17. Love...

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Couple's who fight often are most likely stronger than couples who do not. But it's not the fighting that makes them stronger. It's what takes place after the fighting, the making up. It's coming to the realization that your relationship is more important than your differences. It involves acts of forgiveness and acceptance of one's mistakes. You fight and you learn something new about the other person. That's how it works. Real relationships aren't perfect and perfect relationships aren't real..


"Taste this"

I looked down at the drink Elijah placed by my mouth. It had a jalapeno pepper and a piece of grapefruit on the rim. Which kind of turned me off, I can't imagine this drink being good at all.

"What is it?"

"Spicy tequila sunrise"

"Is it good?"

He shrugged and took another sip, the entire time I turned my face up as if I tasted it.

"It's okay.. just taste it"

I sipped some through his straw and it was disgusting, it tastes like jalapenos to me more than anything. This is definitely not my type of drink.. at all. Elijah started laughing at the fact that I was holding the drink in my mouth.

"Swallow it"

"No, I'm not swallowing this shit.."

"I've heard that before.." he smirked and I frowned, he hasn't heard that from me.

I got up and found the nearest trash can to spit it out, he knew what he was doing by asking me to taste it. When I got back over to him I pushed him and he laughed harder.

"Why is that funny? I think I'm gonna be sick now"

I sipped my lemonade like it was the only drink I had in days. Maybe I'm dramatic but that drink was honestly terrible and the taste is stuck in my mouth.

"It's just funny because you rarely taste the jalapeno, you're mouth must be sensitive to hot things"

"You can taste the little bit that's in it and it's horrible. Never order that again.."

"Yes ma'am, but any way I've been meaning to ask you. When is the lease up for your house?"

I stood up and brushed the sand off my butt and he watched before he reached over and slapped my butt. I stopped and mean mugged him, that didn't do anything but make him tug at my bikini bottom. He was giving me that look and to be honest I can't take him.

"I can't.."

"You can.."

"I promise you I can't, you think I'm playing"

"You can and you will, it gets easier with time"

"Well right now isn't that time.."

He sighed and pulled me down so I'd be sitting in front of him, as if I didn't just brush the excess sand off me. I don't want sand in my ass.. he pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear. I laughed uncontrollably at him because I swear he's always saying something inappropriate.

"Why are you laughing? I'm dead ass serious"

"I know you are but I'm not doing anything with you on the beach sir.."

"You never thought of sex on the beach?"

"To be honest I have but not in the daylight.."

"We're over here, no one is even over here"

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