way he or she should be. The only concern was the heartbeat being a little slower than normal. But they told us not to worry because that doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. They also checked her ovaries again and some how some way, there is only one cyst on one side. The other one that they said may have become twisted is no longer there. I just think it's a blessing because it's close to impossible for it to have been there causing so many issues and now it's gone.

I think that took Afia by surprise more than anyone, she has been stressing over the surgery and the pregnancy a lot lately. She didn't wanna have to make the decision to have the surgery while pregnant. I definitely didn't want her to go through with the procedure while carrying our child. But we had to come to the realization that it was something that wasn't really debatable. So to hear that now it's not even necessary to have the surgery is amazing. But the constant pain is unexplainable at the moment. No one really knows why she feels the sharp pains, the only explanation they were able to give wasnt as helpful as I would have liked. They said it could be sciatic nerve pain or round ligament pains.

It could just be her uterus growing and suddenly her tolerance for pain has gone down. Or it could be the other cyst just causing her pain due to her uterus growing to make room for the baby. We don't really know, so the only thing they suggest right now is warm baths and Tylenol. And Afia is against taking medication while she's pregnant so that's out. So the only other thing they suggested was bed rest for the next month. But being as though I still have a month remaining in therapy I won't be home to assist her. However I know that her family and mine will help out as much as they can. After all everyone is so excited about this baby, everyone has a name and prediction of the gender.

I'm excited to be a father to this child, I have so much I wanna do before our baby is born. I plan to do a lot of the work when it comes time to create the nursery. This is going to be our first born baby and I just wanna make this experience one that we'll never forget. If it's a boy he will be the Prince of our household and if it's a girl she will be the Princess of our household. I feel like Afia has a strong feeling about our baby's gender. She already has a name picked out but she won't tell me what it is. I'll have to wait until the gender reveal which is about two and a half months from now. All I know is the initials which are KGJ, I know the J is my last name of course. But the KG I have no clue, but I'm excited to find out.

Afia took the ultrasound pictures and looked over them staring intently at each one. At one point I could see a small smile but it wasnt one that held the same happiness as mine..


I hugged Afia's mother before moving on to shake her father's hand. He shook my hand firmly and smiled and said he was proud of me. I thanked him and made my way towards Anthony who was talking to someone on the phone with Hayden on his lap. His conversation seemed a bit deep so we nodded and did our hanshake and I kept moving. I stopped at Ashton who had a stupid look on his face.

"The guy that knocked my sister up, how do you feel about yourself?"

"Great, I'm blessed"

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