Chapter 25: Planning

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It has been a while hasn't it? Happy to be updating this story again and I hope to be more consistent with it. I have been getting back into OW too so that has helped a good deal too. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter and that I can get my footing back for this story. I have a good idea of where I want to take it, but now I just got to take it there. Thank you for supporting and I hope that you all are well. 

"Hey...hey (Y/N) wake up." You hear someone say as they jostle your shoulder. You slowly open your eyes, blinking away the sleep as you raise your head off of the workbench top.

"What time is it?" You grumble as you stretch your arms above your head. You eyes flash open with purpose. "Brigitte." Your muscle twitch and you start to push yourself up.

"Hey calm down big guy." You hear a British accent say. "Just calm down, alright." You turn and see Lena smiling at you.

"Hi Lena. Sorry...I"

"Nothing to be sorry about love." She says in her ever cheery tone. "Looks like you made some progress last night." You look down at the workbench at the project that you had been working on.

"I guess." You mumble as you rub the back of you neck, trying to work out the soreness from sleeping funny. "I hope it will work."

"What is it?" Genji asks as he stands behind you.

"A that will deflect hardlight...or well I hope it will deflect it." You sigh. "If not..."

"I'm sure it'll work love! It is you! When it comes to stuff like this, you are brilliant!"

"Is there anyway to test it out?""Genji asks.

"Unless we get our hands on some Vishkar tech...the only test is actually getting shot at." You reply.

"Just so happens that we do have some Vishkar tech." Lucio says as he skates into the room. "What do you want to shoot at it with."

"Beam...a hardlight beam." You answer.

"One death ray coming right up! Hey Tito! I am gonna need" He starts to yell as he skates back into the house.

"Shit better work." You mumble as you rub you face with your hands. "Her dad is going to fucking murder me...I am suppose to"

"Stop...both of you know the risks to this job. You sound just like her when you were in your coma." Tracer cuts you off. "I am sure she probably knocked a few guys out before they took her down. But love" She sits down on the workbench and looks down at you. "you need to keep your head on for this. They know what they were doing kidnapping her...they are expecting us to come after her."

"I know." You sigh. "Just need to get her back..."

"And we will...together." Genji says.

"Got the test gun!" Lucio calls as he skates back in. "Where do we want to do this? Outside?"

"Yeah that would be best." You answer as you stand up.

"Kind of...ancient isn't it?" Tracer says as you strap the shield to your arm.

"Ancient Greek thinker Archimedes allegedly used mirrors and the sun to burn down and entire Roman fleet...this is hopefully going to give us the same result." You reply as you tighten the buckle. "Well...time to see if it works." You follow Lena and Genji outside and find Lucio and Tito standing in the alley.

"You ready?" Lucio asks as you roll your shoulders.

"Can the two of you make sure no one comes down this way. I don't need someone getting hurt."

Each Other's Shield: Brigitte x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now