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Neither of them were allowed to move, even as (Y/n) yawned next to Shunsui on the walkway in front of her bedroom. He had come early and woken her up in the gentlest way possible no matter what complaint left her mouth. He already had sake poured even though the sun hadn't risen, letting (Y/n) lean on him. "You should open your eyes," he chuckled softly. "It isn't something you'd want to miss, little (Y/n)."
"It's too early," she mumbled.
"It's a sunrise, it's supposed to be early," he leaned into her, kissing the top of her head gently. "You needed something nice after all that." (Y/n) unwillingly opened her eyes and stared at the roof to the estate, sniffing as his arm fell over her shoulders. The investigation had concluded with her being moved down to fifth seat and her restrictions being lifted. Soi Fon and Shunsui were her most common visitors, a small pile of gifts from the man waiting to be placed somewhere at the foot of her bed.
It was nice to have him there, even after what she had confessed and she hadn't had a dream since. Shunsui adjusted her, moving (Y/n) into his lap and resting his chin on her shoulder after taking a drink.
"You shouldn't have opened the bottle this early," she sighed. She didn't bother fighting their new position, even when her face felt like it would combust. He had been slowly moving closer and closer, the physical contact growing as Shunsui talked about everything and nothing. He purposely avoided talking to her about his feelings, even when it ate at her enough for her to bring it up. What she said would hurt anyone had they been the recipient like him and she felt horrible about it.
"You've been sleeping well on your own," he commented.
"I haven't remembered anything worth stressing about," she nodded slowly. It did make her feel lonely, a word she didn't dare say around him. Who knew what he would do.
"That's good. It means you remember the major things," the two fell silent as light started breaching the clouds. Shunsui rested his cheek on (Y/n)'s head and gave a soft hum, "Sunset or sunrise, you do outshine the sun."

"You'll be guiding the captains," Captain Yamamoto stated. (Y/n) stood in front of his desk, her eyes wide at the orders she was receiving. "Your knowledge of enemy territory will prove invaluable to them."
"Sir," she nodded slowly, barely able to reply. She could see Grimmjow again and it made her excited but she dreaded it. She momentarily forgot him when Shunsui was around but she may have to face him if she went.
"I realize your hesitation, but I don't know anyone else to ask," he sighed. "I don't want to send you there anymore than you want to go."
"It's all right," she nodded. "I can do it if it means we get a step up on Aizen. It won't be a problem."
"I don't want you to go back there," Captain Yamamoto's words were firm and (Y/n) could see his Lieutenant react in shock. "You are still torn up over it and I fear you'll break mentally. We don't know if your hollowfication will react."
"Old man," (Y/n) gasped.
"I have seen Kurosaki fight and I have seen your mask. It is only right you lead the introduction of your ability to the Thirteen Court Guard Squad, no matter the setback," he nodded. She felt her blood run cold as his Lieutenant stared at her wide eyed. It was a moment of silence before she nodded.
"Yes sir. I'll do my best," she bowed. "I may need a list of the captains going to prep them."
"It will be sent to your office," he confirmed. (Y/n) quickly left, footsteps following closely behind her. She glanced at Lieutenant Chojiro, a man that she had rarely spoken to even before her vanishing. The white haired man looked a bit peeved as he glared down at her.
"We have a chain of command," he said quietly.
"If you're speaking about what happened in that office, Lieutenant, I understand your frustration," she stated.
"What made me untrustworthy as your leader," he was ordering an answer as he stood in front of her. She was taken aback as she stopped short to stop from running into him.
"I'm sorry," she asked.
"Why was i not trustworthy enough for you to inform me of this," he repeated slower. "I realized that you were under a lot of pressure but carrying that sort of information around?"
She looked around subtly, a few other members staring, "Sir, this isn't the place for this."
"Here," Chojiro handed her a small file, pointing at her. "We will have this conversation later."
"Uh, yes sir," she nodded. She walked to her office, closing the door quickly and letting out a long breath. "This is going to be frustrating."
"Your seat may have changed but don't be surprised that you're still highly commended," she threw the file, the papers fluttering about as they separated. "At least it wasn't something heavy," Shunsui chuckled. Jushiro sat on the couch facing the desk, Shunsui facing the door and both looking up at her. (Y/n) let out a long breath and picked the papers up, not bothering to put them back in order as she set them on her desk.
"How long have you two been in here," she asked.
"Long enough," Shunsui chuckled. The tea was already hot and set out on the table, (Y/n) eyeing it before pulling the gift bottle of sake from under her desk instead.
"So, I guess you two heard the news," she sighed. She dropped herself on the couch, leaning back as she opened the bottle next to Shunsui.
"I recommended it," Shunsui nodded with a hum. She glared at him as he held his hands up, "Hear me out. You can finish whatever business you have there or at least find closure. And I couldn't think of anyone better to tag along."
"You're not just tagging along," Jushiro defended quickly. She stared at the other man as she drank from the bottle and he laughed nervously, "You'll be participating in any fighting that's going on."
"Soi Fon agreed that you'd be the best fit even though she was against it," Shunsui added. "Use it to gain their trust."
"That's a bit sinister if you put it like that," Jushiro sighed.
"But I understand it," (Y/n) guzzled the bottle and set it on the table. "I guess that wasn't said at the meeting but the old man agrees. He personally told me to act as guide."
"No one else would be able to," Shunsui nodded.
"Then I need to plan out some sort of standard for the captains' to train up to," (Y/n) sighed.
"Do you think they'll follow through," Jushiro asked.
"That's why one of you will be presenting it," she replied. "And evaluating it. If I directly involved myself, they'd blow it off and fall the minute they started passing through Hueco Mundo's precipice world." The two blinked and looked to one another before nodding.
"We can do that," Jushiro nodded.

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