31. Petty Behavior.

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I sat at the bar debating if another drink was really worth buying. Normally I dont fall into believing everything but lately things bother me much more than before. Things that I would have never thought twice about and its weighing heavy on my mind. I looked at the empty shot glass and dropped ten dollars on the counter and started to get up. 

"Lady problems?"

I rolled my eyes at the voice I heard behind me, the person I know has to be the reason I got the picture in the first place. 

"Leave Renee, I don't even know why you're here. I told you I'm not interested in talking to you"

"I'm here because you wanted to move forward. This is a part of that right?"

"Nope, you can leave. I'll pay for you to get a cab, a bus or a train home just go away"

"Mmm.. let me see, no. I'm staying here so we can work it out"

"There's nothing to work out"

"Our relationship.. I want you back, so go ahead and kick her to the curb like you said you would"

"I never told you that, try again"

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Yeah, and I no longer give a fuck"

"You're still a bitch, I can't stand you"

She mushed the back of my head and threw her drink on me, I took a deep breath and placed my hands together. I'm tired of this shit..

"Can I have a double shot of patron?"


"You know what make that two"

Egypt walked up to me and placed a towel on my shoulder and shook his head. "Your self control is amazing. If that was the twenty five year old me, she would have been laid out across the bar. But I'm a changed person.."

"That's not me, I don't care. It doesn't bother me anymore"

"It should, you should never become so used to something that you believe you deserve it"

"Well... I mean I don't know what else to do. I refuse to hit her back or disrespect her, that's not how I was raised"

"So what happens when an argument goes the wrong way and that blow to the head doesn't leave just a lump.. but instead a gash-"

"It has happened before, it didn't kill me" I shrugged and picked up my drink and downed it before rubbing my chest. I probably shouldn't be drinking but who cares..

"But it could have and then what?"

"I'd just be dead"

He nodded and pushed my second shot back towards the bartender and placed a hand on my shoulder. "That's not the answer" I watched as he walked away and shrugged my shoulders..



I placed my hand under my chin and sighed, I dont really know what to do about this situation. I cant say it didn't happen because it did, it just didn't happen the way it seemed. Then to make things worse I wasn't answering when Elijah tried to call and ask about it. Even though it wasnt intentional it still looked bad, I know I'd be pissed if I got a picture that seemed like something it wasnt. Especially if I tried to call him and ask about it and he didn't answer. I would think he's avoiding me but I know him so I wouldn't jump to conclusions... not immediately anyway.

Anthony only came to me because Elijah went to him, he's close with my brothers. And because I wasn't answering of course he wanted to know what I was doing and why I didn't answer. But honestly I was studying, to get through college you have to study and push yourself. I can't afford to not pass these classes. Not only that I would like to be done with school before I have the baby if possible. 

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