Chapter 30: Back to Base

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"What the fuck were you thinking!"

"Breaking into Vishkar headquarters? Aiding a civilian uprising? Causing millions in damage by taking a city bus for a joy ride? Do you know what you did?" You sit in silence as Morrison and Winston continue to grill you.

"We are suppose to be coming back better than what we were! They shut us down for a reason and you think this is the best way to gain the public's trust back?" 76 screams as you shift in your seat.

"I am trying to keep my cool," Winston says as he takes off his glasses, "but we have been getting more calls from more foreign nations than you can count! Egypt was able to overlook what you did there but I doubt Brazil is going to let this" He stops his sentence dead in his tracks.

"Winston?" The scientist collapses to the ground and begins to snore with Morrison following shortly behind.

"Follow me." You turn and see Captain Amari standing in the doorway, loading another sleep dart. "Unless you too would like to be sleeping with them." You quickly follow your captain out of the meeting room and down the hall. "It seems like they are mildly upset with the little stunt you pulled in Brazil."

"I would say that mildly is an understatement." You reply with a sigh. "Frankly I do not care. I got her back that is all that mattered."

"Yes, it is good that you were able to rescue her. Freeing the people and exposing a company that was taking advantage of a population is nice too."

"I suppose that is a benefit." You answer. "Vishkar will have a lot to answer for, but sadly I have a feeling that they will pop up again somewhere else."

"People like that always do, but right now they are not hurting anyone." Ana replies. The two of you walk silently as she leads you out of the building and through the base.

"I fucked up didn't I?" You ask when the two of you reach the overlook she was leading you to.

"Yes. You did." She responds. "But it was the right thing to do."


"Morrison is going to say that the only reason you took the measures is because of who you were going after, but we all know that you would have done that to save anybody." She answers. You stand silently, watching the sun set over the horizon.

"I don't know if I'm right to lead." You tell her with a deep sigh.

"What makes you think that? Everyone got out alive all that is going to have to be done is a little paper work."

"You don't think that it was hasty? That running in there head first with a make shift group of some of our guys and then what were basically freedom fighters? I could have led those people to their death." You respond.

"I have a feeling that they knew what they were getting into. Besides, I am sure some of them viewed death better than being under the thumb of Vishkar." She says back.

"What if it doesn't go well next time?" You ask. "What if someone dies? Lena. Genji. Brigitte. You. Me. What if I fuck it up so bad that"

"I don't know what you want me to say." She responds. "Everyone here knows the risks and what is on the line. Everyone knows that if we do not step up then it will be worse than one or two people dying."

"Fuck." You mumble, looking out over the ocean. "This does not get any easier as the years go on does it?"

"It does and it does not." She replies. "You want to get comfortable enough in combat that you do not fear too much, but if you get too comfortable then you or someone you are leading will get hurt or killed."

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